twenty six

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Michelle Jones is thirty weeks


The three walked, or rolled, to the living room. When they got there, everyone was sitting around the table, which had a hologram projected.

Tony pushed Peter up to the table, and Mj stood by him. Peter grabbed her hand, and she squeezed back, keeping a firm hold.

To say they were nervous was an understatement. They both figured out who this John Huston was on the way.

"So," Natasha started, "We've been looking for that chevy pick up for weeks now," she pointed to the hologram, a picture of the wreck. Peter's breathing picked a little at the site of the crash.

"We finally found it again, thank to Nat for memorizing every detail of the truck," Steve said, giving Natasha a side glance. She just shrugged, "We found it in Warren, New Jersey. Clearly he's found time and a way to flee a couple of hours."

"We got a better look at the license plate from the security feed. I found it belongs to Mr. John White Huston," Natasha explain, pulling up his picture. "He's thirty nine, married, and has a criminal record. He tried to rob a local gas station, but failed."

Natasha allowed all the information to sink in. "So what are we gonna do?" Peter asked, still holding Mj's hand. "I was going to teach him a lesson, but everyone else wants to turn him into the police," Natasha responded, "So, we're going to let you two decided."

Peter and Mj looked at each other. "What do you think?" Peter asked. "I think we just turn him in. I really don't want to deal with court right now," she responded, resting her free hand on her stomach. Peter nodded his head, "Just go and turn him in."

"Peter, you're too good for this world," Steve told him, giving him a smile. "I try."

Natasha spoke up again, "Okay then, Me, Clint, and Steve will take a quintet there in an hour, and turn him into the police." Everyone nodded their heads, good with her suggestion.


"Landing in three," Clint called from the cockpit. "Okay," Natasha replied back, sitting beside Steve.

"Are we going to at least interrogate him or anything? Or are we just picking him up?" she asked, leaning back in her seat.

"I want to know why what happened," Steve stated. Natasha gave a hum in reply.


The three heroes stepped up to the man's door. Natasha knocked three times, and it took a minute for someone to open it.

A small women opened the door. She has light brown hair and green eyes. "Hello," she asked, her voice shaky.

"Is John Huston here?" Steve asked. The women visibly tensed. She shook her head frantically, "Yes, he's in the living room. I don't know how much of a good idea it is to see him though."

"We need to talk to him," Steve told her. "O-okay," she said, moving to let the three in.

The house wasn't the cleanest. There were random papers or bags everywhere, or shoes thrown on the floor.

"My names Lacy by the way," the women, Lacy, told them.

When they stepped down into the living room, John was sitting in a reclining chair. He had a beer can in his hand.

"John, you have guest," Lacy announced, falling into herself. She seemed scared. "Tell then I don't wanna talk to 'em," he slurred, clearly drunk.

"Sir, we have a few questions we need to ask," Steve said firmly. John turned and gave the heroes a nasty look, "What?"

"About three weeks ago, did you run into a black BMW?" Natasha asked, her voice and stance giving off authority. "Yeah, what about it?" John said, clearly not thinking of what information he just said.

"You hit two teenagers. One was pregnant with twins, and now the other can't walk," Natasha spat, clearly aggravated. Lacy's eyes widened at the information.

"You were drunk driving again, weren't you! You were lucky you didn't hit anyone last time! Didn't you learn your lesson!" Lacy tried to yell.

John got up, and walked towards Lacy, "I ain't got nothing to learn you whore," he spat in her face. Lacy looked terrified.

"That's enough," Steve said, ripping John away. "Has he ever hurt you before?" Natasha asked, walking to try and comfort the frighten women. All she could do was shake her head 'yes.'

"We're taking him to jail for a hit and run. Now we'll add abusive," Steve said, still holding onto the drunk man.

"T-thank you," Lacy said, wiping tears from her eyes, "I've been trying to file for divorce, but he wouldn't let me. He would kill me if I had gone to the police either."

"You won't have to worry about him anymore. Now take care of yourself," Natasha told her.

Steve and Clint had walked John out to the quintet, and Natasha walked out the door.

They took John, and turned him in. They left him for the station to deal with, and headed back to the tower.


when i did the car wreck, i knew i wanted it to be a drunk driver. it's such a huge problem today.
i also wanted add abuse when i was making john's character. it's another problem in this world.

next chapter will be fluff to the max, y'all ain't ready. your uwu's will be on mars.


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