fourty five

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Benjamin and Mary are seven months old


The school day was over, and Michelle and Peter were getting their things from their lockers. "Today wasn't as horrible as I thought it would be," Michelle told him. "Yeah, it could have been worse," Peter told her, shutting his locker.

"Are you going to be the declathon captain again this year?" Peter asked, zipping the back pack on his lap shut. "Definitely not. It took up too much of my time," she told him, shutting her locker, "I have better ways to spend my time now," she said, smiling.

The two existed the school building, both taking the ramp. They started to head towards the same block Tony had dropped them off at, talking about their classes.

"I'm so glad we got Mrs. Reyes again," Peter said. "Me too. She's the sweetest person in that whole building," Michelle responded.

When they got to the block, Tony's red Lamborghini was already there. When Tony saw the two, he got out the car and walked to the passenger's side.

"I brought a few guest," Tony said, opening the backseat door. The twins were both in car seats, each ironman themed.

"Oh my goodness," Michelle said in her 'baby voice.' She sat in the backseat, and gave each of them a kiss of their foreheads. "I've missed you so much," she told them.

Mary, who was in the middle, reached her hands out to Michelle. She made gabby motions with her fingers, and said, "Mama."

Michelle gasped, so did Tony and Peter, who were watching from the door. "Baby, you said you're first word!" Michelle was on the verge of crying, her baby girl just said mama.

"Friday, did you get that?" Peter asked. "Of course," the AI responded. "Send it to everyone," Tony told her. "It's sent," she informed.

Peter had the biggest smile on his face. "It would've been way cooler if you said dada, but I guess it okay," Peter teased, reaching his arm, barely able to rub her hand. Mary squealed in response, and grabbed Peter's finger.

"Alright, let's get home," Tony said, also smiling. He helped Peter get in, and started to drive home.

"How was your first day back?" Tony asked. "It was fine. A lot of gossip and whispering about us, but other than that fine," Peter told his dad. "That's good. We all figured those bossy teenagers would gossip anyways."


something cute and simply for the night :)

i know how the school will find out now. thanks to some one in the comments. you'll find out who soon :).


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