Chapter 91 - Shower Gel

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"Dally!" I squeal as he splashed water up. He was now two months old, moving and kicking around. I hold his back tightly, knowing fully well that he couldn't sit up by himself. Louis watched on, helping me clean Dalton.

Louis and I were still just friends, most talking was to do with Dalton, I didn't spend much time in the house from working and hanging out with new and old friends in my new/old car which I received from my birthday. Zayn's birthday was a blast! And Harry's surprise party was actually tonight... At our house.

It was supposed to be at Liam's but he thought that it would be easier for it to be at Louis'. Or maybe the boys all felt bad that I was home alone for a lot of the time, who knows. I was currently feeding Dalton who was trying to grab my hair.

"No Dally, you grab your lion." I tell him after burping him, handing over his small lion toy which he gladly brought to his mouth. I laugh, holding him so he was sat leaning against the sofa.

"Hannah, the boys are coming soon." Louis tells me. I nod, continuing to play with Dalton.

"Are you not getting changed?" He asked, eyeing my attire of joggings and one of Louis' old shirts.

"No, when the guests arrive I'll be upstairs with Dally." I sang his name like it was a small tune, causing my lips to tug upwards. I make sure to nuzzle my nose against his, making him acknowledge his own name. He reciprocated, his lips turning upwards.

"Well, I was hoping Dally could stay down and party with us, so you would want to as well?"

"Is there alcohol?" I ask.


"Then we aren't going to be downstairs."

"Hannah!" He whined, sending me melting, he hasn't said my name like that since-

"Hannah are you okay?"

"I'm fine, I'm fine." I repeat quickly, waving him off.

He takes in a deep breath before walking off, I just continued playing with Dalton, him being my only little joy in this lonely world... Dalton began waving his small lion toy around before sticking it back into his mouth. I giggle, moving him from leaning on the sofa to on my lap. I start to kiss him on the head, then his face, and soon everywhere. I watch his lips raise, causing me to grin.

"You're a little good boy aren't you!" I coo.

"He's smiling again." Louis grinned, coming in to kiss Dalton on the forehead, something he used to do to me...

"You're a cute one, aren't you baby?" He tickles Dalton.




That was my name. I stand up, placing Dalton gently into his little baby seat which helped him sit up. I then quickly rush out, not wanting Louis to see me. It wasn't supposed to bother me, it was normal for a father to call his child baby, but it was too soon. I run into my room, jumping onto the bed. I bury myself into the duvet, letting tears prick my eyes but I refuse to let them fall.

"Hannah, are you alright?" I take a peek over to see Dalton held in Louis' arm as he came closer to me.

"I'm okay." I tell him, hopefully he'll get the message and leave me alone.

"Dally, mummy's lying." I haven't heard him refer to me in a while.

Dalton was soon placed on my bed, causing him to wiggle in discomfort. He lay there on his stomach, wiggling to move. He gurgled, spitting out saliva onto my bed.

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