thirty two

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Michelle Jones is in labor


Three hours have passed since Mj's water broke. She hasn't gotten out of bed since, and Peter hasn't left her side.

Her contractions were horrible, worse than any cramp she's ever endured. The doctors gave her an epidural about an hour ago.

Once she had payed back down, she could feel her legs start to go numb. After about five minutes, she couldn't feel them anymore.

"Hey, Pete, I'm like you now, I can't feel my leg-" she started to joke, but a contraction came. "Haha, very funny," Peter joked back.

Different heroes would come and go, but only Pepper and Tony stayed with the two teens.

"Did you grab their first outfits?" Mj asked Pepper, who was sitting on the sofa by the window.

"Yes, their in the hospital bag that I also grabbed," Pepper pointed to the simply black diaper bag. Mj slowly shook her head and closed her eyes.

She was about to doze off when there was a knock at the door. "Come in," Peter yelled, causing Mj to glare at him.

"Okay Mj, you are ten centimeters dilated. It's time to get started," Dr. Smith told her. "O-oh okay," Mj said, surprised at how fast her labor was moving.

The other night, she was researching all things related to labor. She read that most labors take an average of eight hours.

"We'll leave you too now. You've got this," Pepper said, guiding Tony to the door. "Bye," both Mj and Peter said before they shut the door.

Dr. Smith went over a few things before more nurses came into the room. Four stood around the clear cribs, and one went on the other side of Mj to help support her.

Peter stayed in his wheelchair by Mj's side. He kept a hold of her hand, ready for her to squeeze it.

Dr. Smith propped Mj's legs up and got into her position, "Are you ready?"

Mj looked at Peter, thousands of emotions in her eyes. "You've got this. Eight months have lead up to this. You can do," Peter encouraged her.

She gave him a small smile, and turned her head back to face forwards. "I'm ready."

"Okay, push has hard as you can. I'm going to count to ten, then you can have a second break," Dr. Smith told her.

"One," she started to count. Mj pushed, squeezing both the nurses and Peter's hands.

"Two. three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten." Mj put her head back on her pillow and took a deep breathe.

"You're doing amazing," Peter told her, giving her hand a small squeeze.


it's happening!!!!!



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