fourty eight

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Benjamin and Mary are ten months old


"Wish mommy and daddy luck today," Michelle told Mary, who was sitting on her lap, "We're really gonna need it." Mary chewed on her banana, but shook her head. Michelle laughed, "I'm going to believe you understood me."

Peter rolled into the living room, Ben on his lap. "Are you ready to go?" he asked, rolling up beside her. Michelle sighed, "Sure."

"Mom is already heading towards the garage, so we need to get going," Peter told her, rolling backwards to grab his backpack. He picked it up from its designated spot by the elevator.

"Nat, we gotta go," Michelle yelled down the hall, not caring who she woke up. Natasha walked out her room and took Mary from Michelle.

"How's little M doing?" she asked in her baby voice, putting her nose to Mary's. "Who would have thought, Natasha Romanoff has a huge soft spot for kids," Michelle joked, picking up her bag from the couch. "Watch it," Natasha said back, only making Michelle laugh more.

Peter put Ben down on the floor. Ben crawled to Natasha, and used her legs to stand up. "Hey Ben," Natasha said to him.

"Bye," Peter and Michelle both said, then got in the elevator. Before the doors closed, Natasha waved.


"I already hate this," Michelle said, her and Peter walking up to the ramp. "Me too," Peter told her.

Michelle opened the door and Peter rolled in before her. The moment they entered the school, it went silent. All eyes were on the two teens, just like the first day of school.

Michelle and Peter kept their heads down and made their way to their lockers. When they got them opened, the hallway got noisy again.

Peter was grabbing his english textbook when his locker door hit his head. "Ouch," he said, moving it back.

When he went to put his book bag in, Flash peaked his head from behind the locker door. "So, was it before or after the crash," he asked, leaning against the locker.

"What does it matter to you?" Peter said, shutting his locker door. Flash shrugged his shoulders, "Just curious. And why is your phone password so easy to guess?"

Peter's eyes widen some, "You got the photo. You took my phone and saw all my photos." Michelle finally caught on to the conversation and shut her locker.

"Maybe," Flash smirked. "Fuck you," Michelle told him, "You shouldn't snoop through people's things. We didn't want that information out. We should get to decide when it gets out."

Flash looked unfazed, "What? You don't want people to know the truth?" Peter took a deep breathe, "What all did you see on my phone?"

"Just Michelle being pregnant, two babies, the Avengers," Flash counted off on his fingers, "Whats their names?" "Why should we tell you?" Michelle snapped.

Flask took a step forward, "How old are they?" "Like I'd tell you," Peter said, running his hand through his hair.

Flash opened his mouth to say something else, but Michelle stopped him. "Benjamin and Mary. Ten months," she yelled, "Happy now?"

Peter looked back, and everyone on the hall was staring at them. He tugged on Michelle's sleeve. "What?" she asked, clearly angry. "We should leave."


sorry for the lack of updates. friday i went to the football game. last night i had to write an essay.

thank you so much for 30k reads!!!!
ask me questions that i can answer in the comments!!!!


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