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Peter Stark and Michelle Jones have been found


"Get the operating room ready!" Bruce yelled when they entered the medical room. "Tony, I'm going to need you to leave." Tony opened his mouth to argue, "Tony, out. I can't do anything with you in here, please," Bruce said, closing the operating room doors.

Tony silently walked into the waiting room. The rest of the team were already there.

He finally walked out of his suit, crashing into the closest chair. Tears flowed from his eyes. His breathing was unsteady.

"Tony," Natasha said, sitting beside him. When he didn't say anything, she pulled him into a hug, resting her chin on his head. "He's going to be okay," she tried to reassure him.

They stayed like for another minute before he pulled away. He wiped the dried tears off his cheeks.

"Any update on the girl," he asked. "Her name is Michelle Jones. Goes to Midtown Tech, and has been missing for as long as Peter," Natasha answered, looking at the sleeping girl through the glass wall in front of them.

"Her right wrist is broken, and she has a concussion. The babies are both okay," Steve spoke up, getting up from his own seat and walking to the billionaire.

"Babies?" Tony asked, his eyes widening. "Two babies. A boy and a girl," Natasha responded. "Their Peter's aren't they," Tony said, resting his head on the wall behind him. "That's what we're assuming," Steve said, "They said we can't do the actual DNA test until their born."

"God Peter. What the hell did you do?" Tony closed his eyes and let out a sigh.

The heroes sat in silence for another forty five minutes. Bruce walked out the operating room, breaking the silence as everyone stood up.

"Before you ask anything, he's stable and alive." Everyone visibly calmed down a little. "His advanced healing had already healed his broken nose and all the small cuts by the time we got here," the doctor sighed, not wanting to deliver the next sets of news, "However, he had a shard of glass in his side that we had to remove. He lost a lot of blood from that," He took a second for everything to sink in, "The worse thing though, a part of his spinal cord broke, causing nerve damage."

"What does that mean?" Clint asked. "To keep it short and understandable, i'm afraid to say, Peter won't be able to walk again. Both of his legs are paralyzed."




thank you so much. i wouldn't have made it this far if it wasn't for you guys. thank you for reading and commenting. i read every comment, and it helps encourage me to keep going and get a new chapter done.

now back to the story. i don't really know if i properly explained why he is paralyzed it's kinda confusing to write.


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