Chapter 64 - You're Having A...

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Thankyou for getting MD 400k reads. My face is literally going to break from all this smiling. Thankyou.


Tears sprang to my eyes, a smile stretching across my face. The rhythmic beat went through the room. It wasn't an ordinary beating, no. It was peanut's heart. Louis' hand was in mine as my face almost broke with my smile.

"That's amazing." Louis muttered.

"It's beautiful!" I blubbered, watching the nurse wipe off the gel. She stopped the machine, causing me to frown.

"We'll print your ultrascan and we're good to go! The baby is fine, no worries, at all."

I sigh in relief.

"Do you want to know the gender?" The nurse asked.

"No." I reply, the same time Louis replied with a 'yes.'

"I'll let you discuss it while I get the pictures." She smiled.

"Why do you want to know the gender?" I ask him.

"Why don't you want to know the gender?" 

"Because I want a surprise!" I state.

"Well if I know if it's a girl or boy, we can think about the name and plan the room and get the clothes."

"Mmm, good point." 

"So shall we find out the gender?" 

"I don't know!" I exclaim.



"Do I want to know?" 


"Umm... Okay then." I giggle.

 "What's taking the nurse so bloody long." Louis frowned.

"Louis!" I exclaim.

"Sorry, she's taking almost years!" 

I roll my eyes, sitting up on the bed thing.

"I'm sorry guys, please hang on, the printer is playing up! So do you want to know the gender?"

"Yes." Louis and I reply with a smile, our hands intwining.

"Great! I think you can go home and we'll send the scans and I'll call you later on about the gender!"


"I'm so hungry. This is the shittest feeling ever." 

"Oh, Hannah, Louis! I got a jar to be used as the swear jar!"

"Oh fuck, you were serious?" 

"Yes!" Liam showed the small clear jar which probably used to contain jam or some shit like that.

"It's for peanut, just remember that."

"That jar isn't even big enough! I curse like a fucking sailor!"

"Louis!" I hiss, slapping his arm.

"You swear as much as me Hannah."

"Guys! Shut up! You can bater later! Lads!"

Everybody scrambled into the living room.

"Lads, this is the swear jar, every time you swear, a pound will be put in.

"You were serious?!" 

"That's what I said!"

"Do it for the baby!"

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