Chapter 58 - Mouth Sex

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Hannah's P.O.V

"Three am date, I don't know what's worse. The fact it was at three in the morning or it was at McDonald's!" The brunette girl on TV said, her bangles moving about on her slim arm, grasping the mic tightly.

"Or maybe I had midnight cravings!" I shout at the TV, glaring at the girl. The TV went black as I diverted my glare to Liam.

"You're not allowed stress,"

"You're not Louis, fúck off. I glare as he gets up and leaves.

"I wasn't even stressing over it!" I say, following after him.

"Where is Louis?" He asks.

"Sleeping, he was tired last night so..."

"Did you have sêx?!"

"No! When he drove to McDonald's!" I punch his arm, sitting down at the kitchen table.

"Did I hear sęx? I'm here." Harry announced, entering the room.

"When are we having breakfast!" I groan.

The boys started this new thing where they would all eat breakfast together, it's stupid really.

"We need to wait for Louis and Zayn to get up, Niall's up and changing.

"Fūck it." I grumble, heaving myself upstairs to Louis' room.

"Get the fūck up!" I snap, ripping the covers off of him and throwing them on the floor.

"Fùck! Hannah!" Louis shouts.

"Please get up, I'm hungry." I whine. He finally agreed as I went to wake up Zayn.

"Zayn?" I whisper, slowly creeping into the room. I repeated his name slowly getting louder.

"Zayn!" I shout.

"Zayn, if you don't get up, I swear to god."

I went over and started shaking his body, I then grabbed the duvet and threw it on the floor. I then grabbed his pillow from under him, hitting his face.

"The fück?!" Zayn grumbled as I smiled in success.

"Get your ass downstairs now." I command, leaving.

When downstairs, Louis was already sat down, Harry was cooking. I sit down, a few minutes later Zayn came stomping down, grumbling profanities under his breath.

"Hannah, what did you do?" Niall laughed loudly, pointing at Zayn.

"Fucking woke me up at the crack of dawn!" Zayn snapped, sitting down by pulling the chair out roughly.

"I'm hungry." I respond, Peanut deciding to back me up with a loud grumble.

"She has a fair point mate." Louis states.

"Just cos you're a thing!" Zayn retorted.

"Guys, shut up. Food is ready, I have pancakes!" Harry smiled, serving everybody two plancakes and putting bottles of different sauces and toppings.

"This is mouth sex!" I moan, eating the pancake. I look up to see everybody staring at me, my eyes widen as I feel my cheeks heat.

"I'm pregnant!" I snap, continuing to eat my food.

"Only you..." Harry laughed as I glared at him.


"I want to go out!" I groan at Louis.

We weren't allowed out because the paparazzi and the fans. Overprotective much.

"You'll get injured!" Louis scolds for the hundreth time.

"I won't! I'll just quickly walk through every one!" I tell him my plan of action.

"So if somebody grabbed onto your hair you would keep walking?"

"No, I'd slap the silly bitch!"

"Exactly why you can't go out!"









"But then-"

"I swear to god Hannah, finish that sentence." Louis said in a monotone.

"But then I'll be bored to death with you because you're-"

Louis' lips smashed onto mine before I could finish, I push him away.

"Becauser you're-"

He does the same, his lips finding mine.

"Louis!" I screech.

"I love you baby," Louis grinned.

"Boys!" I shout.

"What?" Niall asked.

"Punch Louis for me, as hard as you can." I huff, sitting down on the sofa.

"He'll batter me!" Niall cowered away.

"Wimp." I mutter, crossing my arms.

"Babe, you know how muscular I am." Louis boasted more by flexing his arm.

"Don't call me babe!" I snap.

"You know I love that name, babe. It's so you." Louis chuckled.

"Leave me alone."


"I'm pregnant."

"Just wait until you're not pregnant, then you won't have an excuse!"

"Period." I smile.

"Damn you. Why did I pick a smart one." he teased, ruffling my hair.

"I'm on some sort of house arrest. I feel suffocated." I squeak.

"Baby, when you need space, tell me." Louis hugged me, kissing my forehead.

"I need it now. I just want to see my little baby now Louis." I whine, leaning into him.

"If Peanut comes out now, the baby would be too weak."

"But I don't want to wait." I sigh.

"Baby, you'll be fine." Louis sighed, laying down so I was on his chest.

"You're not the pregnant one!"

"Babe, calm down."

"Stop calling me that!"


"This is driving me crazy!"


"I can't deal with this!" I stammer, tears starting to form.

"Shh, baby." Louis sat up immediately, cradling me in his arms.


I cradle my baby girl in my arms, rocking her slightly as she cried quietly. I chose not to say anything as I didn't want her to get mad.

"I love you." I finally say.

I don't get response as I soon find out she had fallen asleep.



Sorry it's late, I've been revising a lot lately.


Keek - ChamrockJack
Twitter - chamrock_jack
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Also, I post tumblr links on my message board, I hope you read them.


Go read PFE please, I just need some feedback.


Loveyou all!

~ Chamrock Jack Xox

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