Chapter 118

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Jace's P.O.V

Dylan and I glance at one another as she screamed once more, gasps of air taken in as she sobbed loudly. We couldn't do anything to help her but invite her for cuddles, but she refuses, sticking to the guest bed where she tossed and cried all night. Morning came too soon and we were both lucky to have the day off. When we hear silence we decide on sleeping till noon, embracing one another as we slept blissfully, catching onto the needed sleep we both craved.  When we finally awoke, the smell of eggs invade my senses and we make our way down to see fresh scrambled eggs cooked for us.

"I made brunch!" Hannah slurred happily, one hand holding a spatular and the other a bottle of vodka. She was fully clothed, hair plaited to one side with a few wisps framing her make-upped face. Obviously she had been up way earlier than the both of us seeming as she had gotten ready and made breakfast.

"Hannah, it's one in the afternoon, why the hełl are you drinking?" Dylan sighed, a frown appearing on his face.

"It's a happy day to feel happy!" She rejoiced, waving the spatula into the air, a fleck of egg flying off into a different location.

"Who came first, the chicken or the egg, huh?" Hannah giggled, skipping over to the cutlery drawer and setting the table.

"I hope it was the egg, I don't know. I can't eat chicken. I'm a veggie."

"I'm going to go get changed and stuff, you keep an eye on Hannah then we'll swap?" I tell Dylan before making my way upstairs quickly to get ready.

Once we were both finished and eating breakfast at the table, Hannah grinned happily at us whilst we ate, both of us finishing our food and watching Hannah. She claimed to have already eaten before downing another gulp of alcohol. Dylan tried to snatch the bottle away but she easily hugged it to her chest with a pout.

"Let's do something today, yeah? Our day off and all."

"I wanna cook more!" Hannah pouts grabbing the spatula that was in the sink.

"But nobody's hungry enough for more food Hannah, let's go out shopping or something, surely you need more make up or something?"

"Let's go cook for Louis!" Hannah exclaimed with a jump, Dylan and I glancing at one another warily.

"I'll drive!" She runs before knocking into the wall, falling onto her backside.

"Woah did I just transport?" She burst into a fit of giggles before picking herself up and making her way outside.

"I'll drive." I tell her, taking the keys out of her small hands before unlocking the car.

"Shotgun!" Hannah squealed, running towards the door.

"Oh my god." Dylan laughed, shaking his head.

Throughout the short car journey to Louis', Hannah sang loudly out of tune whilst finishing the rest of the bottle, frowning when there was no more of the contents.

"Louis will have some." She muttered to herself, fingers tapping on her thighs.

"Louis! You so smol! And your hair like a hedgehog aw, gimme a hug!" Louis glances over at us in confusion as Hannah throws her arms around him, her ear resting onto his chest as his chin rests on her head. This emphasised how tiny Hannah actually was.

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