Chapter 75 - Reunited

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When out with my sisters I was constantly worrying about if Hannah was okay on her own. I was stressing out too much over this while my sisters looked at every item in the god damn shop.

"Louis look at this!" I pretend to look interested at the thing my sister was holding but all I was thinking about was Hannah.

"What's wrong with you?" Felicite asked.

"Nothing Fizzy, nothing."

"It's Hannah isn't it?"

I didn't reply, making her realise herself.

"I still don't think you should date her."

"Can we not talk about this in public?" I snap.

"Sorry Lou."

I smile, taking their stuff and going over to pay.

"I think we should start heading back now." I say, gesturing towards the many bags we had and the fact fans were going to spot us soon.

"Awh, can we come out again?" Daisy asked, looking up at me with a smile.

"Of course." I promise, leading us all to the car.

"Now let's all get home quickly, I have a pregnant girlfriend to attend to."

"Why didn't she come out?" Phoebe asked.

"Fizzy and Lottie don't like her."

"Why? She's pretty!"

"You won't understand." Lottie scoffed.

I rolled my eyes, starting to drive once they all had their seatbelts done. I decide to stop by McDonalds and we all ordered food for everybody, we soon got home, Eleanor and my mum was in a deep conversation.

"We have McDonalds!" I announce, everyone piled into the kitchen, all but Hannah.

"Dig in, but leave two meals for Hannah and I." I say, making sure most of my attention was diverted to Niall who shot back an innocent look.

"Wait! Lou."

"What?" I ask Harry.

"I didn't mean to make Hannah upset alright, I didn't think she would take it so badly."

"Explain to me later, it's fine." I wave off, going up the stairs two at a time.

I enter my room, expecting to see Hannah asleep but she was up, moving around my bedroom.

"What are you doing?" I ask her.

"Cleaning." she hummed, folding my last pair of boxers into my drawer.

"I got bored and it says online cleaning helps get your mind of things." she shrugged.

"Come here you." I chuckle, walking towards her with wide spread arms.

She hugs me tightly, her head snuggling into my chest.

"There's McDonalds downstairs." I smile, intertwining our fingers and making our way down. Hannah slipped slightly on the steps, giving me a cardiac arrest which she waved off. I made sure to kiss her sweetly on the lips before continuing our way down.

"Hannah! It feels like ages since we've spoken!" Liam exclaimed.

"Sorry," Hannah giggled, taking a seat beside Liam, me on the other side.

"Peanut is going to be out soon, I'm so excited!"

"Me too." Hannah smiled politely.

I grab the two bags of food left for us, placing it in front of Hannah. She smiled, mumbling a small thanks before opening the brown paper bag. I end up giving her half of my food which she took with a grin. Once finished, Hannah took all the rubbish, throwing it into the bin and washed her hands, she then quickly made her way back up to my room, I listened out for if she fell but she was alright.

"Well then.." Eleanor muttered once she left.

"Why does your girlfriend always hide?" Phoebe asked me from across the table.

"She's just... shy." I respond, throwing my things away.

"I'll go get her down and we can watch a movie." I tell my family once the boys went out or into their rooms, leaving me privacy with my family in the large house.

"Eleanor is watching the movie too isn't she?" Lottie asked, her arm looped around Eleanor's.

"Yeah." I nod, quickly going upstairs.


"Baby?" I get startled, looking over at him quickly.

"What you doing?" He asked, coming over and hugging me from behind. I smile at him through my relfection in front of me.

"Seeing how much peanut has grown." I tell him, my hand placed onto my stomach.

"Why do I feel like you're kind of lying." He asked, his head dipping down to kiss my neck.

"My wrists look ugly." I breath in, the sight of the bandages sickened me.

"Take them off, they would have healed by now-"

"No!" I shout, slapping his hands away.

"What's wrong?"

"They look gross, I saw my wrist yesterday and almost passed out."

"They couldn't have been that bad.."

"It was Louis."

"It will heal."

"They're too deep."

"If you regret it, why do it?"

"I didn't know what else to do. I was so confused, so lonely." I sigh, my eyes stinging. I promised myself I wouldn't cry.

"You should've called me before anything happened."

"You wouldn't tell me where you were!"

"I wasn't allowed too! There are boundaries in relationships."

"Well then I have boundaries. Between us two."

