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Inevitably; much to his despair: Martin lost the game of cards. Resulting in him vowing out loud to the other passengers of the bus,
"I, Charles Martin McCafferson, promise to jump in the lake tomorrow morning." He promised out loud, his right hand up in the air. "Wait- These stitches might open or get infected or something, maybe it's not safe!" Attempted Martin, hoisting up his shirt to reveal his healing wound.
"Oh look at all those abdominals! You'll be fine with all of those!" Insisted Zoe, putting one hand on his abdomen, making Martin tense.
"Where'd you manage to pick those up?" Asked Jemma, pleasantly surprised, or more shocked, at her teacher's well built body, but equally uninterested in it.
"Sainsbury's." Martin Replied, pulling down his shirt and pulling out a guitar out of the boot from behind him which happened to be his own. "Come on lets have a practice!" He ordered, passing a few other guitars round.
"What for?" Asked Ollie, taking his guitar out of his case and checking the tuning.
"I've got another gig or two planned for you guys." Martin informed, beginning to strum a gentle guitar riff,
"Wait; you've planned all this?" Asked Ollie, laughing.
"I'll admit we've been going a bite off-piste but roughly, we're sort of where wanna be." Zoe took out Ryan's guitar and played chords along with Martin, smiling at him.
"Oh nothing like a bit of Elvis Presley on a Monday night." She giggled, playing the introduction to 'Suspicious Minds' as Lucy began to strum her bass, and everyone, who seemed to all know the lyrics, began to sing along.
Zoe and Martin looked at each other, smiling at each other as the sang "because I love you too much, baby."
After a several verses the tempo slowed and suddenly Ollie was singing solo, much to the excitement of everyone in the van. Knowing that he had always been too shy to make any sort of vocal tune.
Martin and Zoe found themselves as back up singers before they ended, laughing as they set their guitars down on the beds, "Ollie, Ollie, Ollie.." Sighed Martin, shaking his head with utter pride.
"Oi oi oi.." Ollie laughed in response, "Did someone spike my water bottle?"
Ryan chuckled, "guilty." He admitted, patting Ollie's shoulders, "God you're a good singer, mate!"
Jemma was leaning against the wall staring at Ollie with the biggest grin on her face, no one had seen her look so genuinely happy in a long time.
Zoe leaned her head up against Martin, feeling so at ease, so safe, she almost felt her eyes crying.

As the dim light diminished, everyone found themselves lying snug either beside their significant someone, though in Cloda's case, lying on her own, but feeling completely in love, and so warm with the recent events of today.
Zoe subtly slid off her dress and wrapped herself in a blanket beside Martin who placed an arm around her waist and gently planted a kiss on her cheek.
"Thanks.. Mr McCafferson." Inserted Ryan, lying down with Lucy in his arms.
"What for?" Martin replied, his head sinking into his pillow and his eyes seeing nothing but darkness.
Ryan took a sigh, looking out the window at the calm moonlit evening, "this."
Martin didn't reply, a tear fell from his eye, he wasn't sure if it was because of the way he was lying, or if it was genuinely getting to him. In a couple years Ryan would be dead, and right now Martin had made him happy,
"My pleasure." He murmured, and when another tear fell he knew it was not because he was particularly sad at this moment, it was that everything, in this perfect desolate place, and at this exact time, was just fine.

Martin woke up early with the sun blooming in through the windows of the van. Zoe seemed to be opening her eyes too; she was facing Martin, and for a couple minutes they lay silently gazing into each other's tired eyes before Martin slowly swept Zoe's blonde hair away from her face and pressed his soft lips against hers, closing his eyes again and nudging his nose against hers.
"Morning fiancé." Zoë whispered in his ear before chewing the lobe slightly, making Martin slide his hands down her hips.
"Let's go outside." He whispered, reaching over to his bag and grabbing a t shirt for Zoë, and one for himself.

He slowly and quietly opened the side door and climbed out, closing it shut again as the others remained asleep. He hadn't expected the area to be so beautiful. An oasis of vibrant colours and trees with the most beautiful crystal blue lake. The morning was warm, and Martin, much differing from last night, actually wanted to swim in it.
"This is absolutely beautiful." Breathed Zoe, who, in Martin's opinion looked unbelievably adorable in his shirt.
"I don't know about you but I'm going in for a swim." Laughed Martin, holding her hand tightly as he walked towards the sand.
"I'll join you." She replied, watching Martin take off his t-shirt and run splashing in, floating on his back as Zoe ran up beside him, wrapping her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck as they stood in the warm fresh water, so estranged from the rest of the world, it seemed.
"So.. weddings.." laughed Martin, running his hands under her soaked t-shirt.
"Small one." She said, "just us."
"Do you know any vicars?" He asked her, holding her up .
"Not personally." She giggled, putting both her hands on his wet cheeks and kissing him passionately, making him sink down into the water and laugh again until they heard more splashing coming from behind them. They turned around to see the the rest of the band running into the water.
"Morning!" Exclaimed Martin, falling back into the water, facing the sky, feeling free.
"Where are we?" Asked Ryan,
"I don't care! I'm home!" Called Martin, spreading his arms out as if he was craving the alms of the sun. Looking up at the cloudless sapphire sky, exhaling all the oxygen that had been trapped inside his lungs. Home..

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