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Benjamin and Mary are six months old


"What do you want to do today?" Tony asked Peter, sitting beside him at the table. "Hey buddy," he said to Ben, tickling his small belly, before Peter could respond.

"Honestly, I just want to say here with everyone. I don't want to do anything fancy this year," Peter told his father, running his hand through Ben's short curls.

Tony nodded his head and smiled, "I think we can do that." Ben started to clap, making Tony and Peter laugh. "Do you like the idea?" Peter asked, looking down at his son in his lap.

Ben shook his head, and made funny noises. "You wanna go find mama and sissy?" Peter asked, rolling out from under the table.

"Are you just going to leave your plate here?" Tony asked Peter, who was now in the living room part of the open area. "Yup. It's my birthday. I get special treatment," Peter said, tickling Ben in the process.

"You get special treatment everyday. Today's not so special," Tony responded, picking up the plate. Peter let out a shocked sound, "Ben. Can you believe grandpa just called me handicap?"

Tony rolled his eyes, "No I didn't." "It was implied." "Whatever."

"Let's do presents," Wanda said, sitting on the end of the couch, beside Peter's wheelchair. Peter's eyes lit up, "I completely forgot I get free stuff today."

"Your father is a billionaire. I think you get enough basically free stuff," Natasha told him, "Now hand me Ben." She reached down to pick him up.

Ben reaches out his hands and made a 'grabby' motion. When Natasha picked him up, he smiled.

"Presents time," Peter said, and everyone went to get them.


"Thanks Wanda," Peter said, setting down the newest Avengers Lego set, "It's been forever since I've built a lego set." "Just because you're a dad now, doesn't mean you have to give up your childhood just yet," Wanda smiled at him.

"This one's from me and Pep," Tony handed Peter a poorly wrapped box. "Wow. I wonder who rapped this," Peter teased, resulting in a slap to the back of the head. "I've been making it for months. Appreciate it," Tony joked back.

Peter got through the wrapping paper, which had Spider-Man on it, and opened the box. Inside was a small arc reactor connected to a change.

"It's an arc reactor necklace," Tony explained, "I know how fascinating my reactor is to you, so I made you a mini one."

Peter smiled and put the necklace on, "Thanks dad. I love it." Tony bend down and gave him a hug.

"Here," Michelle handed him a small bag once he was finished hugging Tony. Peter opened it, and inside was a small clear ring box. Peter took the note out the bag and read it.

Hey Loser,

To start, happy birthday baby. I'm beyond thankful that the god's kept you alive to see this day and your kids.

Everyday, I think about what could've happened. You could have been ripped away from me, and I'd have to raise our babies alone. I could've had to plan a funeral instead of a birthday party.

I'm just so thankful for you. You're the best thing or person that has ever happened to me. The day I told you I was pregnant, I could've sworn you would walk away, but you didn't. You've stayed with me. You've figured all this parenting mess out with me.

I'm also beyond happy that Mary and Ben don't have to grow up without a father. I don't think I could have done it. Raising them alone.

Now onto the present. It's a simple promise ring. It has Mary and Ben's birthday and initials on it. On the inside, it has our initials and the day we made it official. I have a matching one.

I love you through every universe, and back to this one.


By the end, a year had fallen from Peter's eye. He slid on the ring and admired it.

"Thank you Michelle. I love it."


did anyone catch that little easter egg thingy. i'll give a hint: go back to the chapter where pepper makes tony eat...

anyways, one of my earring holes in my ear is infected pretty bed so that's fun.

i wanna say something, but i feel like y'all would drag my ass. (i don't like ned. i said it:)


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