do you want some cutness?

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I wrote this a few months ago. It's what helped give me the idea of this book.

The thought of dad peter just gives me the uwu's.

Please enjoy. You won't want to read the next actual update, so enjoy this while you can.


Peter was sound asleep when he felt his bed bounce a few times.

The teenager opened his eyes, only to be greeted by two tiny hands slapping both his cheeks.
"Hey, stop it," he said, only half awake still. He removed the now still hands from his cheeks. "Hey baby," peter said, then glancing at his alarm clock. It was six o'clock on the dot. "Hi dada. I hungy," a small voice said. "Alright. I gotta get up anyways," peter said getting up. He leaned down and picked up the small two year old.

Peter walked into the kitchen and placed the small human in her high chair.
"Okay Lily, do you want cereal or fruit," peter asked his daughter. "Froo!" "Alrighty then."

"What did you dream about last night?" peter asked his daughter, bowl of cereal in hand. "pider-men!" Lily responded with a blueberry in her mouth while waving her hands around crazily. "Aw, baby i feel honored," peter responded. He then took a napkin and wiped the blueberry from his daughter's mouth and picked her up.

Peter was moving Lily from wall to wall making her feel like her dad. "I pider-men!" Peter smiled. "Just like dada!"

"Looks like you two are having fun."
"Oh god may. you scared me. how long have you been there?" peter asked moving Lily from the wall to his hip.
"Just long enough to watch little Miss Spider-Girl swing across the walls," may said with a smile. "Here, let me take her. It's 6:37 pete, you need to get ready for school," may told her nephew.
"Shi-uh, shoot," peter said, may giving him a look saying 'watch it.' "I gotta get ready baby. Can you go with grammy for a minute?" Peter asked. (yes aunt may is basically her grandma) "Grammy!" Lily yelled, basically throwing herself out of peter's hands. "Oh come here doodle!"

"Okay baby, dada has to go to school now. I'm gonna miss you," peter told the tiniest parker.
"Nooo!" she yelled, running off the couch and may's lap. "I don't wanna either bub, but i have too." Peter hugged his daughter, exchanged "i wuv oos," then headed out the door.


It was now the end of the school day. Students were headed towards the closest exits or still getting things out their lockers, like peter.

"Dude, dont you think we're getting a little old for lego's?" peter joked at ned. "Of course not! My Dad still plays with them and he's 50!" ned defended. "Whatever you say. I gotta get going. I'm picking up Lily then heading to the tower," peter told his best friend. "I need to see her again. It's been too long!" "Okay, come over and watch her saturday. I need to patrol and may has work. Plus, it saves me from hiring a babysitter."

Just as peter finished he heard, "Yo Penis!"

"Flash, what do you want?" peter asked closing his locker and turning around, "I got places i need to be."
"Where you gotta go parker? Your fake internship? Your baby mama's grave?" Flashes said pushing peter up against the lockers. "Don't say that," peter said, turning his head away from the bully's. "Why? You don't wanna be reminded that she killed herself to get away from you, just like ben." "Flash stop," peter kept his head turned, tears forming in his eyes. "She left you alone with your mistake because she didn't want anything to do with you. Hey parker, look at me when i'm talking to you."

Peter kept his head turned away. "Don't call Lily a mistake." Peter now had anger running through his veins. "And gwen didn't kill herself. Or ben," peter was now looking at Flash straight in the eyes.

Peter then felt Flash's knuckles collide with his jaw. "Believe what you want penis."

And with that, Flash let go of peter and walked out the school.

"Peter." Ned looked at his friend. "I-I gotta go," Peter said, wiping tears from his eyes.


Peter opened the door to his and may's apartment.

"DADA HOME!" was heard from a small distance, putting a small smile on the teenager's face.

Lily ran into her father's legs, holding them tightly. "Dada home," she said excitedly. "Hi baby," peter picked up the small child. He walked into the living room and sat down, lily on his lap.

"What vat?" she asked, putting her hand on peter bruised jaw. peter flinched a little, recalling what flash said to him.
"It's a bruise," he said, tears forming.
"It hurt?" she asked, moving her hand from it, afraid to hurt her father more.

"Just a little bit baby." "It okay dada!" she said, putting her arms around peter's neck.
A few tears fell from peter eyes at his daughter's touch. "Dada, don't cry," the little one said. She now had tears in her eyes from seeing her father hurt.

Peter pulled his daughter closer, "I love you baby." "I wuv you."

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