fifty four

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Benjamin and Mary are three years and two months old


"Are you excited for today?" Peter asked Mary, helping her put her dress on. "Yes!" she said, hugging Peter's neck. "Does mommy know?" she asked, pulling away. Peter laughed, "No, it's a surprise." Mary nodded her head and grabbed her boots.

"Can I see the ring again?" she asked, zipping up her left boot. "Of course," Peter smiled, taking out the small black box from his pocket.

He opened it, and Mary stood up to look closer. "It's so sparkly!" she said, "I want one!" Peter laughed, then closed the box and putting it back in his pocket. "I don't think they make one that tiny," he told her. Mary started to pout, but Peter rubbed her head, "I'll get you a ring even more sparkly when you're older." Mary's eyes lit up again, "Yay!"

The door to the twins room opened, and Michelle walked in. Ben run in behind her, holding a Spider-Man stuff animal. "Look!" Ben said, running up to Peter's wheelchair, "It's you!"

Peter picked Ben up and set him in lap, "It is, isn't it." Ben nodded his head, hugging the Spider-Man plush.

Mary stood up and pulled on Peter's pants. "I wanna sit too!" she whined. "I can't pick you up, your brother is in the way," Peter told her. Ben looked down at Mary and stuck his tongue out. "Hey that's not nice," Mary whined more.

"I'll pick you up," Michelle said, picking up Mary and putting her in her hip. Mary stuck her tongue back at Ben. "Hey that's not nice," he mocked back.

Peter and Michelle laughed at their banter. "What are we going to do with you two?" Michelle said, kissing Mary's cheek. "Go insane," Ben said, laughing at himself. Michelle and Peter laughed at him as well.

Once everyone calmed down, Michelle asked, "Are we ready to leave now?" Peter nodded his head, "Yep, I just need to get my phone from our room." "I'll go get it, you head down with Ben," Michelle told him. "Yes ma'm Peter joked, rolling past her."

Michelle rolled her eyes, then headed to their room.


"When's the last time we brought them to Central Park?" Michelle asked, laying the blanket down on the grass. "A few weeks after they turned two I think," Peter responded, rolling Mary around.

"When are you gonna do it?" Mary whispered into Peter's ear. "Soon," he whispered back. Mary giggled, and Mary smiled at her.

"You know how much I love you, right?" Peter asked. Mary shook her head and Peter responded, "I love you tons." Mary smiled, "I love you three thousand."

Peter gasped, "Three thousand? Wow." Mary nodded her head, and then kissed Peter's cheek.

"Food ready," Ben said, running up to the two. "Okay buddy."

Peter rolled himself and Mary over to the blanket Michelle had laid down. "What's on the menu today?" Peter asked, putting Mary down.

"PB&J, or turkey sandwiches," Michelle responded, "Also some sides." "I'll take a turkey then," Peter joked, knowing the PB&J were for the twins.

"One turkey sandwich coming up," Michelle said, giving the twins their PB&J. "Yummy!" Ben said, taking a whole bite of his sandwich. "Not so big, you'll choke," Peter told him, pulling Ben's hand down from his mouth so he could chew.

The small family of four ate their meal, then played around the park for a few minutes.

After about ten minutes of chasing the twins around, then sat back down on their blanket. Peter had Mary in his lap again. He leaned close to her ear and whispered, "I'm going to do it now." Mary gasped, "Really?" she asked. Peter nodded his head.

He sat Mary on the ground. "Hey Michelle, come here," Peter said. Michelle stood up and walked in front of Peter. "What?" she asked, slightly confused.

"We've been through hell and back and brought two wonderful kids into this world. There's no way I couldn't love you," he told her. Michelle nodded her head, "Where's this going?" "Michelle, will you marry me?" Peter asked, pulling out the black box.

Michelle's hands flew over her mouth and her eyes filled with tears. "Y-yes. Oh my gosh Pete, yes," she said, bending down to hug him. After they hugged, Peter slid the diamond ring onto Michelle's finger.

"I love you," Michelle told him, leaning down to kiss him. "I love you too," he responded, smiling in the kiss.

"Daddy did it!" Mary yelled, running up to the couple. "You know about this?" Michelle asked, bending down. "Yep! I kept it a secret all day!" Mary said. "What about you?" Michelle asked Ben. "I didn't know," he said, shrugging his shoulders.

"I love you two," Michelle said, bringing both kids into a hug. "We love you too," Ben said, kissing Michelle's cheek.

"Don't forget about me," Peter said, leaning down as far as he could. "We could never," Michelle said, giving him a kiss.


and that's the end.

thank so much to everyone that's read this book. it means a whole lot to me.

a huge thank you to everyone who had been here from the beginning, you've kept me going. thank you for following me find who i am as a writer, and experiment with storylines.

there will be a book two in the future so stay tuned for that ;).
in the mean time, go read my other book Project Baby Spider • Peter Romanoff.

if you ever want to talk or become friends dm me or follow my twitter @natalierenee__ i always respond.

i'll see you later.

-Nat <3

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