Chapter 39 - Break Downs

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"Your idea of going out for breakfast is Harry's place?" I giggle at him.

"Well we are still in our pyjamas, plus Harry's an amazing cook."

"He better be." I laugh.

"Shit, when do all your mood swings and cravings come in? Fuck!"

"Ask the doctor, I have no idea." I reply with a shrug.

"Fuck, I don't want to be here for your cravings and mood swings." He joked, causing me to slap him.

"You sure you haven't started your mood swings?" Louis teased.

"You have mood swings, I just have love problems." I huff.


"Louis! Hannah?!"

"Hey, you making breakfast? Hannah here burnt our breakfast to soot so we were wondeirng if we could have breakfast here?"

"Burnt the breakfast? Smooth." Harry laughed, letting us enter. Harry was still in boxers whilst Louis was wearing grey baggy joggings and a thick grey jumper. He also had a grey beanie on; how colour coordinating. I was wearing plaid bottoms and a hoddie, the usuals.

"Harry put a shirt on." I tell him, punching his shoulder in a friendly gesture.

"Why? Don't like what you see?

"Back off my girl." Louis growled in a joking manner.

"My girl." It sounded so beautiful to leave Louis' lips.

"Calm down!" Harry joked.

"Mine," Louis wrapped an arm around me, pulling me into his side. 

We all eat loads, we were all chilling in the living room. This place was huge! Where were all the boys? I heard they had four flats connected into a big house, they can unlock another part only when Louis moves in.

If he moves in.

My subconsious tells me. I shrug it off, smiling and pretending I knew what they were talking about, some shitty band stuff.

"So Hannah, I heard your flight was tonight?" Louis slapped Harry as Harry winced in pain.

"Yeah, why?" I ask, looking at their weird exchanging glances.

"Well, Louis is pla-" Louis' hand clamped on Harry's mouth, shutting him up immediately.

"I'm doing nothing, ignore him." Louis smiles.

"O-kay..." I say unsure.

Louis swapped sofas, sitting next to me. I rest my head on his shoulder as he plays with my fingers.

"What the fuck is that?!" He hissed, my sleeve being pulled up.

I snatch my arm back to myself, glaring at him.

"None of your business," I whisper.

"Guys, still in the room." Harry mused.

"We're leaving anyways." Louis stands up, grabbing my wrist. Yeah, my wrist. 

"No we're not?" I frown. Zayn suddenly comes into the room, wearing only boxers, why can't boys wear clothes to  bed?

"Let's go!" I say quickly, not wanting to be in the same room as Zayn for too long.

I ignore Louis throughout the whole car journey whilst he continued annoying me with my personal life. 

"Talk to me." He snapped once we were in the flat.



"What?!" I was not in the mood.

"Why do you have fucking scars on your wrist?!"

"Why do you have to know every fucking detail of my life?!"

"Cos I'm your boyfriend! That's what I'm supposed to do!"

"Well what were you and Harry talking about?" 


"This is why this relationship can't work! You know my shit why can't I know yours!"

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