"What do you mean?"

"Don't cuddle with me, don't touch me, don't hug me, don't kiss me." I say, each stabbing me more and more.

"I have to."

"You don't have to, you want to."

"I need to, cuddling kills depression." I was surprised he remembered, it was really a true fact.

"So do the tablets." I shake him off, ignoring him as I made my way down. I was surprised no shouting was involved as I went to the kitchen and grabbed my pot of pills. I ignore his family sat at the living room as I got a glass of water, taking down the tablet. Louis passed me without a word, joining his family in the living room. I feel a tug at my trouser leg and I smile to see one of Louis' sisters. One of the twins.

"Hi! My name's Phoebe." She grinned up at me, showing her missing teeth.

"I'm Hannah!" I smile.

"Why are you taking adult medicine? It's yucky!"

"Well you need to take it if you're ill don't you?"

"Yeah... I guess. You're pretty."

"Awh, you're cute." I was glad someone in his family liked me.

"My big sisters don't like you but that's a secret." She put her finger in front of her lips.

"Nobody likes me."

"I like you."

"I like you too." I smile.

"Phoebe are you joining us?" Eleanor comes out, smiling sweetly at Phoebe. She smirked at me as her perfect hair flicked behind her as she walked back into the living room.

"Come join us." Phoebe beamed.

"I'm okay, I was just going up to tidy Louis' room for him." I lie, I cleaned it earlier.

"It's his room! He has to do it!" She grabs my hand, dragging me into the living room where all eyes were on me.

"Hannah is sitting next to me." She sits down onto a spare sofa, making me sit beside her.

"We're watching Enchanted." She grins, crossing her legs.

I nod at her, ignoring all the stares and gazing directly at the screen. My hands trail to peanut, stroking in small circles. He was coming so soon, so, so soon. I feel the stares again, I start to bite my nails, something I rarely did. By the time we got to the middle of the movie, my nails were nubs and I was biting my lip. I didn't want to look over at Eleanor cuddling up with Louis, I didn't want to see his mum who looked happy with Eleanor. I didn't want to see Felicite, Lottie and Daisy on the other sofa. Well 'Charlotte' I've been told only her friends can call her that.

Once the movie was over, I give Phoebe a quick hug before running up to the bathroom and emptying my small bladder. When ready, I make my way to Zayn's flat area, going into his spare room. I lay on the bed, this time the bed had no pillow or duvet! What is wrong with this house! Louis probably grabbed them for his family. I lay on the matress, staring up at the blank ceiling as peanut began his football training. After some internet surfing I found out peanut will kick when my blood pressure was slow and I was calm. I felt uncomfortable but dealt with it, soon falling asleep, I needed this nap if I was going to this concert.


I really wanted to go over and sit with Hannah, but Eleanor clung onto me like a wrench, restricting me from much movement. My mum just gleamed at us like we were actually a couple. Once the movie was over, Hannah gave Phoebe a quick hug then rushed upstairs. I sighed, I didn't get a hug. I wait until everybody was asleep before searching the house for where Hannah had settled. I soon find her, carrying her back to my room and placing her onto my bed. She grabbed my pillow, hugging it to her chest.

"I don't mean to." she mumbled, smacking her lips together.

"You don't mean to what?" I ask her.

"Nobody likes me"

"Baby, what are you talking about?"

"No, no don't. It's important!"

I watch her squirm in bed, sleep talking about nothing that made sense.

"I won't cry."

"Why would you cry?" I was so confused.

"It stings when you touch it."

"I regret it all."

I just realised she was reciting what she had been saying for the past few days, I was becoming intrigued. Harry had informed me earlier what happened between them, after me shouting and almost going apeshit on Harry, we made up and I soon went to find Hannah.

"I don't whine that much."


"I'm sorry Dani."

"Dani. I forgot."

"Dani don't hang up."

Had she called Danielle recently?

"Bye." she whispered until snores came out of her mouth once more.

I go to the bathroom, grabbing the first aid kit and taking out the bandage. I then go to Hannah's sleeping figuire and unwrap the bandage. I gasp at her arms, getting a wipe and dabbing the dry blood away, I then bandage it back up after leaving a kiss on her wrist.

"Mm." Hannah hummed, her arm moving and wacking me.

"Shit." She muttered after dropping the pillow.

