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The band decided to sit down on the green grass beside the road to soak in the warm summer sun,
"Ollie," Cloda began, "you know Mr McCafferson better than most of us, right?"
Ollie looked over at her, "I dunno. Why?"
"Any idea where all those big scars came from around his neck?" She asked.
"I think we could all make an educated guess on that, Clodes." Said Ollie, "Have you seen his wrists?"
"I saw him when..." Lucy began, before cutting herself off.
"When..?" Ryan Asked, wanting her to continue.
"Well.. when he lived across the road from me. It was when he had been off for just over a month, his curtains were open and I just watched from my window to- to basically see if he was okay.. and he was having some sort of nervous breakdown- throwing all sorts of stuff around- I almost wanted to go and see him.. he had and still hasn't shown us himself like that, ever."
"Jesus.. no. But he's getting better. I'm glad he's got Zoë, she really gets him." Said Ollie.
"Is she okay, though?" Ryan added, "like.. what was all that heavy breathing this morning?"
"Well, three weeks ago her boyfriend dumped her, a week later he tried to kill her, then she found out she was pregnant, she nearly got shot, then her dad died and she got engaged.. she's had a busy few weeks, I think she's entitled to a panic attack or two." Said Lucy, leaning her head against Ryan's chest as he lay down in the grass, his head pounding.
"You okay, Ryan?" Jemma Asked, growing concerned by Ryan's tired countenance.
"D-Do you have some water?" Ryan replied, his breathing quickening.
"I do." Said Cloda, passing the plastic bottle to Lucy who sat beside him.
"Shit... guys I think I need to go back to the v-van-" Ryan stuttered, breathing heavily as he tried to stand up albeit his legs were defying his actions.
Ollie put both his hands under Ryan's arms and they all helped to merely carry him back towards the van.
"I'm s-sorry.." Sighed Ryan, feeling in capable of withstanding the pain anymore.
"It's okay, it's okay.." said Cloda, holding his arm.
They were just outside the van, and Ryan had fallen onto the grass now totally unconscious.
"Help!" Yelled Jemma, looking at the van till seconds later Martin came running out with Zoe close behind.
"What happened?" Asked Martin, kneeling down on the ground and placing his hand on Ryan's neck, trying to feel for a pulse before Zoë tapped Martin's shoulder,
Ryan's hands were beginning to shake as were his legs until gradually all his limbs were fitting.
"Stand back." Martin ordered, but none of them appeared to hear until he repeated more loudly, "get out of the way!"
Martin carefully turned Ryan onto his side to allow him to breathe, but there was no sign of the seizure stopping.
Martin looked over at Zoe while they both placed their hands on Ryan's shoulders. His jaw was shaking as he made terrified eye contact with her and then over to the other four who stood transfixed at the sight.
"I-I don't know what to do.." Martin said, biting his lip and looking down to Ryan's face, "I really don't know what to do."
"Has anybody called an ambulance?" Asked Zoë,
"I can't get any signal." Complained Cloda, her eyes beginning to water as she angrily pressed her phone and the others tried too.
"Alright; then I'll drive him there- Jemma, slide open the door to the van and Cloda, clear the bed at the back." Ordered Martin, trying to remain calm.
They did exactly what he asked them too, and within seconds they had returned outside to see that Ryan's fitting had died down.
"Ryan?" Called Martin, just hoping for a response, but there was none.
"The fit has stopped- isn't that a good thing?" Asked Ollie,
"Hopefully." Martin Replied, praying that he hadn't stopped fitting because he had died.
Zoe put both one hand on Ryan's wrist to find a pulse, Martin looked over at her but she shook her head, Martin bit his lip and his jaw shook. "Z-Zoë w-what do I do?" He whispered, panicking.
"Hospital?" She Suggested,
"We haven't got time." He declined.
"Then CPR." She ordered,
"I don't think-"
"It's his only hope."
Martin nodded, "alright." He breathed deeply, "You four get inside now."
This time they did exactly as their teacher asked.
"Okay- Zoë- keep checking his pulse, alright?" Martin Ordered, rolling up his sleeves and starting compressions on Ryan's chest, trying to keep calm and professional as he watched Ryan's motionless countenance, finding himself willing the tears away.
Zoe watched intently at Martin who was sweating as he tried to bring back some life into his student's body.
"Stop." She told him.
"N-no-" he denied, out of breath,
"Martin stop- I've got a pulse." She shouted, holding up Ryan's wrist and tilting back Ryan's neck, putting her ear to his mouth and hearing him begin to breath again.
Martin leaned back and ran his hands down his sweating face,
"Martin you're amazing." Said Zoe, reaching over and taking his hand.
"Is- is he alright?" Martin Asked, "I-I didn't break any of his ribs or anything.?"
Zoe felt Ryan's chest, "doesn't look like it, I think he'll be alright for now."
"This isn't the sort of thing you wanna do when you're hungover." Breathed Martin, evoking a smile from Zoe. "Come on lets get him into the van."
Martin lifted Ryan by this arms and Zoe lifted him by the legs as they gently climbed into the van.
"Is he- w-what's happening?" Asked Lucy, with damp eyes as they placed him onto the bed and made sure he was still breathing.
"He's unconscious- but he's breathing now." Said Martin, feeling a desire to protect Ryan now. "Um.. I- I just want you to know that.. whatever happens in the next month- you've got me. You've always got me, whenever and wherever." He blankly smiled at the band who were stepping closer.
"Make that plural." Zoë Added, knowing that Ryan had very little time left.

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