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At 10am Martin sat beside the bridge in a silk white shirt with a black waistcoat and trousers and a burgundy tie; he had quickly re-gelled his hair in the van and waited with Ryan googling the script for a wedding ceremony.
"You want this in a specific religion?" Asked Ryan, leaning against the bridge on his phone, the very sight just making Martin chuckle.
"What religion are you ordained in?" Asked Martin,
"Catholic, I think? But their ceremonies are so long; what religion are you, anyway?" Ryan questioned.
"I'm not really religious if I'm honest, neither is Zoë." He told him, looking out at the river, "beautiful city.."
"Here they come." Interrupted Ollie, looking beyond where Martin was standing.
Martin chewed the inside of his mouth with anticipation as he watched Zoë walk towards him. She was wearing a short white dress that ended at her knees, her hair was down behind her shoulders and her face radiated a vibrant glow.
Martin couldn't stop smiling and staring at her as she walked up beside him.
"You look really hot." She chuckled, facing him and looking up.
"Yeah, I'm roasting, this waistcoat was completely unnecessary." He laughed, wiping his brow.
Zoe broke into a giggle, "didn't mean that kind of hot."
"Shh." He hushed, chuckling with her before Ryan announced,
"We are gathered here today-" causing Zoe and Martin to almost fall over in fits of laughter.
"Shut up bride and groom I'm trying to marry you here." Said Ryan.
"Skip to the bits that matter, I'm getting really bloody self conscious here." Giggled Zoë, rubbing her hands down her dress before taking Martin's hands again.
"Okay.. if anyone here objects to the marriage of these guys, speak up now." Said Ryan,
"I object." Intruded Ollie, making everyone turn to him, "just kidding, just kidding!"
"Right, then Miss Zoe Zara Flynn, do you take Charles Martin McCafferson for your lawful husband, to have and to hold, from this day foreword, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?" Asked Ryan, seeing Zoë blush as she looked right into the eyes of Martin as he slipped the ring around her finger before saying loudly and proudly, "I do."
Ryan began to ask Martin the same question, but Martin's mind seem to cast back to his first wedding with Emily. He pictured her in front of him, it seemed like yesterday. They were secretly hoping that somebody would object to their marriage, or that the priest would have been sick or something. He couldn't believe the life he had with her was gone; everything. His parents, her parents, Martha, Emily, their house, there was virtually nothing left of his old life; and this life with Zoe was just one turn in the right direction.
He made little hesitation as he grinned and watched her slip the ring around his finger.
"I do." He promised.
The couple bit their lips and looked into each other's eyes,
"Then, I guess, I now pronounce you husband and wife." Announced Ryan, making eye contact with both of them, "I mean, you're in front of your students but you can kiss your bride if you want." He laughed.
Both Zoe and Martin had tears in their eyes from utter joy.
"Nobody look." Ordered Martin jokingly as he ran his fingers through his wife's hair before Zoë placed her hands on his chest and kissed him twice on the lips, giggling as she did so.
"Marty what have we done?!" She exclaimed as he hugged her and their small audience that had accumulated cheered.
"I don't know!" He laughed.
"Congratulations! Mr and Mrs McCafferson!" Cloda ejaculated as she took photos of the newly married couple.
"Mrs McCafferson?!" Zoë gasped, looking up at Martin. "Are you okay with that?"
"Of course I'm okay with it you beautiful thing; you're my wife." He told her, still in the embrace.
Zoe took him by the hands and faced the band,
"Thanks Ryan! Now what's next on the agenda?" She asked.
"Umm... do you two wanna go back to the hotel for a few hours or.." offered Ollie.
"Nope! We've gotta get this show on the road; back to the van." Ordered Martin, pointing in the direction of the rather sad looking minibus by the side of the road.
"But you just got married- don't you want some space to.. y'know.?" Hinted Ryan.
"Look; we've not even had our reception yet, slow down, it's ten o'clock in the morning." Laughed Zoe, walking back to the van and lifting up her hat, putting it on again as Martin unlocked the van and sat back down in the drivers' seat, closing the door and lying back, looking over at Zoë.
"Now... where were we?" He breathed, smiling at her.
"Just sulking at each other after having an argument about keeping secrets." Zoë reminded him, smirking.
"Oh excellent; shall we continue?" He flirted, loosening his tie and taking off his waistcoat before unbuttoning the first few buttons of his shirt and putting on his sunglasses as Zoe kicked off her high heels.
"Well.. considering I told you my secret.." Zoë teased, rubbing his shoulder as he pulled out onto the road.
Martin grinned at her, "alright then." He looked in the rear view mirror at the kids, "I got a new job."
Zoe's smile nearly immediately faded, "what? B-but I just got a permanent job at Rustrike!"
The band eavesdropped in, "what?! Are you quitting?!" Ollie called.
"Is that why they asked me to be a permanent teacher? Did you quit?! I wouldn't have accepted-"
Martin shook his head, laughing. "Zoe, honey. They asked you to be a secondary music teacher because the other music teacher is only taking a few classes because he is too busy being the new principle of Rustrike High!" He exclaimed making every single living creature in the van go absolutely crazy with excitement.
"Principle?!" Zoë shrieked,
"I'm as confused as you are about why they chose me." He chuckled.
"Oh I'm not confused." She told him, catching his eye and smiling, knowing that nobody else in the world deserved that title more than him.

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