She reaches around until she finds a fold in the duvet, cuddling with that.

"Smells.. just like you." she muttered, breathing in slowly.

I chuckle, giving myself a mental note to inform her she sleep talks. She suddenly moved again, holding the duvet tightly.

"Cuddles kill depression." she breathed.

I didn't know how to respond so I just continued getting ready for the concert later on.

"You hate me don't you?"

"Baby are you awake?" I whisper in confusion.

"Maybe that's the reason that you talk in your sleep..." I start to hum, changing into a pair of jeans.



My stomach lurches forwards from hunger pains as I hug the duvet closer to me.

Wait.. I didn't have a duvet.. or a pillow.

I wake up quickly, taking in my surroundings. I was in Louis' room. I got out of bed, slowly so I wouldn't trip like the clumsy person I was. I make my way to the bathroom, brushing my teeth and washing my face even though I brushed my teeth this morning, the nap felt long enough to stink up my breath. I then brush my hair and moisturised my face. I haven't bothered with makeup for the past few days as I felt ugly. I glanced at my makeup pouch before ignoring it completely. I make my way downstairs, my footsteps sounded like plodding. I was already getting tired.

I smile at Liam who was in the kitchen sipping from a mug of tea.

"Hi." I say, searching through the cabinets.

"Hey, what you looking for?"


"I'll make you pancakes?"


"Yeah, anything for the pregnant," he grins as I gave him a thank you hug. I then seat myself at the table, talking to him as he cooked.

"Oh! Hey Harry! Concert tonight" Liam calls, looking down the direction of where Harry was coming from.

"I need the toilet." I say abruptly, getting up quickly and making my way to the toilet.

"Wait! Hannah!" I stop, glancing back at him.

"We need to talk." He frowned.

"No thank you, I don't want to start complaining." I glare, going into the toilet and shutting the door.

When I left the toilet, I was thankful to see Harry wasn't there and a plate stacked with many pancakes were on the table for me.

"Do you not want any?" I ask Liam, if he made it he deserved one!

"I've already ate, now I'm off to the gym, see ya!" I wave as I begin to cut into my pancakes, alone.

You better get used to being alone cos this is exactly what your future looks like.

I'll have peanut.

Louis would take him, you're obviously not stable.

I fight back tears, shoving a forkful of pancake in my mouth. This tasted amazing. I hear footsteps but I ignore them, enjoying my breakfast.

"Hey Hannah."

"Hi Zayn." I smile.

"Where is everyone?" He asked.

"Louis' upstairs and Liam's at the gym, that's all I know of."

"Oh right, well I'm off to see Perrie, it's her only free day for a while so it must be worth it." He grinned happily at me before giving me a small hug. He then rushes off as I frown.

Why couldn't my relationship be that simple?

I hear the doorbell go off as my head goes up in confusion, who would come and visit the boys this late? I plod over to the door, opening the door a crack.


I quickly turn away, walking as fast as I could.

"No don't walk away."

"I'm so sorry for forgetting about you, I had so much going on and-"

"Shh, it's fine, I've been busy with dancing and things, wow .Look at you. You're pregnant!"

"It's not a good feeling." I mutter.

"Did you know the 5 Seconds of Summer boys are in the flat below!" she squealed.

"They're still here?" I ask.


"I don't like them." I comment.

"Why? What's wrong, no offence you look really down."

"Everything is a mess."

"How about we go up to your room and talk about it?"

"I don't have a room."

"Where do you sleep?"

"Spare rooms scattered around."

"I am going to have a talk with Mr Tomlinson right this minute!"

"No, his family are here."

"Oh? They're lovely aren't they." She beams.

"Y-yeah." I stutter. Just not to me.

"Wanna go out, we can get a meal together?"

"I can't, I don't want to be seen."

"Oh? What happened to your arms! Are you okay?"

"I got really depressed." I look down in regret.

"Awh." She hugs me tightly, letting me bury my face into her perfect hair.

"We need to go out, you can't be trapped here with boys all the time."

"I want to leave, I don't even want to live." I laugh.

"Awh, don't be like that. How old is the baby?"

"Five months."

"Golly gosh! Four months to go!"

"I don't want to see him, I've given him depression through inheritance, everything is terrible."

"Well you need to recover the then the little one will, c'mon let's go out."

"You need to tell Louis." I whimpered, shutting my eyes tightly.

