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Zoe sat down on the bed at the back of the van beside Martin.
"Why'd he call you?" Asked Martin,
Zoe looked down, "I don't even know." She sighed, lying down on her back and kicking her shoes off.
"Do you want to see him again?" He asked, looking into her green eyes.
"No... but.. I'm just curious.." she said,
"What of?"
"He said he was wrongly accused of a crime... lies I assume." Muttered Zoë, looking over to Martin whose face turned white.
"W-what?" She asked in confusion,
"W-what was his name?" He asked,
"I mean- surname." Martin grabbed his phone and quickly looked up Alex Vanse, the man who killed Martha.
"Martin what is up with you?"
Martin saw everything.. he was reported missing, he had escaped.. search parties were looking for him.
He slowly showed Zoe the headline, Alex Vanse, aged 30, murderer of 4 year old Martha McCafferson was reported to have gone missing..
Zoe stared up at Martin with huge terrified eyes.
"Wherever he is, he's gonna be after us, did you tell him where we are?"
Zoe shook her head, "no.. no.. but surely th- the police could just track him?"
Martin's phone began to ring, it was Bronagh Watson.
"Hi." He muttered, picking up the phone, still shaking in fear.
"Is that you, Martin?" Asked Bronagh in that annoying squeaky tone she always had, that was quite posh but on the verge of being completely childish.
"It is, Yeah. What can I do- I'm in a bit of a rush right now." Said Martin, taking out his laptop and searching through pictures of Alex Vance.
"Doesn't look like you're in a rush." Said Bronagh, a little more sternly.
Martin hesitated, "-sorry?"
"I've been sent some photographs." She began, lowering her pitch.
"Bronagh I'm sorry but I really don't have time-"
"Well you'll make time because if you don't explain this you're going to lose your job!"
Martin went silent, "w-what photographs..?" He asked, his stomach dropping in shock as he focused on his conversation with Bronagh.
"I've emailed them to you."
Martin had never heard Bronagh so stern before.
He checked his emails, seeing three photographs, one was from the night before. It was when the band was playing in the restaurant, Martin and Zoe were sitting at a table with their hands joined and their eyes locked.
The next photo was from about an hour ago when Zoe kissed him on the lips, but all of the band was in the photo, you could see them. The photo was obviously taken from behind them, zoomed in slightly.
The final photo was both of them lying on the bed in the van..
"Oh my god.." Martin began,
"Yeah now explain all of this."
"I- I can't.. that photo must have been taken about two minutes ago.. Bronagh who is sending you these?!"
"I don't care who! You are on a school trip-"
"A school trip which is being stalked! Jesus Christ, Bronagh!" Martin showed the pictures to Zoe while opening up the door of the van and running outside, looking around everywhere. "Doesn't it ever occur to you not to focus on the pictures but who is behind them?! Bronagh please just tell me who is sending you these?!" Yelled Martin, feeling sick.
He walked back into the van where Zoe was ringing everyone to come back to the van. "Martin. I know you're upset, I know you've lost a lot these last few months.. but that cant excuse the inappropriate behaviour between you and Zoe-"
"Where is the context in this?"
"You were holding hands, then you kiss and next you're in bed? Martin! I trusted you with five pupils! Five! And you've blown it, if those happens again you will lose your job-"
"I don't give a damn about my job right now! I want to know who was taking those photos and where they are now! Because at the moment we aren't safe! None of us! Not me, Zoë or any of the kids! And I can't do anything about that until I know who is taking the photos!"
"I don't know- Alex something-or-other, doesn't matter. You just need to get your life sorted-"
After hearing the name 'Alex', Martin hung up. He thought it could be him, he dreaded it. He felt so unbearably sick he felt he might just throw up. The man who killed his daughter had been right outside the van, he had been following him all day.
Martin looked over to Zoe,
"Are they coming?" He asked,
"They're on their way." She said, sitting down into the passenger seat, her eyes watering with pure fear.
Martin turned on the engine, looking in all the rear-view mirrors to make sure that no one was following the five teenagers that were almost running towards the van, he wasn't sure what Zoe had told them, but they seemed quite panicked.
Martin opened the door for them, "quickly, we've gotta go." He ordered, patting their backs as they ran on.
Martin drove off as soon as the door closed, panicking.
"Where should we go? Hotel or somewhere farther away?" Asked Martin to Zoe,
"Wait- what's happening?" Called Ollie from the back,
"Two seconds Ollie." Said Martin, still waiting for Zoe's response.
"Well I take it he already knows where our hotel is considering he was at the restaurant last night." Said Zoe, her eyes red with fear.
"But it's safer- more security, surely he can't just check in." Explained Martin, wiping the sweat from his brow.
"Right who is 'he'?" Asked Ryan.
Martin took a breath. They deserved to know.
"His name is Alex Vanse. Zoe's ex boyfriend of seven years, also happens to be the man who shot my daughter." Martin gulped, his eyes watering, "he's been following us for the last day or two and- " Martin realised that he had just told everyone that Martha was shot.
"Screw this.. Zoë I'm not going back to the hotel I'm gonna keep driving." Sighed Martin, tears subsiding,
"That's okay. Our bags are all in the boot anyway." Zoë looked over at Martin, seeing him shiver in the fear. "It's gonna be alright." She told him,
"What if it isn't? What if he finds us again? If anything happens to any of you I.." Martin found himself crying, "m-maybe we should change cars- so he doesn't recognise the van- I- i can see if I can find a place-"
"Martin, calm down." Said Zoe, looking into his eyes. "I've called the police. They know he's in the area."
"Wait- how do you know he's been following us? What's going on?! How do you know it's him?!" Asked Ollie, shocked from their teacher's panic.
"Open my laptop." Said Martin.
Ollie did as he said. Scrolling through the photos.
"Shit... he was right there.."
"How didn't we notice him.. last night having dinner, he was right there.." Whispered Martin, feeling haunted.
"When was the last one taken?" Asked Cloda,
"About ten minutes ago.. Zoe was talking about her ex.. when he was right outside."
"Why's he going after us?" Asked Ryan, "I mean I get it that Miss and him split up but that's a bit much.. I mean.. you two didn't know each other when Martha died.. why did he kill her? -sorry sir if that was a bit.."
Zoe looked out the window, "w-what if he was telling the truth.. what if he was innocent.. what if he just wants to see me.."
Martin looked over at Zoe with a hint of disgust in his gaze, "he's not innocent."
"If you'd have seen him in court that day.. he just smiled. He looked Emily in the eyes and almost laughed. He denied nothing. There was nothing innocent about that man."
"Wow sir you're really helping to calm us down." Moaned Ryan, trying to lighten the mood.
Martin continued to shake, covering his mouth.
"Right. Pull over I'm driving." Said Ryan, sternly.
Martin accepted and pulled over onto the hard shoulder before his phone started to ring.
He picked up his phone, looking to see who was calling, but nothing could have prepared him for what he was about to see.
Emily McCafferson calling:
Martins eyes widened with absolute shock,
"What. The. Fuck."

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