twenty four

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Michelle Jones is thirty weeks


"I think you should make them gold," Mj joked, watching Peter and Tony create the first prototype leg braces.

Peter huffed, "Too flashy. Already enough attention with full leg braces as it is," he joked back, screwing in a screw. "Don't want to draw attention everywhere you go like your old man?" Tony laughed, handing Peter a few more screws.

"You know I don't like the attention to be on me," Peter put down the screwdriver and leaned back in his wheelchair, "That's why spider-man never got out of the bag."

Tony leaned on the lab table and cross his arms over his chest, "What are we going to do about the whole 'spider-man is missing' situation? We can't just let the world keep wondering where he is."

"Have Mom make a press conference and just simply announce spider-man is out of action," Peter shrugged his shoulders and looked down at his hands. "That easy?" Tony asked, shaking his head, "We gotta come up with a whole explanation."

"Just tell the world spider-man got badly hurt on a mission. They'll believe that, right?" Peter asked, looking back up at his dad, eyes filled with guilt and sadness.

Tony gave him a sad smile, "Okay. I'll have Pepper set up a press conference for this weekend."

Mj stood up from her seat at Peter's lab table and walked over to her boyfriend. She leaned down as much as her bump would let her, and hugged Peter.

"God, I hate you have to do this," she whispered in his ear, still embracing him. Peter didn't cry. "This way I can't be taken from my family so easily," he let out a breathe, "No muggers to punch me. No robbers to stab me. No harm. Just me, with you, and our family."

Mj held him for a few more seconds. When she stood back up, Peter had a small smile on his face. "I love you," Peter told her, grabbing her hands. "I know," Mj smirked, "I love you too."

"How close are the braces to being ready?" Mj asked, turning to look at them. "I just need to add a few more screws, then they should be ready," Peter explained, grabbing his screwdriver again.

Peter finished screwing in his last screw, "Friday, check and make sure everything should work." "Yes, Peter," the AI responded.

"There seems to be no mistakes or malfunctions. They should be ready to use." Peter smiled, "Thanks Fri." "No problem, Peter."

Peter looked between Tony and Mj, "So? You ready to see if I can walk again?" "Hell yeah," Tony responded, moving to grab the braces.

"Go push him to the wall," Tony told Mj. She rolled him over. "Now help him stand up, and hold on to the bar beside him," Tony instructed, bringing the braces over.

Peter grabbed onto the bar, and Mj helped push him up. When he was 'standing' she kept a hold of him so he wouldn't fall.

Tony started putting the braces around Peter's legs. He started at the hips, and ended with his ankles. He connected a few loose wires that they couldn't use till it was put on.

"Okay, and now, you're all set," Tony patted Peter's leg, still squatting. He stood back up and grabbed Peter's arms.

"Move one leg first," Tony instructed, completely focused on Peter. Peter stood for a few seconds, until he decided he wanted to try.

"Here goes nothing," he whispered to himself.

Still holding onto Tony, he took a step forward. His face lit up, and the hugest smile came across his face.

"One small step for Peter."


that last line just hit me in heart so much all my uwu's came pouring out.


also, please tell me someone noticed the star wars reference. please i'm begging someone.

i'll probably update again at like 1 or 2 am.


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