"Okay, be right back" She stands gracefully, making her way up the stairs. I admired her figuire and wished mine looked half as good as hers.

I hear shouting upstairs until both Louis and Danielle come down.

"Hannah you're not going out! It's too dangerous!"

"Stop being so overprotective and let her have some freedom!"

"She could get hurt!"

"We'll meet you at the concert tonight, I'll drop her off."

"I swear Dani, a single scratch on her and I will-"

"I get it." Danielle rolled her eyes, grabbing her jacket she literally just took off.

"I'll see you later." Louis kisses my temple before giving me a small but tight hug.

"Stay safe and don't forget to ring me if you need something, and Dani make sure she eats quite a bit, she may say she's full but she isn't and-"

"I get it, I'll see you later." I kiss his lips lightly before following Danielle out.

"I thought he would never go away!" She giggled as she started her car.

We spent the whole car journey talking about everything, she told me the truth about Eleanor.

"She's telling everyone she got kicked out when she chose to leave the house! She just wanted to meddle with you and Louis the way you apparently messed up their relationship!"

"But I didn't mean to!"

"I know, don't think about it too much." Danielle reassured with a smile.

"She took over my room, she's friends with Louis' family oh god."

"Don't worry, were here. C'mon lets get something to eat!"

"It it obvious?" I ask, gesturing to peanut.

"Not really, it looks smaller then an average five month pregnant person..."

"It's cos I'm quite small! And I didn't eat enough food!"

"Well I have to feed you loads! Louis' orders!"

"He's so annoying!"

"Awh! It's cute!"

"I guess, but he's really bipolar!"

"He is." She nodded.

"I'm so sorry for forgetting about you! I didn't mean to!" I suddenly frown as we entered the warm cafe.

"It's fine really! It's my fault also for not calling!"

"Do you want to go shopping with me after this?" I grin.

"Sure." She giggled, looking through the menu.

"How come you wear such baggy shirts?" She asked, referring to my oversized maternity shirt

"Louis' tshirts were too small."

"He is quite skinny isn't he?"

"Yes!" I admit.

Our food soon came and we ate in a comfortable silence. Danielle made sure I ordered a large portion of the homemade chips causing me to glare at her which only caused her to laugh.

"Be right back, toilet!" I say quickly, rushing out my seat. Peanut took a lot of my bladder space. I rushed to the toilet quickly.


"Where's Hannah?" Daisy asked, tugging at my shirt.

"Yeah! I wanted to play!" Phoebe whined.

"You can play with me?" Eleanor suggested, twirling a piece of hair around her finger.

"But I wanted to play with Hannah..."

"Girls! Don't be rude and play with Eleanor!" My mum scolds.

"Come on girls." Eleanor giggles, walking off with the twins.

"Louis thanks for getting me new makeup! This is like really expensive!" Lottie thanked me with a tight hug.

"Anything for my sisters." I smile, hugging her back. I grab my phone, dialling Danielle's number.

"Hello?" Her soft voice answers.

"Is she okay?" I ask, my foot tapping quickly.

"She's fine!"

"Put her on the phone, she won't answer hers."

"She's on the toilet, stop worrying so much!"

"I'm not!"

"Then stop calling! Stop texting! Leave her alone!"

"Tell her I love her and I'll see her later." I grumble, ending the call.

"Who's that?" Felicity asked.

"Danielle." I reply flatly, taking a bite from the apple I was eating.


"Where is she?!"

"Louis, calm down!" Niall laughed, causing me to glare at him.

"She's three minutes late! Dani said she'll be here by now!"

"Dani?" Liam and Sophia say in unison, oh shit.

"Yeah, Hannah and her are best friends remember?"

"Dani's my best friend." Eleanor huffed.

"We're here!" Danielle sang, arms out. Her tan arms were covered with bags, as well as Hannah's.

"Baby! You're late." I say, engulfing her into a hug and kissing her nose.

"Traffic." She giggled.

"What have you bought?"

"I told Dani I wanted to go shopping, like when we shop we buy about three items but Dani here brought me into every shop and bought me loads of clothes! A range of maternity and normal ones! I told her I didn't want to! She bought me nail varnish and loads of others!"

"I gave you money to treat her, not spoil her!" I laugh at Danielle.

"You gave her money?" Hannah gaped.


