Chapter 72 - Mood Swings

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I wake up frantically, breathing quickly as my eyes scanned the room. I sit up alert, looking around at the dark room. 

"Baby, go to sleep." Louis muttered from beside me.

I lie down once again, cuddling into Louis' side, his arm wrapped around me, pulling me in closer.

"Louis, he keeps kicking." I whisper, trying to sleep.

"Maybe he wants you to sleep too, go to sleep, it's too early."

"Sorry." I mutter, shutting my eyes tightly and ignoring the kicks of my future footballer.


"Baby, wake up." 


"You need to eat." 

"I'm fine."

"No you're not. You need to go back to eating more food." 

"I'm okay."

"Peanut will be hungry. Wake up." 

I lazily sit up, getting out of bed with Louis' help. I brush my teeth, go to the toilet and then change. I change into a random maternity shirt and joggers, not caring I looked gross or they didn't match. I went downstairs, Louis watching my every move causing me to roll my eyes. When we were down, the boys were sat at the table waiting, with Eleanor. She gave me a sickly smile which made me want to throw up. I had the choice to either let Louis sit next to Eleanor or I would. 

I chose to let Louis sit next to Eleanor, like a trust of faith thing? I was testing him. I sat between Harry and Louis, smiling at them both. We all dug into breakfast which was like a mini buffet. It was heaven. I tried not to eat too much, afraid I had to go back to rationing food, I couldn't take all this for granted.

"Why are you eating so littlle?" Louis asked. Damn.

"I'm not that hungry." I lie.

He gave me a look before taking my plate and filling it with food for me.

"Louis stop, Louis!" 

Harry sniggered beside me as I elbowed him in annoyance.

"Can't waste it can you." Louis grinned, he knew I hated when people left food on their plate. 

I sighed, picking up my fork again and glaring at him.

"Wait, are you really fat or pregnant?" Eleanor asked. I glared.

"Are you wearing tons of makeup or are you actually pretty?" 

The boys hide their laughs.

"What's with the baggy clothes."

"What's with the tight clothes?"

"What's with you and always crying."

"I'm hormonal."

"No, you're mentally crazy. What's with the bandages."

I glare at her, trying not to let her words get to me. I'm not mentally crazy. She smirked, eyeing the bandages tightly wound on my wrists.

"Take them off, your wrist would have been healed by now."

"They aren't. They're not healed."

"Why don't you show the boys, or tell the boys what you've done, who you're harming through inheritence." 

I take a glance at Louis' guilty face.

"You told her didn't you?"

"Well, I didn't think-"

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