CHAPTER 23 - "Make Me Yours"

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U.A. High School,

Midoriya's POV

What is wrong with me? I feel dizzy all of sudden... I just recovered from the cold but now I feel like getting cold again...

I was laying in the bed and Recovery Girl was doing a check-up on me. "Hm, it's just fever. But you still need to rest for a while. Shinso, you can return to your class now. Don't worry, leave Midoriya dear to me." Recovery Girl spoke up kindly, assuring nothing was wrong with me. I looked at Hitoshi and he didn't seem to listen to Recovery Girl.

Ah, please don't pick a fight with a teacher...

"Hitoshi..." I called him out in weak voice, signifying him to return to class like Recovery Girl instructed. He heaved a long sigh, hesitantly nodded his head to me which made me curved a small smile filled with relief. "Fine... Take care of yourself, Izuku." His warm hand ruffled my hair full of affection before walking out of the infirmary, heading back to 1-A Classroom.

"You two seem very closed. Is he your boyfriend now, sweetie?" Recovery Girl asked me with a small smile. I tried myself to show a sheepish grin at her. "Um, yeah..." I shyly answered her question, my fingers scratching my brocolli hair in embarrassment.

"Does All Might know about this?" Her next question made me choked on my saliva. "U-Uh, not yet... I still can not find the right to tell him..." I said in nervousness. Somehow, I felt like I better kept this silent first than telling All Might.

Oh gosh, I felt the same feeling I got when Mom told Dad about me and Hitoshi...

"You should not keep this secret for too long. He will find out eventually sooner or later. Or do you want me to tell him in your stead?" Recovery Girl kindly offered to help which caused me to freak out. "I-It is fine! I will tell All Might myself--" I started coughing a lot out of the blue. My chest felt heavy and my head kept throbbing achingly.

This pain... The same one I felt during the time I has fever... Ugh, I just want it to go away!

"Oh dear! How can your cold get worse in just few seconds?" Recovery Girl clamped her palm on my forehead, feeling the rising temperature of my body. I was huffing and gasping for air, my breathing became more and more ragged every single second timed passed.

What is this feeling? My body... Feel so hot... I... I need to release it...

"Ha... Ha..." I panted heavily which got Recover Girl worried. "Midoriya, I don't think you can continue your class in your current state. I have to do futher check-up on you. Your condition is very unusual today." She stated in concern but I couldn't pay attention to her words as I was very dizzy. All I could think of right now was Hitoshi.

Hitoshi... I... I want you...


After lunchbreak ended,
1-A Classroom...

Shinso's POV

I slided open the door and the first thing I saw was All Might, standing in front of the class. He greeted me with his usual wide grin. "You finally come Young Shinso! Oh, where is Young Midoriya? I assume that she was with you since she wasn't here." All Might asked me, slightly sounding concern when he mentioned Izuku's last name. All eyes were locked on me, glaring deadly as if I was their target or something but I didn't give a damn care about them.

"Midoriya... Feels a bit under the weather so I accompanied her to infirmary just now. Recovery Girl told she has to rest herself for a while before returning to lesson." I said in sadness, feeling lonely when Izuku was not by my side. She was the only who talked to me in this class after all.

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