Chapter 120

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Hannah's P.O.V

"I just don't think we can handle looking after her all the time, seeming as we have a job and all."

"Just because I'm on a break doesn't mean I want to babysit an adult."

"She looked after you when you got drunk every night."

"She can't drink anymore anyways, she has no money."

"She could easily take money-"

"She wouldn't"

I knew it was rude to listen into conversations but hearing my own best friends and my ex boyfriend talk about me like I was a mental patient hurt me, the tears streamed down my cheeks as I pressed my ear tightly to the wall. I am stopped when I feel tugging on my jumper, Dalton looking up at me with tears collecting along his waterline.

"Mumma play. Please"

"Only because you said please." I tease, tickling under his chin. My smile hurt my cheeks as my vision blurred. My breath smelt of mouthwash and my heart was filled with guilt. (Hannah you have to tell somebody-- Later.) I hastily wipe away my tears before I take his small hand as we seat in front of his car garage, that Louis must have gotten him, his small hands  reaching towards a red car, handing over a black car to me as he let it roll down the ramps.

After an hour of playing around with cars and telling Dalton that he was a big boy and big boys don't bite cars I brought him down for food, letting him seat in the high chair whilst I prepared food for everyone else in the house. I take off my bracelet, placing it on the table whilst I boiled potatoes, afraid it would get caught on something and break. The small sounds of Dalton's anklet banging on the high chair makes me smile as I throw in carrots, deciding on making a vegetable stew. I set the table, placing down Louis and Avery's food before setting down Jace and Dylan's place. Everyone enters when I'm feeding Dalton, the tension almost palpable in the air. I quickly feed the rest to Dalton, finishing the last two potatoes he didn't want before giving him a sippy cup full of juice, pressing a kiss to his head and leaving the room, not wanting to bare the awkwardness any longer. I hear the laughter and the talking once I'm not there, it was like a couple's evening. Nothing could be more perfect.

I sit comfortably in the living room, biting at my nails as I heard the happiness going on in the other room. If they forget I exist they won't have to babysit me... Why am I still here?

When I hear footsteps I'm quick to scurry to my feet, fixing the throw cushions and heading out the room, making it look like I was never there. I make my way back into the kitchen, cleaning the dishes that were empty, and putting them away and frowning when seeing Dalton in his high chair, tears and snot running down his face.

"Hey buddy, why are you still here?" He whimpers, making grabby hands towards me. I use his bib to wipe away the snot and tears before taking it off and placing it on the high chair table and lifting him out the high chair. He wraps his arms around me, feebly crying into my neck.

"Let's go get your lion toy and we'll go for a cuddle and a nap okay?"


I lay him next to me, making sure he was warm before letting my eyes shut, wanting to fall asleep and forget about all the pain.

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