twenty five

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Michelle Jones is thirty weeks


"One small step for Peter."

Peter kept a hold on Tony's arms and took another step. "You're doing amazing Underoos," Tony encouraged, holding onto Peter.

"I forgot what it felt like to walk," Peter said, still focusing on his feet. "It feels amazing, doesn't it," Tony said, looking up from Peter's feet to his face, and smiled. Peter smiled back.

"It doesn't feel the same, but it still feels freaking awesome," Peter took another step, "When can I try without help?"

Tony didn't respond right away. He took a few seconds to think. "Not yet. We need to start out small. We'll do this for about an hour each day, and i'll gradually let go," Tony said, helped Peter take another step. "As much as I really want to protest, you're right. I need to take this slowly," Peter breathed out, "Recovery is slow," he reminded himself.

"Indeed it is," Mj spoke up, finding her way beside Peter. "I'm proud of you Pete," she told him, falling into step with his slow ones, "First, you were able to create these braces, and now you're walking."

"Thanks M," he smiled, taking another step. "This is tiring," he huffed. Tony and Mj both laughed. "Imagine having to do it all day," Mj said.

"Sorry." "No it's fine. You haven't done it in a few weeks, and really your body shouldn't be doing this," Mj reassured him.

Peter stopped walking, "Can I be done for right now?" "Of course," Tony told him, guiding him back to the wall. "We're going to do this at your pace. You only do what you want when you want."

Tony leaned him against the wall, Mj supporting him. "Thanks. Both of you."

"Peter, there isn't nothing in this world I wouldn't do for you," Tony told him, unlatching the braces. "Me either," Mj looked at him and kissed his cheek.

Tony and Mj had just gotten Peter situated in his wheelchair when someone bursted through the lab door.

"I found him," Natasha said. Her face was serious, a sign nothing good was gonna come.

"Found who?" Peter asked, slightly worried at his aunt's serious state. "John Huston," she simply stated, "Come up stairs." She turned and left, leaving the three confused.

"Who's John Huston?" Mj asked Tony, who was now pushing Peter towards the door. "I think you both know."


this is shorter than usual : (
oh well. at least i got it updated today.

also, if you didn't know, i have another book published, but it doesn't come out till this winter. it's called PANIC ROOM! • Peter Parker . i think you'll like it, if you like hydra peter stories.


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