CHAPTER 19 - Mihoko-san

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Midoriya's house,

Inko's POV

I inserted the key into the keyhole, unlocking the door. I slowly opened the door, being very careful not to make any noise. Izuku might already fall asleep by now.

As soon as I opened the door, I saw a pair of unfamiliar shoes; a man's shoes.

Whose shoes are this...? Ah, could it be...~

I walked to my beloved daughter's room, cautiously opened the door. My lips curved into a wide smile at this adorable sight of my daughter and her boyfriend, cuddling each other in their sleep affectionately.

You guys are too precious! I must record this beautiful moment!

I took some pictures of them secretly, planning to show the photos to my loving husband. I chuckled silently while looking back at the photographs I captured just now.

Aww~ Hisashi will love this~ I just knew it!

I shoved my phone back into my handbag, my hand holding the doorknob. I stared at the two with a small smile. "Good night, children..." I uttered before shutting close the door of Izuku's room, heading to my own bedroom that I shared with Hisashi.

Hisashi will be back in another few weeks... I bet Izuku can't also wait to see him!


Next morning,
Midoriya's geeky room...

Shinso's POV

My amethyst purple eyes slowly fluttered open when I sense something moving. My pupils darted to my beloved greenette, Izuku who was sleeping soundly in my arm. A small smile mustered on mu face. I wrapped my arm around her slender hips much tighter, kissing her fluffy brocolli head lovingly.

"Hitoshi..." Izuku suddenly mumbled my name in her sleep and the most shocking thing was, I saw her smiling slightly in her sleep. "Love you..." She murmured again in her melodic voice, making my heart pounded rapidly. "Oh, Izu... I love you too, my emerald." I whispered into her ear.

I carefully got up from the bed so that I wouldn't wake the my princess who was still in her world of dreams. I rubbed my always sleepy eyes before walking out of the room to go back to my house. If not because I had school today, I would still stay in the bed, cuddling my cute girlfriend all day.

"Ah, Hitoshi-kun! You're awake!" I heard a familiar voice greeted me cheerfully. I turned to look at the voice's owner and turn out, it was Inko-san.

She is home.
I'm in her house.
Sleeping with her daughter.
Then that's mean....


My face turned bright red as I accidentally fell on my butts. "I-Inko-san..." I murmured in extreme shock. "Wai– Hitoshi-kun, are you okay?! I'm sorry if I startled you." Inko-san panicked as she tried to help me stood on my feet again.

A sigh of embarrassment escaped my lips as I brushed off any possibled dirt on my pants and shirt. "I-Inko-san..." I asked her in awkwardness. Inko-san chuckled heartily as she eyed me. "Oh, Hitoshi-kun, I don't mind if you sleep with my daughter. You both look so cute cuddling in the bed." She stated in happiness with her fuzzy aura clouding the entire atmosphere in this house.

Again, my face flushed crimson red. "W-Well, if you don't mind..." I didn't know what to say anymore as I was too embarrassed to speak up. "Um, I need to go home now! See you after school Inko-san!" I excused myself in worry, not wanting to be embarrassed any longer. I hurriedly left the Midoriya's residence, heading back to my home next door.

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