hey, its peter

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part two of 'hey, it's mj'

Peter was sitting in his hospital bed, bored. It had been a month since he was taken, and one week since he was found.

He was so bored. No one would give him his phone back or let him watch tv. They wanted to make sure he was mentally fine.

He was staring out the window when Tony walked in.

"Hey kid, here's your phone. Bruce said you're fine enough to have entertainment again," he told him, handing him back his cracked phone.

Peter took it and turned it on. There were so many notifications. Snapchat, texts, phone calls, Instagram, but most of them were from one person.

Michelle Jones.

He listens to all her voicemails. He heard the distress in her voice and the worry.

It was one, so she was in AP calculus right now, but he still pressed the call button.

"What is so important that you feel the need to call me right now? Leave a damn message."

Peter quietly laughed.

"Hey, its Peter,

"I'm so sorry.

"I'm okay now.

"But I wasn't a few weeks ago.

"I fucking miss you.

"Please, come to the tower.

"I have so much to say."

word count: 205

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