thirty four

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Benjamin and Mary have been born


Thirty minutes had past since Benjamin and Mary were born. It was only the new family of four in the room. Peter and Michelle wanted to spend sometime alone with their babies before letting everyone in.

Peter was sitting in his wheelchair again, holding Mary. Michelle was still in bed holding Benjamin. Both babies were asleep.

"Those eight months flew by," Michelle said, looking over at Peter. "Definitely," Peter responded, looking down at Mary.

"Dad's gonna flip when he finds out Ben's middle name is Anthony," Peter chuckled. "For sure. He'll cry his eyes out," Michelle said.

"You know they're all waiting in the waiting room right now," Peter gestured his head towards the door. "Yeah, go get them," Michelle said, smiling at Peter.

Peter used one hand to roll over to the doors, Mary still in his other. "Fri, open the door." The door opened, and Peter rolled into the hallway.

The waiting room was right across from Michelle's medical room, and it was filled with heroes.

"Hey guys," Peter said, grabbing their attention. Everyone looked over. "Oh my God, Peter," Tony said, noticing the baby in his son's arms.

Peter looked down at the bundle and smiled, "Wanna come see them?" he asked, then rolled back into the room.

Everyone stayed quite, thanks to Pepper, and entered the room. "Hey guys," Michelle said, smiling.

Everyone walked up to the bed, careful not to squish Peter. "They're adorable," Wanda said, rubbing her finger on Ben's hand.

Like Michelle predicted, Tony was crying. He had a few tears fall from his eyes when he saw his son and his small family.

"What's their names?" Tony asked, wiping away a new tear. Peter smiled at Tony, "This here is Mary May Stark, and he's Benjamin Anthony Stark."

"You named your son after me?" Tony asked, now almost sobbing. "Of course I did. You took me in when I had no one left. You've changed my life," Peter smiled at Tony, who was now kneeling beside him.

"Kid, you've changed my life too. And I'm honored," Tony smiled at Peter. He stood up and rapped his arms around his son's head, "It's impossible to give you a hug when you're in this wheelchair." "Don't blame me," Peter responded.

"Who wants to hold them?" Peter asked, once his head was free from his father's arms. Everyone raised a hand.

Peter handed Mary to Tony, and Michelle handed Ben to Wanda. "Hey baby girl, it's Grandpa," Tony said in a softer voice to Mary.

"You two make beautiful kids," Natasha, looking at Ben from beside Wanda. "Thanks," Mj said, then yawned.


we got that irondad and spiderson!

i forgot to mention this in the last chapter, but LOOK AT MICHELLE'S CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT!!!!! i knew from the beginning that when she had her kid(s) she wouldn't be called Mj anymore. Peter's character development was being paralyzed and learning to walk again. Michelle's was changing what she is called for the first time since middle school (just go with it).


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