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Zoe was completely trapped; George had a gun against her temple, his other arm against her neck with police officers surrounding her with rifles. She saw Martin behind them, all she wanted was to be in his arms. Her eyes were focused completely on his panicked ones. George was shouting something, but the words didn't process, she didn't listen. She just continued to stare at Martin, miming the words "I love you." To him, in hope that she'd be able to say that to him again.
The tears began to well up her eyes, she knew if she died, her baby would die too, and.. most probably Martin would die. She wasn't so wanting to live for the sake of being alive, but for the effect that her death would have on everyone.
"Where's Martin!" Shouted George,
"Here." Said Martin emerging from the crowd of police officers, "George if you're going to shoot anyone, shoot me. Let Zoë go."
"No! No that's the whole point! I had to go through all this pain! Julia and I had an affair." Zoë didn't know who Julia was, but from the look on Martin's face, she assumed that she was his mother. "Then Julia had to go and marry that twat of a man you called your dad! And have a daughter! While me- I marry this girl I don't love, we have a daughter that I loved, and she dies! Then your mother dies and you continue to say that you hate her!"
Martin took a step back, his blood running cold.
"You're lying." He uttered with closed teeth.
"Am I? Then why did you have to marry a woman you didn't really love, and why is your daughter dead, and why is the girl you love about to die?"
Zoe began to cry desperately, unable to remain strong,
"You killed Martha?!" Shouted Martin, taking a step forwards but being held back by the police.
"Her boyfriend Alex was of great help. I told him that if he didn't kill that child, I would kill Zoe." George turned his face to Zoë who's tears had streamed down her cheeks, "Are you listening to that, Zoe? Your boyfriend killed a child for you. But as he was unable of killing you, I killed him."
"W-What..?" Mumbled Zoe, with huge eyes.
"The arrest when he stabbed Martin was fake. His throat was slit just afterwards."
Zoe covered her open mouth with her shaking hands, shrieking in pure despair.
"So you know how it feels, son?" Laughed George, keeping a firm grip on Zoë.
Martin shook his head, his eyes red and about to burst with rage.
"Open the boot of the taxi. I've got you a present." Ordered George.
Martin looked to the taxi, then looked to two of the police officers who cautiously made their way to the boot, with guns at the ready, they opened it up and immediately dropped them. Martin ran over and looked to see Bronagh Watson's body lying limp in the boot.
"Fucking hell!" He yelled, placing his hands behind his head and immediately staring back at George who still held Zoë harshly.
"Why her?! What the fuck! Why Bronagh?! What the hell had she to do with this?!"
"She failed me."
"George please! Please I'll do anything! Please let Zoe go!" Martin cried.
"I want you to beg. And I want you to call me your dad." He growled.
Martin stared into Zoe's terrified green eyes, and fell onto his two knees, with his hands joined,
"Please- please let her go.." he begged, "dad... please let her live.."
George's eyes met Martin's crying ones. Then, loosening his grip on Zoë, he smiled, before he pulled the trigger and Zoe fell to the ground.

The band climbed out of the taxi outside of the hotel,
"Crap do any of you guys have money?" Asked Jemma, emptying her pockets for loose change.
"Don't worry about it." Insisted Bruno, "give my best to Mr Martini and his ladyfriend!"
"We will." Assumed Cloda, looking earnestly into his eyes, "thank you."
They walked up the stairs to the apartment in near silence, feeling anxious, and knowing that this was serious.
"He had a gun.." said Jemma, looking out the window in the main room, looking out at the streets, longing to see what was happening where their teachers were.
Ollie walked up behind her and placed his hands on her shoulders, "Are you okay?" He asked her, quietly.
She nodded in response, her eyes watering as he pulled her into an embrace.
"Jem.." Ryan interrupted, "d-did Mr McCafferson ever hang up your phone call?"
Jemma immediately split apart from Ollie and took out her phone, to her oblivion, the call was still ongoing. She un-muted it and placed it on the table, all they could hear was loud banging noises. But then was the sound of Martin's breathing, "no.. no, no Jesus Christ no!" The whisper turned to a scream, and they all looked up at each other, Jemma's tears of shock fell down her cheeks before she covered her mouth with one hand, "turn it off!" She cried.
Ollie wrapped his arms around her shoulders, he wanted to tell her that everything would be okay, but he didn't want to lie her. He, instead, kissed her cheek and let her rest her head on his shoulder. Ryan muted the phone call and rubbed Jemma's back as the other three found themselves joining in the embrace. Knowing that they'd go through this together, whatever the outcome.

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