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Martin opened the door of the van, grabbing his wallet and opening the boot where Lucy grabbed her bass, Ollie grabbed his electric guitar and Ryan grabbed his drumsticks.
Martin locked the van, looking back at Lucy. She was the only one wearing a long-sleeved dress. And although it looked pretty, he couldn't help but feel awful for not telling anyone else about her abusive father.
As they walked towards the restaurant, Martin noticed Ryan drifting behind, so he waited with him.
Ryan stood still, his hands shaking slightly and his eyes fixed straight ahead.
"Ryan." Called Martin, getting worried, "Ryan?"
Ryan suddenly unpaused, it seemed, he put a shaking hand against the stone wall, leaning against it.
"You good?" Asked Martin, putting a hand on his shoulder.
Ryan nodded, slightly shaken before he walked onwards.
"Tell me if that happens again." Said Martin, still worried,
"It's nothing.. it's fine. It happens." He moaned, walking onwards.
"Is it getting worse?" Asked Martin, wanting to take the best care of his pupils possible.
"I dunno.. sometimes it's really bad and sometimes it's fine." He sighed, looking out at the sky. "It's alright I'm taking those tablets."
"Worried about you Ryan.." said Martin, putting his hand back in his pockets, "you will tell me if something happens, right?"
Ryan nodded, looking down, "I hate this bloody disease.." He Muttered. Martin couldn't think of anything to say to him in comfort, so he simply said;
"Keep going."
Ryan gave a blank smile before everyone piled up outside the restaurant.
"Right, you five go introduce yourself and get set up." Said Martin, "we'll be right in."

Martin looked over at Zoe as the band went inside.
"What are we waiting for?" Asked Zoe, confused yet equally charmed by Martin.
Martin took her hands and looked into her eyes,
"Here?" Questioned Zoë, thinking he was going to kiss her.
Martin shook his head, linking his arm with hers and walking inside.

Zoe and Martin sat down at a table right beside the small stage where the band were already playing some smooth blues. Martin took a glance over at Zoe, so happy that she came with him on this tour.
"They're a good band aren't they?" He complimented, looking as they gently played.
Zoe nodded, "reckon they'll get any pay?" She asked,
"I dunno. Maybe a couple quid. Their songs are written in English, so it's limited how much others will understand." Said Martin.
"Did you write any of the songs?" Asked Zoë,
"Me? No, god no. They made them all up at someone's house and then all of a sudden they had about ten songs, I just fixed them up a bit." He said,
"Nice." Said Zoe, trying to keep in her smile.
Martin focused on Zoe, in the light of the candle and flowers in the centre of the table.
"What's your instrument?" Asked Zoë, putting her hands on the table and gradually intertwining her fingers with Martin's.
"My instrument? I can play quite a few." He said, scratching his neck.
"Yeah but what's your favourite?" Asked Zoë,
"Eh.. I like guitar, I play that the most.. but, probably the harp, actually."
"You play the harp?" Questioned Zoë, surprised.
"Self-taught." He laughed, "all the teachers were £40 a lesson, nearest place was eighty miles away." 
"Jeez you're good." Complimented Zoë,
"I suppose your instrument is the piano." Assumed Martin,
"Yep. Although, I was a sax player in my time."
"sax?!" Laughed Martin,
"I was the lead saxophone in the college orchestra."
"Oh yes! That's right you were- I remember you telling me that back when I first met you."
The waiter suddenly interrupted, "excuse moi! Monsieur, et mademoiselle, What to drink?" He asked, making both Zoë and Martin chuckle,
"Eh, red wine, please." Said Martin,
"For both of us, thank you." Added Zoë, politely.
"And- to eat?" Offered the waiter,
Martin and Zoe gave their orders, smiling at each other as they did.
The band still continued to play, looking over at their teachers. Cloda noticed that they were holding hands, she never really pondered at the fact that their two teachers might genuinely like each other.
Once their first song was finished, they smiled as their small audience of diners clapped. They all had a brief conversation.
"Do you see Mr McCafferson and Miss Flynn?!" Whispered Cloda,
"I know right! God this is weird." Laughed Jemma.
Ollie laughed, "I.. went and opened Miss Flynn's door earlier and they were on the bed.."
"Oh Christ Ollie!" Laughed Lucy,
"Were they kissing?" Asked Ryan, chuckling and giving a brief glance at their teachers,
"Well I don't know? I mean they could have just been chatting." Said Ollie,
"Sure..." Replied Ryan, indicating the connection between Martin and Zoe, their eyes locked, nobody could break that bond.
"How long have they known each other?"
"Like a week." Laughed Lucy, "she's made him happy though." Admitted Cloda,
"Is it bad that I feel almost jealous?" Said Ollie,
"Jealous?! What? Would you rather be snogging him?"
"Shhh... no!" Responded Ollie, "I mean- I feel like ever since she came into the picture he's instantly revolved his life around her."
"I get you, but he was in a horrible place, you know if he never met her he wouldn't be half as happy as he is now." Replied Ryan, looking over at Martin who was laughing at something Zoe said.
Ollie nodded, "but he used to spend loads of time with us, and he was happy."
"That's before he lost his family, if it wasn't for Miss Flynn he'd still be off after his wife's death."
"Doesn't he feel guilty though? It's been less than a week since she died and he's already basically with someone else."
"Must be the longest week of his life. It's been a long one for me." Said Ryan.
"Hey, let's talk about this later, eh, let's do another song."
Everyone nodded as they flicked their pages and Ryan counted them in.

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