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Martin began to feel tired again as Zoë remained fast asleep, lying into his chest.
"Does anyone wanna go down to the café and get some breakfast?" Asked Martin,
"Sure- I'll go, what do you guys want?" Asked Cloda,
"Two coffees and something chocolatey." Said Martin,
"What about you, Ollie?" Asked Cloda, taking out her purse.
"Nah I'm fine." He told her.
"No you're not." Martin, Cloda and Jemma seemed to say in unison.
"Jeez okay I'll have a coffee too." Laughed Ollie, taking out his wallet and passing her four euro.
"I'll go with you." Said Jemma, "Lucy what do you want?"
"Nothing." She replied, but Ryan interrupted.
"She wants a medium cappuccino with a couple biscuits."
Lucy broke into a smile.
"Can I get you anything, Ryan?" Asked Cloda.
"Nah I'm not allowed."
"Alright." She said before opening the door.
"Wait a second-" called Martin, manoeuvring himself so that he could reach his jeans pocket without disrupting Zoë.
He took out his wallet and handed Cloda €20.
"Keep the change." He told her.
"thanks sir." Said Cloda, putting the note in her pocket.

Martin continued to stroke Zoe's back as she slept on his shoulder.
"Are you two okay?" Asked Ryan, looking over to Martin and Zoe.
"Yeah- why?" He replied, raising an eyebrow.
"Did you meet up in the middle of the night?"
"N-no?" Replied Martin. "Why what's the matter?"
Ryan felt cautious, glancing over at Zoe.
"About four o'clock in the morning Miss went out for like half an hour and then she came back crying."
Martin's face was still as he looked down at Zoe, in confusion.
"Are you sure?" Asked Lucy to Ryan.
"Yes, definitely." Said Ryan.
Martin felt Zoë more closely, whispering in her ear,
He moved her away but she remained limp and her head swayed down.
"Zo? Zoe wake up." Said Martin, beginning to panic.
"Miss?" Called Ollie, walking over to her as Lucy covered her dropping mouth with her hand.
Martin was silent with fear, resting Zoe on his knees and rubbing her cheeks with his thumbs.
"Zoe? C'mon Zoe." Encouraged Martin, beginning to panic as Zoe made no response.
"I'll get help." Said Ollie, standing up and running outside the door.
Lucy took a step closer, "Ryan was she hurt? Was there anything wrong?"
"I- I don't know- she- she didn't look hurt or anything." Replied Ryan, scared.
A nurse followed Ollie back into the room.
"What's her name?" Asked the nurse who sounded English, she was taking Zoe's pulse.
"Zoe." Said Martin,
"And who are you to her?"
"A... colleague." Said martin, not wanting to over-complicate anything.
"Do you know if she has any conditions? Any allergies? Is she pregnant?"
Martin shook his head, just willing for Zoe's eyes to open.
"Okay, I'll get another bed ready." Said the nurse, opening up another curtain. Martin slid his hands under her legs and back and lifted her over to the bed beside Ryan.
A doctor walked into the room, taking Zoe's temperature and taking out his stethoscope.
Martin couldn't take his eyes off Zoe. He needed her to be safe, and it was only now that he realised how much he liked her, and how much he depended on her.

Cloda and Jemma walked back into the room with food and drinks.
"where's Mr McCafferson and Miss Flynn?" Asked Jemma, looking over to Ollie.
Ollie pointed over to the bed next to them where Martin sat beside Zoe, holding her hand.
Jemma's mouth dropped, "w-what happened?" She put the coffees down onto the table, looking over.
Ollie shrugged his shoulders, "s-she just wouldn't wake up."
Ollie's eyelids were heavy and his head pained as he sipped on the coffee.
"He doesn't need this." Sighed Ollie, looking over to Martin.
Jemma rested her head on Ollie's shoulder, "he really loves her." She said.
Ollie nodded, kissing Jemma's forehead, "I need some air." He breathed, standing up.
Jemma put an arm around his back, walking beside him towards the entrance to the hospital where they sat down on a bench outside.
"You need a rest." Said Jemma, wrapping an arm around his neck.
"Don't think I can." Said Ollie, "can't sleep when I'm worried."
"Ryan's gonna be fine." Jemma soothed, "and im sure Miss is too."
"But what about you?" Asked Ollie,
"What about me? I'm fine." Said Jemma, taking his hands.
"So was Miss Flynn and now-"
Jemma looked directly into Ollie's eyes. "Look at me."
Ollie did as she asked, concentrating on his breathing before pressing his forehead against hers, as their lips slowly locked together.

Inside, Lucy sat on the bed beside Ryan, whose face was low and white.
"Are you okay?" Lucy asked him,
"I feel terrible.. I should have talked to Miss last night.." said Ryan,
"It's okay, Ryan." She soothed,
"I pretended to be asleep, Luce. Why the hell did I do that?" He asked rhetorically.
"She's gonna be fine, you're gonna be fine. None of this is your fault." Said Lucy, looking into his eyes.
"Alright alright.. tell me something I don't know." Muttered Ryan.
Lucy cupped his cheek,
"I love you."

When they started kissing, Cloda lifted up two of the coffees and walked into the next cubical where Martin sat beside Zoe's bed.
"Hey." She said, handing Martin his coffee and sitting on the seat beside him.
"Thanks." Said Martin, warming his hands with the cardboard cup,
"How is she?" Asked Cloda, looking at Zoe's unconscious body.
"I dunno." Sighed Martin, "where'd Ollie and Jemma go?"
"Outside for a snog." Sighed Cloda bluntly, sipping her coffee.
Martin raised his eyebrow, "and I suppose Lucy and Ryan are doing something similar." He guessed.
Cloda nodded, keeping the cup close to her mouth.
"Are you okay?" Asked Martin, looking over at her. Cloda's face was very pale now with a grey ghostly undertone.
She nodded in response, taking a deep breath.
"You sure?" He asked.
Cloda nodded again but a tear streamed out, she found it difficult to control her breathing.
Martin took her coffee and put both of them onto the table as he wrapped his arms around her, making her give up and cry.
"Talk to me, Cloda." He whispered, hating to see her in such a state.
Cloda split apart, shaking her head and turning away. Covering her eyes with her hands, "sorry." She breathed, standing up and walking towards the bathroom.
"Clodes!" Called Martin, feeling helpless and incredibly concerned about her. But she ignored him and continued to walk away.

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