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When Martin returned to his bedroom Zoe had gone. They hadn't exactly planned on sleeping together, and saying that, they literally only slept together, there wasn't a kiss, just constant comfort.
He heard a voice coming from the bathroom and immediately broke into a grin as he walked in the bathroom.
Zoe appeared to be singing in the shower, through the mirror Martin could see the silhouette of her slim body through the shower curtain.
"Beautiful voice." Complimented Martin, laughing as he brushed his teeth.
Zoe responded with a small squeak and poked her head through the side of the curtain.
"What are you doing here?!" She yelped, giggling.
"W' share a wafroom." He said with the toothbrush in his mouth.
"Passus a towel." She asked, turning off the shower.
Martin spat out his toothpaste and quickly splashed his face before grabbing a towel and holding it just outside the shower.

When she came out, she immediately grabbed another towel to wrap around her hair and made eye contact with Martin, smiling at him before stretching her arms out and rubbing the back of Martin's neck and facing him.
"I thought you wanted to keep this professional." Reminded Martin, teasing her with a kiss on the cheek before he took off his t-shirt and climbed into the shower with a smile on his face. Excited for the day ahead.

Ryan gelled his hair strategically so that his operation scar wouldn't show. Beside him, sharing the mirror, was Lucy who was brushing her hair using the same mirror.
"Side parting or centre parting?" Asked Lucy, looking to Ryan in the mirror, who raised an eyebrow.
"I think... side parting, but not too far to the side that you look like a punk, just an inch or so so that you look like a rock star."
Lucy laughed at him before putting down her brush, "Okay you do it then." She said, making Ryan bite his lip and smile anxiously, "Lucy I am really not an expert in this area." He admitted.
"Oh go on, what's the worse that could happen?" She giggled, handing him a comb as he stood behind her.
"Right, tell me if I hurt you." He told her, brushing through her long black hair and arranging a parting to her left side.
"You won't hurt me." She replied with a sincere gaze in which Ryan tried to ignore. He brushed her hair through, happy with what it looked like and stood back a little.
"What about that?" He offered,
"Do I look like a rockstar?" She asked, smirking at him.
"You're a female Freddie Mercury, my friend." He complimented, incapable of not smiling at her through the mirror.
Lucy took a step back and leaned up against Ryan, who felt overwhelmed with emotions, he was surprised that he wasn't glowing red.
He felt a tickling sensation on his cheek, and when he realised that it was Lucy's lips, he simply couldn't resist taking her waist and gently pressing his lips against hers, feeling all his worries dissolve as he stroked her cheek with his thumb and closed his eyes, immersing himself in this kiss which grew evermore passionate as he realised how guilty he'd felt, and how much he missed being with her.
Lucy couldn't hold back anymore, she trusted him fully as his hands glided down her back and lifted her up at her thighs, she wrapped her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck as he stumbled to lock both doors with his eyes closed while kissing her passionately before placing Lucy onto the bed and crawling over her, kissing her neck while she closed her eyes, overwhelmed with love.
There was then a knock on the door and Mr McCafferson's voice called,
"You guys ready to go?"
Lucy and Ryan started laughing and kissed again before Ryan held a hand out to let her up,
"All I had to do was your hair." Chuckled Ryan,
"We're far too young for this." Giggled Lucy, unlocking the doors before walking out and gleaming back at Ryan who followed her out to where the group was sitting.
"Right, What are we doing?" Asked Cloda, "concert's not till half five."
"Sound check and rehearsal!" Exclaimed Martin, rather too excitedly.
"Oh do we have to do all the boring stuff too?" Asked Zoë to Martin,
"Well.. I guess we could leave those guys off and go to the Vatican or something?" Offered Martin,
Zoe raised an eyebrow while subtly flicking her debit card from her purse and flashing it at Martin before sliding it back in.
"I'll... get that sorted." He told her, remembering the money problem- how could he forget? "Come on guys, let's go."
He picked up the keys to the van, which was now quite hideously dented and looked grotesquely out-of-place in this wealthy area of Rome.
"So.. where are we performing?" Asked Ollie, climbing into the seat behind the driver's as Martin sat down.
"Parco Della Musica." Replied his teacher, "spoiler: it's pretty big."
Zoe sat down in the passenger seat, her eyes gleaming over at Martin, making him blankly smile back, but it seemed that every time he drove in this van, all the horrible memories came back to him.
He put his foot in the clutch and turned his keys, shakily moving into first gear as he lowered the handbrake and slowly started down the road, remembering how Emily's parents; George and Michelle sold his house and took his money.. he couldn't come to terms with that. He was terrified of even thinking about it and was unsure about where the pile of bills that he was sure to have will have landed, since apparently his house was no longer his. In truth, he didn't know how to sort this, he didn't know what exactly he should do and he simply was too tired to even try. He knew in his mind that he wouldn't stay at 'home' for long after this trip ended, he wasn't even sure if he would keep himself alive.

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