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When they arrived back at the hotel, Martin quickly arranged for a taxi and Zoe grabbed an outfit and placed it into a bag to get changed into.
They got into a taxi back to the auditorium to see the rehearsals on the stage. Martin could see in Cloda's eyes the incredible nerves that were welling up inside of her as she sang. And the slight shiver in her voice with the interweaving of her fingers which gripped the cuffs of her jumper conveyed her mortal terror.
Martin, from the curtains, tried to catch Cloda's eye, but she remained focused on the back wall.
"Somethings not right." Said Zoe, protruding beside Martin.
"You're right." He replied, standing adjacent to her, "it's Cloda."
Zoe briefly chewed her thumb nail with concern before patting Martin's shoulder, "you gonna speak to her?"
"Why should I?" He responded,
"You can't put her up in stage with those nerves. She's better than that, go on and talk to her." Encouraged Zoe,
"Talking could just make her even more nervous." Said Martin,
"Trust me, it won't. Talk to her and I'll give you a kiss."
Martin laughed at her, "that's not blackmail."
"Isn't it?" She replied, "Okay then, don't talk to her, if you're happy with this being the real thing."
"Ugh.." Groaned Martin, when they finished the song and began walking towards them. "Fine."
"Was that alright?" Asked Ollie, High-fiving Martin and taking hold of his hand,
"Yeah! Good lad." He replied, patting his back and congratulating everyone as they walked into the dressing rooms.
Cloda had her own dressing room, as the makeup artists and hairdressers wanted to do the most to her. So Martin decided to stay with her as they straightened and curled her fiery ginger hair.
"Looking forwards to the show?" He asked her, sitting on a seat a few metres from the makeup chair where Cloda sat.
Cloda took a deep exhale, "terrified."
"I can tell." He replied,
"Shit, can you?" She asked, her eyebrows tilting and her eyes widening.
"Not in a bad way."
"Being nervous is always a bad thing... i don't wanna mess this up on them.. they've worked so hard.. I don't want to embarrass us-"
"Cloda, calm down. You've worked just as hard as them. You're the best singer I know and I'm not lying about that."
The makeup artist left the room quite promptly, supposedly to help with someone else.
Martin took this opportunity to crouch down beside Cloda's chair and wrap an arm around her shoulders, looking at her in the mirror.
"I don't know if I'm put up for this, Sir." She gulped, her eyes glimmering with unbroken tears, willing for them not to fall and ruin her powdered face.
"Clodes..." Martin began, looking directly into her emerald eyes, "I know I've been a shitty teacher these last couple months but I promise you that I would not have even considered this trip if I didn't think that you were capable to do this."
"You didn't know we would be doing this." Sighed Cloda, leaning back.
"True." Said Martin, "But I knew you could."
Cloda smirked before turning her head to face Martin who had crouched down with hopeful big green eyes.
"C'mon." He whispered, breaking into a comforting embrace.
Cloda rested her nervous chin on his shoulder, "if it means anything.. I prefer you to my maths teacher."
Martin laughed, "who's your maths teacher?"
"Miss Telcome." Cloda Chuckled,
"I'm flattered." He responded,
"She gave me a detention for going on this trip." She told him, still incapable of breaking the hug.
"Did she?" Asked Martin, shocked, "what a pompous bitch!"
Cloda laughed out loud, finally pulling away and curling her eyelashes upwards with her index fingers, "I'm gonna cry my eyelashes off."
"Please don't tell her i called her that." Martin said, smirking.
"That's no way to speak about your colleague." She joked,
"Yeah, but she is a bit of a twat though, isn't she?" He replied, standing up and putting his hands on her shoulders.
"Yeah a bit." She admitted, grinning hugely before Zoë entered the room.
"You two alright?" She inquired, smiling beautifully at Martin, she had gotten ready, she was wearing a short green dress which seemed to flatter everything about her. She was wearing a sheer coat of red lipstick, and Martin was holding back his curses of passion towards her.
He met her gaze in the mirror and gave a slight wink, completely forgetting her question, but presuming it was nothing important; he could stare at her for centuries if this world would simply let him.
"The audience is beginning to arrive." She said, taking a seat on the makeup counter and smiling at Martin before looking to Cloda.
"This is gonna be amazing." She encouraged, with a countenance of hopefulness and love.
"I'm so bloody nervous." Admitted Cloda.
Correction;" interjected Martin, "you're so bloody excited."
Cloda laughed "no."
"They're pretty similar emotions, just keep telling yourself that you're excited. This doesn't happen to many sixteen year-olds."
"Right then.." she resumed, "I'm excited, I'm excited, I'm exci-"
"Excited? Good for you I'm shitting myself!" Interrupted Ollie, opening the door and walking in while buttoning up his shirt.
Martin stood up and walked towards Zoe, "Ollie- you and Cloda mind staying here if Miss Flynn and I step outside for a few minutes?" he Asked, politely.
Ollie sat down on the makeup table in front of Cloda as they began to walk towards the door, "sure! The bathroom's first on your left if you wanna have sex or someth-" Ollie cut himself off by covering his mouth with both hands, "oh my god I can't believe I just said that."
Martin paused right in front of the door, his mouth dropping, "Y'know what, I think I'm just gonna stay here instead." He announced,
"Yeah... Same." Said Zoe, breaking into a shocked smile; meanwhile Cloda couldn't contain her uncontrollable giggles.
"You should be expelled, Oliver." Informed Martin, leaning against the wall with raised eyebrows and a smile.
"I really should, shouldn't I?" He chuckled back, looking up at the clock.
"Showtime." Said Zoe, with blushed cheeks from laughing, "we'll be watching from the wings."
"Oh yeah! That's what Natasha wanted to speak to you about- she's got you seats in the audience.. apparently some good seats." Added Ollie,
"Oh really? Where is she?" Asked Zoë,
"In the dressing room just across the hall, probably." Answered Cloda.
Martin and Zoe exchanged eye contact before he opened the door,
"We are not going to the bathroom." Reminded Martin, pointing his finger at Ollie jokingly.
"Noted!" Ollie responded, laughing as the door closed shut.

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