twenty seven

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Michelle Jones is thirty one weeks


"How's my little spiders?" Peter asked Mj's growing bump. "Daddy's ready to see you," he whined, poking her stomach.

Mj smiled at Peter, and had her hands resting on top of her bump. They were both sitting on their bed.

"One's kicking," Mj pointed to a spot, smiling. Peter's face brightened, "Hey little buddy," he put his hand on the spot.

He waited a few seconds until there was another kick. "Does it hurt?" he asked, eyes not leaving her stomach. "No, not really."

"Let's go on a date tonight," Peter looked at Mj, his hand still on her stomach. "I'd like that," Mj smiled, "We've been in this tower for weeks now."

Peter's smile fell a little. "We'll have to get in a car though," his voice faded. Mj frowned, "Oh Pete," she moved her hand to his, "We'll be fine. Happy can drive us, you know he'll be careful," she tried to reassure him.

He shook his head up and down slowly. "Okay. Where do you want to go?" he asked. "Let's just go to a simple restaurant. I don't think I could do too much right now," she responded.

"Let's just go to that one small fancy restaurant," Peter said, "Isn't called Gressins?" "Yeah, we can just go there. I haven't been there in years."


"We're here," Happy said, rolling down the divider. Peter finally calmed down. His nerves had been crazy since he sat in the car. "Okay, can you help me get in my wheelchair?" Peter asked. He still wasn't comfortable enough with his braces, so he still uses his wheelchair a lot.

"Of course," Happy said, getting out to retrieve the wheelchair. "I would open your door for you, but I can hardly get out mine on my own," Peter chuckled, turning towards Mj. "It's completely fine Pete," she laughed back, opening her own door to get out.

Happy assisted Peter into his wheelchair, and left him to Mj. "Just have Friday text me when I need to come pick you up," Happy told them, getting back in the car.

Mj rolled Peter to the doors of the restaurant, and the doorman opened the door for them. As he opened the door, he gave them a sympathetic look.

"I just realized how many pity looks I'm going to get tonight," Peter said. "Better get used to it," Mj replied, rolling up to the host.

"How may I help you tonight?" she asked. "Reservation for Peter Parker," Mj told her, due to Peter being too low. He felt like a little kid, unable to see the top of the counter.

"Okay, right this way," she gestured for them to follow. She walked them to a two person table by a window. "I'll take this chair," she said and moved one of the chairs, giving Peter a smile. He smiled back, "Thank you." "No problem. Your server will be with you in no time, enjoy."

When she walked away, Peter and Mj opened the menus. "What should we get?" Peter thought out loud. "I'm going to get pasta." "I was thinking pasta too."

The two waited for the server, and ordered.

"What do you want to talk about?" Peter asked. "Let's talk about school," Mj said, taking a sip of her water. "Okay. We've already finished this school year early online, so we're seniors now." "Man, I haven't even thought of that," Mj chuckled, "Are we going to do senior year online?" "I'd like to go back, and graduate with our class, you know?" Peter said. Mj thought, "Yeah. The babies will be born, and they'll have plenty of babysitters."

"Everyone still has four months left of school, and then three months of summer. They'll be roughly seven months when we go back," Peter calculated. "I say we go back," Mj voices her opinion. "But what would we say?" she asked.

"Tell the truth," Peter told her, "Is not like we can keep two babies, and two not workin legs a secret." "Definitely the two not working legs," Mj joked.

"I love you," Peter said, admiring her, "I love you so much." Mj smiled, "I love you too Pete."

Peter smiled at her, then grabbed something out his pocket. "I want to give you this," he opened the velvet black box.

Inside was a black diamond spider. "I had it custom made. It's my emblem in black diamonds. Your favorite," he handed her the box.

She admired it. "Pete, it's beautiful." She took it out the box and put it on. It shined beautifully in the dim candle light.

She got up, and walked to Peter. She leaned down and kissed him. It was quick, but full of passion. "Thank you."


fluff. that's it.

i need that necklace in my life.

what do you think of them going back to school? give me your opinions.


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