Chapter 89 - Dalton

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"Not now Hannah!"


"Baby, please I'm talking."

"My water broke!" I yell, causing him to finally turn round.

"Obviously you don't care so let's postpone this shall we? Peanut when do you want to come?" I ask my bump, laying there on the wet portion of the sofa.

"Hannah!" Louis shouts, lifting me up and helping me change trousers, he then brought me to the car, grabbing the hospital bag as well.


We were soon in the hospital, Louis screaming bloody murder, I was surprisingly calm, except for my random screams of pain due to the contractions I was receiving. I was surprised we got here alive, the snow on the roads and traffic jams didn't stop Louis. I was soon brought onto a bed, nurses surrounding me. I then had to strip and change into a papery and crinkly gown.

"Mr Tomlinson, you have to stay here."

"No! That's my girlfriend!"

Louis is soon beside me, holding tightly onto my hand. I look up at him, tears beginning to fall.

"Baby, why are you crying?" He asked.

"I'm not ready, can't we postpone?"

"Don't be silly." He chuckled, wiping the tears but more came.

"He's a week early!" It was nearly the end of December, 30th to be exact.

"It's okay baby, he won't be harmed."
"But the vitamins didn't take their full effect! He'll be smaller!"

My breathing was erratic, I was squeezing harder on Louis. He began to apologise for being a dick from earlier but I wasn't having it.

"I forgive you okay! Just take away the pain!"

"You heard her! Get rid of it!"Louis snapped at the doctor.

We were brought into a room, two nurses stood waiting for the doctors command.

"Do whatever is comfortable for you, we just need to wait." he smiled warmly.

"Wait? I am not waiting and watching her be in pain! Now let peanut out now!" Louis snapped.

"How far apart are you contractions?" He ignored Louis, questioning me with a clipboard in hand.

"Five to ten minutes." I pant, breathing heavily.

"I need to examine you." He puts on rubber gloves, spreading my legs.

Louis shouts, causing him to stop.

"Can we have a female please!"

"Louis! Shut up!" I mutter, attempting to slap him.

He grumbled a few profanities, making his way back to hold my hand. He told me how many centimetres I was dilated and that I had to wait.



After many hours of labour, and breathing through a mouth piece, the doctor finally spoke.

"You're 10cm dilated, you're ready to have your baby."

I sigh in relief, holding Hannah's hand tightly.

"You're doing so well baby." I tell her as she clenched tighter onto me.

"Okay, Hannah when you feel the pressure building up, you have to push."

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