Chapter 50 - Deleted From Life

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Louis' P.O.V

I couldn't get her face out of my head. That fücking innocent face. Moisture dripping down her cheeks as she screamed at me then fled. My poor baby girl. I broke my promise, I told her no matter what happened I would be there for her and look what I did. I fücking crushed the relationship. I wasn't in the mood for everything, her face haunted me, her upset face. The one she had that shattered me into tiny shards. What did I do?  I had to admit, out of all the stupid things I did in life, that had to be worse. She was out there, my poor fragile girl. I didn't know what to do. I didn't know what to say. Should I chase her? 

What's the point Louis, you don't love her. 

Why did I say that? I loved her with all my heart. Why did I lie, why? I knew I couldn't cry, I knew I couldn't do anything. I had to sit in this fücking car until I was home. I was hoping with every drop of blood that Hannah was at home, but I knew, I knew she wouldn't be there. This time I had officially fûcked everything up. 

What made it worse was the boys kept telling me, telling constantly I did it all wrong. It was my fault once again. I hugged her! It was a warning! It's not my fault. Memories from the conversation drifted back into mind...


"Louis you can't go out with her while she's pregnant, do you know what type of image that gives you, that gives her?!"

"But I love her!" I shout, they're her parents, do they not understand?

"I think you should break up, it will be the best. You'll be called a manwhøre and think about Hannah, think in her perspective, she'll get death threats and be called horrible names. You can't do that to her. If you truly loved her, you would let her go."

"If you love something, set it free. If they come back then it was meant to be..." Liam mumbled.

"Tell her you don't love her anymore, you must. It's the best way." Mrs Quirk convinced and persuaded. I didn't know if she was actually trying to protect her daughter or not.

"Well I'm engaged to Perrie and she's handling everything fine..." Zayn butt in, trying to save my ass.

"But she's famous, she can deal with it, she has three other girls to support her, she has body guards."

"I don't know." I sigh.

"You have to." They say, eyes stern.

"What if I don't want to?!" I argue again. I have to try. 

Hannah's  parents dragged me off until the boys couldn't hear.

"If you don't break up with her, we'll force an abortion and then she'll be crushed. We don't want to be known to have a wantøn daughter!"

"I love her." I frown, shivers coursing through my body.

"No, you don't. You never loved her. She never loved you. This was a publicity stunt. Nothing more nothing less. The boys can't know. You never loved her okay! You don't want this band to split because of some girl!"

I sigh, letting my face coneal my emotions as we made our way back. I never met such parents who hated their daughter so much.

Sacrifice one for the team, I was saving her and Peanut...


What was I thinking? How could I have been so stupid? I let her go, she's pregnant, fragile, weak... Hungry! The thing I was mostly afraid of was if she would go down the route of suicide again. Would her thoughts come back? Would she dare attempt it once more? Once we were back at the flat, disappointment washed over me as I realised Hannah wasn't back, she could be anywhere... I ignore my emotions as I prepared myself to sleep. I got under the covers and let sleep take over me, my bad thoughts proliferating.


Hannah's P.O.V

I woke up as the sunny rays peeped through the tree branches. I pushed myself up from the ground and combed through my hair with my fingers. I checked my phone to see it was five, and that I still had 98% of battery. I wandered around the park until I found a public toilet. Oh how I hate unisex toilets. They smell. I stumbled in, opening the lid of the toilet and letting my bile escape into the toilet seat. I stood up and washed my hands. I then drank some of the tap water. I was so glad there was a toilet near my... tree. My stomach grumbled loudly, causing me to lurch forwards, tears escaped my eyes as I held my stomach, running back to my tree.

"Shhh, Peanut..." I try to soothe the pains but nothing worked. I needed food. This time it wasn't a selfish 'I want this' I really needed this.

Harry's P.O.V 

"C'mon Lou, cheer up! Guess who I invited!" I exclaim, he was sat on the sofa sulking. He claimed he didn't love Hannah but we all knew he did. Whatever management told him really shook him up... He wouldn't even tell me, or Stanley! His two best mates.

"If it's Stan, I spoke to him yesterday." Louis grumbled in annoyance.

"I invtited 5 Seconds of Summer!"

"They're in Aussie, they wouldn't be here so quickly."

"They're coming here in three days!" I tried to put as much enthusiasm as possible.


"Lou! What's wrong!" I frown wrapping an around around him.

"I just... Nothing."

"It's not nothing, c'mon tell your best mate." 

"I just really miss her okay!" he snapped.

"Then why did you break up with her?"

"I never said I loved her!" he shouted defensively.

"I've known you long enough to know that's bullshīt." I snap back at him.

He didn't reply, getting up making his way upstairs.

"I'm tired, we'll talk about this shít later." 

"Remember we have an interview!"

"I remember." he smiled weakly, running the rest up the stairs. 

I really wished I kept Hannah's number. Management got us to delete her out of our life. I'm sure she's deleted us from her life because of this stunt we've caused... I sure hope the boys will help cheer Louis up...


Awwwhhh :( 

What do you think is going to happen? 

Before any of you's tell me it's not realistic, this is a fan fiction.

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Loveyou all!

~ Chamrock Jack Xox

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