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Peter Stark and Michelle Jones are in a car accident


"No, stay awake girl," Tony started to yell. He didn't even know her, but he felt she was important considering she was in the car with his son.

The quintet had landed after his small outburst. The rest of the Avengers hurried out and to the car.

"Oh my god," Wanda said as she saw her little brother's condition.

"There's a girl in the passengers seat," Tony said. A few of the heroes nodded and got to work getting her out, Peter still on their mind though.

"Steve help me get Peter out," Tony yelled. Steve was by his side in seconds. "I'm going to pick him up. When I do, make sure his body stays stable," he ordered.

The two had just gotten Peter's head situated in Cap's arms when Clint yell, "We got a problem!" "What?" Tony asked. "The girl's pregnant."

Tony looked over the car. Clint had the girl in his arms and he saw her rounded stomach. "Oh god," he said looking down at Peter.

"Okay now his legs. You get them, we'll carry him together," Cap said, half holding Peter's limp body.

As Steve pulled Peter, Tony grabbed his legs. They tried moving the boy as little as possible, but failed a little.

When they got into the quinjet they hurriedly put Peter on the ground, considering the girl was on the table.

"Coming through," Bruce said, medical kit in hand. "What's the update on the girl?" Cap asked, and Tony sat beside Peter on the ground.

"Banner said just a broken wrist and concussion. She got lucky, and the babies," Clint said from the cockpit. "Did you say babies?" Steve asked for clarification. "Yup. Girl's expecting twins."

"Did anyone notice it was only their car?" Natasha asked from the copilot seat. "You're right," Wanda said, "There never was anther car." "Could've been a hit and run," Clint stated.

"Let's just get back to the tower and worry about their health. We'll deal with this later," Steve told the group. "Later better be soon. I wanna know who had the nerve to do this to my ребенок паук," Natasha said, her eyes fixed straight ahead, filled with anger.

"Clint how much longer until we get to the tower?" Bruce yelled from the medical corner. "Landing now."

When Clint landed, Bruce and Tony already had Peter ready to go to the medical wing.

"Someone roll the girl to the medical wing!" Bruce yelled while fast walking Peter there himself. Tony was close behind, still in his armor.

"Steve help me roll her," Clint said. Steve nodded and did as asked.

Once they were out, Wanda looked at Natasha, "I hope he's okay," a tear rolled down her cheek, "I can't loose another brother."


this chapters okay. it could have been better.

i really want to show a strong wanda and peter relationship in this book. she's like 17 or 18 and he's 16, so they are really close ya know.

i feel proud at how many chapters i've gotten out in the past few days.


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