chapter eight

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hannah's p.o.v

I mumbled slightly, my head feeling uncomfortable. My hands traveled around the bed, searching for my pillow. The bed vibrated, my bed does not vibrate! My eyes snapped open as I quickly sat up. My head was rested on Louis' bare chest and to make it worse, I had dribbled all over him.

"Dribble on me and feel me up! Never knew you liked me so much!" Louis erupted into more laughter while I turned into a human tomato.

"Never speak of this again." I state, getting out of the bed and refusing to let him see the blush that had erupted onto my face.

"Hurry and use the shower, don't slip!" Louis hollered. I felt more embarrassment as I quickly shut the door.

"Shut up!" I shout, immediately switching on the shower to block out his voice.

His teasing caused my cheeks to heat up, I never knew he was so toned. He had a nice looking body as well. Damn Hannah, shut up. He has a girlfriend, I'm his fake one and you don't even like him! Do I? No.

louis' p.o.v

I chuckled, teasing her was so funny! The doorbell rang, Eleanor?! I ran towards the door, opening it to see the boys. My smile faltered slightly but I soon grinned again.

"Louis what the fück is that?" Niall asked pointing at my chest.

I looked down, my cheeks warming slightly. I quickly wiped the saliva off, smiling at Niall innocently.

"Where's Hannah?" Zayn asked.

"Getting ready, you know girls." I rolled my eyes, thinking about the shelves of cosmetics in that bathroom.

"So you and Eleanor," Harry nudges me, wiggling his eyebrows.

"We're going out." I nod.

"Does Hannah know?" Niall asked.

"I don't know, and I don't care." I reply with a smile, I like Eleanor not Hannah. Hannah has nothing to do with any of this, she was merely an acquaintance.

"Does Hannah know what?" Hannah asked coming in.

"That Louis' going out with El," Zayn tells her.

"Oh," she replied, her smile dropping before quickly smiling again, was she jealous?

hannah's p.o.v

To be quite honest, I was a bit jealous I guess. I'm his fake girlfriend and it's going to be so messed up! I smiled happily as I joined to the boys on the sofa. I sat next to Zayn as he wrapped an arm around me. The doorbell suddenly rang.

"I have to get changed!" Louis sprang up, running into our room. I giggled slightly, boys.

Zayn rose his eyebrows at me, I shrugged him off. Louis was funny, everybody can admit. Every one stated at me, a blush rose to my cheeks, I feel so uncomfortable under people's stares. I stood up, brushing my hands down my leggings and sorted my crop shirt- I hate you mum. I went over to the door, opening it and welcoming the cold gust of wind that had crept up the stairs.

Eleanor stood there, she was wearing leggings and a tank top. She smiled happily at me. She had pretty brown hair that was ombréd, I was quite jealous, she was so pretty, and me? I was some deformed avocado. Or potato, that's more normal...

"Hi!" She squealed, embracing me into a huge hug. Awkward..

"Hi," I smile politely as she sat down.

"Have you met before?" Liam asked, eyebrow raised.

"No," I say.

"Right," he said.

Louis then came in, wearing a plain black tshirt and jeans. He went over and sat by her, kissing her cheek. I felt anger burn though me, was I seriously jealous? No it must be because I don't want Louis to get hate. Not that I like him obviously. My parents will be angry, yeah that's why.

"Boys, Eleanor, Eleanor this is Liam. Niall, Harry and Zayn. Oh and Hannah," he grimaced at me.

"Hi boys, I'm delighted to see you," she smiled in her Manchester accent.

I scoffed slightly, everybody's attention on me.

"Hannah, can I talk to you for a few seconds," Louis gritted through his teeth.

"Sure," I smile, skipping to our room. I was acting like a bitčh, I knew it.

Once the door was slammed shut, Louis changed. He changed from that sweet and caring boy earlier to a red, furious one in a matter of seconds.

"What the fück is wrong with you?!" He shouted.

"Oh nothing, just acting normal." I smile.

"Well don't, she's my fücking girlfriend." He shouts, pacing towards me.

"Oh you want me go put up an act?!"

"Well you seem to everyday."

"What's that supposed to mean?!"

"This," he grabbed my arm, pulling the sleeve of my cardigan down. He rubbed of the foundation, causing a scar to appear.

"If you can live with hiding this, you can fücking act nice," he growled.

I felt weak, I felt naked. I felt myself wanting to die, for the ground to sink me up. I whimpered, pleading for him to let go. He let go and went back into the main room. It was like his arm was the only thing keeping me up, I fell onto the ground, tears spilling over my eyes in humiliation and sadness. Nobody has ever done that to me. Ever.


I really cba writing a long chapter, haha.

I wanted to end it here, so shush.

Loveyou all!

~ Chamrock Jack 🍀 Xox

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