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As they explored the new house they were constantly running around like children, calling to each other,
"Look over here!"
A plethora of ideas for decorations and activities for the various different rooms filled their heads as they fell in love with their new home which was lightly furnished but already felt comforting and homely.
They found their way into a bedroom where they smiled in utter adoration at each other before Zoë shook her head, his hands on her hips and hers on his neck.
"I- I absolutely adore you." She told him, looking straight into his eyes.
"You like the place?" He asked her, bending her backwards slightly as he continued to lower his hands in synchronisation with the connection of their lips.
"Yes." She breathed between their kisses as she raised her head in pleasure while Martin brought his lips to her collar bone and worked his way upwards towards her jaw.
They eventually had stumbled their way back onto the bed which had no sheets and was merely a mattress on a frame at the back of the room.
Martin splayed his legs over Zoe's body, feeling all sorts of bodily pleasure as they began to grow hot from the activity.
As she climaxed, Martin was brought back to the time that Martha was conceived. Emily had lost a patient at work and was on her second bottle of wine when Martin came home and joined her, little by little becoming just as drunk as her as they watched an abundance of romantic movies before their desire turned into desperation and before they knew it they had been intertwined and were under the impression that they were both madly in love with each other.
For Zoe and Martin, however, in their sober states, the feeling was real. They were insanely in love with each other and couldn't help themselves.
Martin's phone started to ring just as he murmured his curses of passion from the unexpected pleasure he had endured.
"Now? seriously?" Giggled Zoe as she lay on her side, her hands on Martin's pumping chest.
"Ugh just ignore it." He responded, rolling over and nibbling at her outstretched neck,
"It might be important." Zoë added,
"Not as important as you." He moaned, pressing his forehead against her stomach, her legs began to feel like jelly before she reached over and lifted up his ringing phone,
"Martin- Martin stop, it's Ollie." She said, and he complied immediately, rising to his knees and taking the phone from her hands.
"Hey Ollie." He greeted, still slightly out of breath, Zoe began to get changed into a slouchy blue jumper.
"S-Sir.. c-can you drop m-me to the airport t-tomorrow.. I- I-"
"Slow down, slow down, mate what's happened?" Asked Martin, immediately alarmed as he pulled on a pair of trousers again.
"S-She fooled me... mum still- still hates me." Ollie mumbled between gasps.
"Where are you?" Asked Martin, already ready to leave.
"On the b-beach, j-just under the pier." He responded, his voice shaky.
"I'll be there in five minutes." Martin promised, "stay where you are."
After hanging up, Martin pulled on a hoodie and walked into the hall,
"Zoe; Ollie's in trouble I'm gonna go and get him. I might have to bring him back here." Called Martin as Zoe protruded from the bathroom.
"Go ahead, I'll make up a bed." She responded,
"Thanks." He replied before gripping the keys to his BMW and exiting the house in a hurry.
He drove quickly along the coast road, trying to spot the pier that Ollie had been speaking about.
Eventually he saw it, the tide was far out. Martin pulled in by the side of the road and walked out onto the stony beach. This was the place where Martin had jumped into the freezing water after midnight when he found out that Emily had had an abortion.
Martin looked around,
"Ollie?!" He called, the light was beginning to fade into the sunset.
There was a faint murmur of a response, Martin walked directly under the pier and found Ollie lying against the back wall.
Martin ran towards him, seeing blood that had drenched from his nose and transferred to his shirt. His eye was already swelling up and his lip had swollen.
"Jesus Christ, Ollie!" Gasped Martin, kneeling down beside him.
"It's not as bad as it looks." Ollie croaked, breathing heavily.
"Who did this to you?!" Asked Martin, taking off his coat and wrapping it around Ollie's shivering shoulders.
"I deserved it." Ollie muttered.
"Don't say that, Ollie." Denied Martin,
"But it's the truth! I killed my little sister!"
"Your sister was killed by a fucking cunt of a man! Not by you! I promise you, it wasn't you. There was nothing you could have done."
Martin shook his head as Ollie began to break down,
"Can you walk?" He asked him, placing one arm under his shoulders.
"Should do." Ollie breathed, shaking as he was brought to his feet. Martin noticed him heavily limping as they walked slowly towards the car,
"Have you done your ankle in?" Asked Martin, supporting him even further.
"Might've." Ollie responded, catching his breath as Martin opened the passenger door of the car and set Ollie down.
"Ollie, you're a mess. I need to bring you to A&E." Said Martin.
"N-no... I just want to sleep."
"Well then I'll bring you home." Martin replied,
"W-what?!" Ollie gasped,
"To my home. Zoe's fixing up a spare room, you need at least a day of rest."
"I've booked my flight f-for tomorrow afternoon." Ollie told him as he began to drive off.
"Before Ryan...?" Martin began, knowing better than to finish his sentence.
"Yeah." Ollie sighed before covering his mouth with his fist and closing his eyes. "Fuck.."
Martin tried to think of words to say, but nothing seemed to spell out except,
"You've been attacked.. before I bring you to the airport I need to bring you to the police station."
"That won't be necessary, I'm not gonna fall into that trap again." Ollie replied, his voice about to break from the tension in this throat.
"W-what did they do to you?" Asked Martin, taking a quick glance at him.
"I- I dunno.. he hit me against the wall and then I must've blacked out or something.. I think I fell down the stairs.." recalled Ollie,
"He being- your dad?" Asked Martin.
"They're not my parents anymore." Uttered Ollie, Martin could empathise and nodded his head slightly as he drove back into the driveway.

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