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Peter Stark and Michelle Jones have been found


Mj had spent the night in Peter's room. She wanted to stay with him, but everyone insisted she get a good night's sleep.

When she would close her eyes, all she saw was the big white truck. She saw it drive straight into Peter's door.

She would try and go back to sleep, but the big white truck would always fill her dreams. So, she resorted to plundering through Peter's room.

She was surprised at how clean it was. Everything was put away into its respective drawer or cabinet. His desk was clear, no papers or gadgets strung around it.

Mj knew his closet wouldn't have many articles of clothing in. Clint and Steve were going back to the safe house today to grab all of their things. That's why Mj was currently wearing a set Wanda's pajamas.

She still opened it though. She expected nothing, but in the bottom corner there was a tank with something floating in it. She got down on her knees and looked at it closer.

It held a spider-man suit. It looked like it was made from some type of metal, and never worn before. There was writing on the top.

Mark Three
'Iron Spider'

She looked at it closely. It was red with a blue spider in the middle. The spider was outlined in gold. I never saw him wear this one she thought. He might not be able to now, she frowned at the idea.

Light started to come from the windows. She stood up and walked to the nightstand and picked up her phone. It was almost seven.

She changed into another set of clothes Wanda had let her borrow. She decided she would skip breakfast for now, and go to Peter.

With Friday's help, she made it back to the teen's medical room. Mj opened the door and saw Wanda and Peter talking.

"Oh, hey Mj," Wanda said, happy to see her. "Hey guys," she took a seat next to Wanda. "Hi Mj," Peter looked at her, a smile creeping it's way onto his face.

"What were you talking about?" Mj asked. "Just school," Peter told her, "Wanda's never been to an actual high school and have to suffer." "Imagine being that lucky," Mj said looking at her. "Wasn't my choice," she defended.

"Are we ever going to go back?" Mj asked Peter. "I don't know," he sighed looking at the ceiling, "Life's never going to be the same in a few months," he said gesturing to his girlfriend's stomach. "You have a point there."

The three teenagers continued to talk about random topics for another hour. They went from celebrity rumors to new movies.

They were on the topic of which Harry Potter movie was the best when someone opened the door.

Bruce walked in with Tony following him. Tony looked like he hadn't slept all night, which he probably didn't.

"Hey Peter. Hey girls," Bruce said. Tony just nodded, clearly nerves about something.

"Hey Bruce," Peter said, a smile on his face, happy to see his favorite scientist. "How are ya feeling buddy," Bruce asked, checking his IV's. "Fine." "Good."

The room fell silent, went Peter didn't like. "Why isn't anyone talking?" he asked, looking at the two older men.

"Pete, how do your legs feel?" Tony asked. "Fi- wait. Wh- Why can't I feel them?" he asked, starting to panic. Tony ran to his side, "Peter, calm down. It's going to be okay. I need you to listen to me," he said in a calming voice.

Peter slowed his breathing, and brought his eyes to meet his father's. Tony sighed, "Peter, when you were in the car crash, a part of your spinal cord broke. It caused nerve damage," Tony closed his eyes, "Your legs are paralyzed."

Peter felt like the truck had hit him again. Tears filled his eyes. "You mean they don't work anymore?" he asked in low voice, his eyes still on Tony. "Your legs don't work anymore," he repeated.

Peter was sobbing now. He was going to be in a wheelchair for the rest of his life. He'll never get to enjoy running away from Clint after he pranked him, or walking home with Mj anymore.

"Wh- what a-ab-bout spi-spider- ma-man?" he asked in between sobs. "I'm sorry. You can't anymore," Tony told him, crying himself.

It hurt him to see his son so hurt. He wished he could trade Peter's legs for his own. He wanted him to do what he loved and swing around New York saving the little guy.

"Ca- can I desi- gn my wheelchair a- at least?"



i know your thinking "he could just get what rodhey got in civil war!" but no. that's not gonna happen. i don't want peter to walk again (that sounded dark i'm sorry). i just want peter to have to deal with this because is a real life problem. people can't just go get some fancy leg metal and walk again. that's not reality.

on a lighter note, this is like my longest chapter. it was like 740-ish words before the a/n.


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