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"So are you gonna be in the office in the fancy side of the school?" Asked Zoë as Martin entered the motorway.
"Maybe a little bit, but mostly in the classroom. You'll be in the classroom next to me." He replied,
"Oh so I've gotta move classrooms?" Presumed Zoe.
"Zoe, I've been there six years, you've only been there three months." He justified.
"It was a long three months." Added Zoe making Martin laugh,
"For you?"
"Okay, Okay.." Zoe laughed, rubbing his shoulder.
"So... you're gonna be.. like.. making speeches and stuff." Asked Ollie.
Martin bit his lip, "feck." He laughed, "they do that, don't they?"
"You're gonna be brilliant. Honestly, you'll be the best." Encouraged Lucy.
"Just keep it real, no cheese, don't dress anything up or down and everyone'll love you." Advised Ryan.
Martin grinned as he looked at them through the rear view mirror, "thank you." He told them, tapping his fingers on the steering wheel and initially surprising himself with the sound of his wedding ring against the wheel.
"So, Miss Fl- Mrs McCafferson, three kids, you gonna have two more and name them all after us?" Joked Ollie.
"I love you all, but no offence, I'm not having five kids." Laughed Zoe,
"I don't see why we couldn't." Added Martin, smiling at her.
"You're not the one who has to give birth to three of them in one day." Zoë Complained,
"Fair point, I just stand there and look pretty." Said Martin, reaching over for her hand and stroking it.
"What are we gonna tell the other staff? Like, I'm obviously pregnant." Said Zoe, biting her lip.
"Oh.. yeah..  maybe you should stick with your maiden name for a while." Laughed Martin, "since everyone in that school seems to know about my last relationship."
"We've been together less than two weeks and we're already married." Martin scoffed.
"How long have we been together?" She asked him.
"When would you say; first kiss, first time we.."
"I'd say Paris." Said Zoe, "Friday the eleventh of May."
"Oh yes; that's when you gave me that cheeky peck in Disney Land." Chuckled Martin.
"I was more thinking about later that night." Added Zoe, smiling at him.
"What?! You two were doing it while we all shared a room?!" Gasped Cloda,
"No! No! No-no-no-no!" Denied Martin, honestly, blushing.
"What are you saying? Martin's a virgin." Scoffed Zoe,
"Yes, with, four? Five? Children in total, born and unborn?" Laughed Ollie.
"Arguably, biologically none of those kids are mine." Added Martin,
"You waiting till marriage, sir?" Joked Ollie making Martin smirk.
"I hope that everyone in the back is all innocent." Called Martin.
Everyone chewed their lips to avoid smiling as they looked around guiltily at each other.
"Oh my god!" Exclaimed Zoe and Martin simultaneously.
"I'm not taking any blame for teenage pregnancies; I'm gonna trust that you all- Wait.. when?" Asked Martin.
"Is he seriously asking us that question?" Inquired Ryan, cringing.
"I am your head master, I can ask you anything." Added Martin.
"Oh, he's blackmailing us now." Chuckled Ollie, "don't you think that's a bit of a personal question? Like when did you lose your virginity?"
"Oh dont ask him that, he's gonna say like 9 or something." Complained Ryan.
"I'm not answering that." Martin replied, his gut suddenly feeling tense as he thought about his awful memories of being abused at a young age.
While Martin continued to drive his phone gave a quick chime.
"Voicemail; anyone important, Zo?" He asked as she picked up his phone and looked at the notification, one hand covering her opened mouth.
"Who is it?" He asked, confused.
"Emily McCafferson." She told him, and Martin's blood ran cold.
He pulled over onto the hard shoulder and picked up his phone, hesitating before clicking on the voicemail and putting his phone up to his ear.
"Hey Marty, it's just me, Emma. So... I hope you're not freaked out by this voice mail, don't worry; I'm dead. I'm very dead, I've just scheduled this to be sent couple weeks after today to make sure you're alright.  You've just left for work, it's Friday, I'm really really drunk, but even after all these drugs and all the alcohol, Martha is still gone... Martin, I'm breaking. And I don't think I've got a choice anymore. Three months without my daughter is just killing me, and I need her back." Emily's voice was starting to crack and between her words were gasps for air, "Martin I cant live in this world anymore without her. I can't see children at work without seeing Martha. But Martha's gone.. Martha's gone and she's left us. I know you're sad but you're strong, you see.
"I'm sorry for doing this, Martin. I'm sorry for killing myself, I know it's selfish, I know it'll only make your situation worse. I hope it's not you that finds me, it shouldn't be you. I've already rang the police saying that a girl has hung herself at our address, and I can hear the sounds of sirens coming, so I guess this is it."
"Martin, I love you so so much. And I hope that right now you're okay. I hope you find someone that you adore and I hope she adores you too. I- I'm so sorry Martin. I really- really am..." she gasped lightly before she uttered her final words, "goodbye."
The voice mail ended and Martin was left sitting in the driver's seat, one hand over his mouth while he put his phone back down, taking deep breaths as he willed himself not to cry.
"You alright?" Whispered Zoe, looking over at him.
Martin nodded in reply, causing one tear to be released down his cheek. He wiped it away quickly and turned on the engine again and indicated back onto the road.

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