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Peter Stark is missing


Tony had noticed his son hadn't come out of his room yet this morning. It's a Wednesday so he had school, and he would have usually been in the kitchen by now.

Curious, the billionaire went to Peter's room.

"Hey Pete? You up?" he asked through the door. He got no response. "Alright I'm coming in." Tony opened the door and walked in. He was expecting Peter to still be asleep, but his bed was made. His whole room was clean.

Tony walked over to his bathroom, but he wasn't there either. "Where are you?" He said getting frustrated. Tony walked back out into the teens room.

He noticed how his whole room was clean. Way too clean. His closet doors were closed, his tech parts all put away, no homework or random sketches all over his desk. There was one piece of paper on his desk though. Tony picked it up.

It was folded in half, and addressed to Tony.

Dear Tony,

I haven't been kidnapped or killed. Please don't worry about me. I'll be back soon. I love you dad.

Love, Peter

Tony read the letter at east ten times, and so many questions are running through his mind.

'Where is he?'
'Is he safe?'
'Should I actually be worried?'

Tony didn't know what to do or think. The boy that's become his son and has helped him through hell and back just got up and left, but why?

He felt like he was on the verge of a panic attack. He couldn't rap his head around the idea of his boy being gone.

Tony felt like he was about to pass out. He made his way to Peter's bed and sat down.

What was he going to do? Just sit here and wait for him to return? Try and find him?

Tony was too caught up in his thoughts to hear the door open. "Friday said you were in he-" Pepper said, but noticed her fiancé's state. "What's wrong?" she asked, bending down in front of Tony. "I- it's Peter," he responded, tears now threatening to fall from his eyes. "What about him?" Pepper asked, now even more worried. "He- he left. Pep, he's gone," he said, looking her in the eye. He now had tears flowing freely from his eyes. "What do you mean Peter left?" she asked, now close to tears herself.

Tony didn't respond. He continued to cry.

Pepper noticed the piece of paper in his hands. She took it out his hands and read it.

She was shocked to say the least. She and Peter had become close since his aunt died nine months ago. She would call him her son without a second thought.

"What are we gonna do?" Tony spoke up. "I don't know."


sooo, i changed things up a bit! i really wanted to do this so we get to see both sides of the story.

i'm so sorry for the wait on this chapter. my grandpa is in the hospital and my grandma is alone at her house so we have to keep checking on them.


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