chapter six

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louis' p.o.v

@Louis_Tomlinson: proud to say @HannahQuirkkx is my girlfriend! Guys follow her :)

@HannahQuirkkx: Follow @Louis_Tomlinson ! Proud to call him my boyfriend!

"What the fùck!" I say to Zayn, getting annoyed with him by the minute.

"We have to make this relationship more real! Now go with the flow guys!" Niall clapped.

"Do you have any food?" Niall asked.

"Check the kitchen." I sighed knowing we were going to have some food loss now.

Niall jumped, quickly running into the kitchen. Hannah giggled, covering her mouth silently. We all talked a bit longer until the boys said they had to leave, Hannah and I hugged and said a good farewell to the boys then we shut the door. They promised they would be back in the morning just before the door slammed shut.

"More hate for me," Hannah sighed, mostly to herself.

"I'd get hate too," I tell her, walking to the kitchen and seeing the damage Niall caused.

"But I'll get like five times more, people would rather shout at me for getting picked by you than girls telling you I'm a bad idea."

"Yeah, I know." I say, going through the cupboards.

"What are you doing?!" Hannah asked, watching me with an amused look.

"Seeing how many things Niall took, I might have to go shopping tomorrow, as I get your car." I smile.

"I so regret that.." Hannah sighed.

"So you'd rather be naked then giving me driving your car?" I asked grinning.

"No! I just don't like people touching my car, especially you." She had an annoyed look on her face, like she was ready to slap me.

"I'm going to bed," Hannah states, running over to the bathroom.

About half an hour later we were both in bed, arguing over the duvet. It was tugged and tugged until we both had the right amount. Soon Hannah was asleep, she fell asleep so quickly. She managed to kick me in her sleep. Causing me to kick her back. I must've kicked too hard as she was really light and skinny. She fell towards the ground, making a small thump. She woke up almost instantly sitting up and inspecting the damage.

"Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow!" She kept repeating, her arm tightly on her wrist.

I went round and crouched by her, tears were threatening to fall.

"Are you okay?" I ask.

"Fück off Louis! This was probably your fault!" She shouts, tightly holding onto her wrist.

"I'm sorry okay? Lemme see.." I say trying to reach towards her wrist.

She winced back, glaring at me. I switch on the light, causing us both to squint until we were used to it. I went over to her and attempted to grab her wrist, again she winced back.

"Hannah just let me see!" I shout, hugging her from behind then grabbing her wrist.

I pulled back her sleeve to see blood seeping out from a cut, also many scars underneath the blood. I still remembered that she self harmed. I dragged her towards the kitchen, avoiding her protests. I grabbed the first aid box I found after Niall had left our kitchen. I sat her down while I cleaned the cut out for her. She winced and cursed when I used the alcohol. She managed not to cry, something I probably wouldn't been able to mange if the positions were swapped. I tightly tied a bandage around it, some scars still on display. I stroked them tenderly, looking into her eyes.

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