"Shows nearly starting! I Loveyou!" He ran off with the boys, causing me to turn to Danielle.

"I promised I wouldn't say anything!" Danielle giggled as I pouted.

"C'mon girls! We need to find our seats!" I watch Sophia, Eleanor and Louis' family go off as I try to pretend to look at something else.

"Sit with me." I frown, plopping down onto the sofa.

"Phew, I'm tired." Danielle huffed.

"I think I've done my yearly shopping!" I gasp.

"They're singing." Danielle points as I watch them from backstage.

They sing many songs while prancing around, causing me to laugh at how foolish they looked. They then had short breaks, talking about randomness.

"Guys! It's my girlfriend, Hannah's, birthday tomorrow, and I want you all to tweet her and spam her! We should also sing happy birthday now as she's backstage!"

"Bloody hell!" I groan in annoyance as Danielle laughed.

"I see you're both back on good terms." Lou giggled.

"Is Lux here?" I ask her, I missed her.

"No, she's home sleeping. Next time." She promised as I nod.

They start to sing happy birthday as I whine in discomfort, I hated celebrating my birthday, this was pointless.


"You absolute dick!" I shout once Louis had finished the show.

"It's was cute!" Danielle slapped my arm in a playful manner.

"It was embarrassing!" I snap.

"Encore anyone?" Louis grinned.

"I will cut off your balls in your sleep!" I growl.

"You wouldn't." Louis smiled, seating next to me.

"Go shower, you smell."

"Shower with me."

"Guys!" Liam exclaimed.

"Well I'm off! I'll call you tomorrow." Danielle promised, hugging me tightly before walking off with her bags.

"She hasn't changed at all." Liam muttered once she left.

"Hannah! Why didn't you sit with us!" Daisy asked once we were in the car.

"I stayed backstage, it's too loud for me."

"I didn't know it was your birthday tomorrow!"

"Well my parents never celebrated it with me..."

"Why " they gasp like it was the worst possible thing.

"Because she was a naughty child!" Jay snapped.

"Mum!" Louis exclaimed, his eyes still on the road.

"I'm only stating the truth, maybe if she was good she would've gotten a present but obviously she wasn-"

"Shut up!" I shout, hands pressed onto my ears. She was triggering them, the demons in my mind.

"You're also very rude! No wonder-"

No wonder nobody likes you.

You're ruining relationships.

Louis doesn't want you.

He's only there because you're carrying his baby.

Once peanut is born, Eleanor and Louis will start a family without you.

You stupid girl.

Who would want a mum who has scars?

Who would want a mum who cried over pathetic things?



"Stop it!" I shout, shaking my head.

"Baby, it's okay." Louis soothed, his hand on my thigh.

"She's mental." I hear Jay which sent me off crying like a child.

"Mummy you made her upset!" I hear Daisy.

Once Louis parked, I quickly got out the car, stumbling quickly into the flat. I run up the stairs instead of taking the lift, my vision blurry. I am soon tired, I was a floor underneath ours. It's was the Aussie boys wasn't it? I knock on the door, my breath uneven. A shirtless Michael opens the door.

"Aren't you Louis' girlfriend! The sassy one?"

"Please can I stay the night, just one night and I'll be gone." I breathe quickly in and out, lower abdomen pain made my body lurch.

"As you okay?" He asked.

"I'm exhausted." I puff out, suddenly collapsing onto him.

"Boys! Little help!" I hear shouts and my body being moved, these boys were nowhere near as strong as one direction.

I'm soon lifted ono something soft and I cuddle into the duvet. I hear someone speaking, probably on the phone.

"Yeah, she's here, don't worry. Yeah if you want. Okay bye"

After a few more minutes I hear his voice, "baby, I'm sorry about my mum. I guess that's where I get my sass? I'm sorry baby girl. I love you." Louis gets onto the bed I was in, positioning himself behind my and spooning me.

"Sweet dreams baby."


Long chapter :O

I swear, I really don't like to shout at some of you's on each authors note but STOP TELLING ME TO UPDATE.

it's not like I'm going to suddenly stop writing?!

Question! What do you want more of in this story?

Go tweet me random questions wattpad related or not!! @/chamrock_jack I will update quicker!!

Vote comment whatever bye(:

Loveyou all!

~ Chamrock Jack 🍀 Xox

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