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When Martin eventually returned to the breakfast table he saw Cloda look over at him, "that was a long two seconds." She said.
"Sorry." He apologised, sitting down beside Zoë.
"You okay?" Asked Zoë,
"Yeah." Martin looked over at Lucy,
"Did you speak to my dad?" She asked, her smile fading.
"Yeah.." he sighed,
"And is everything okay?" She asked.
Martin nodded, "it should be." He looked over at Ryan, he had noticed that he had been constantly stroking Lucy's back.

After breakfast they arranged to meet in the corridor in half an hour; Martin and Zoe resorted back to their room.
Zoe picked up her things and put them back in her suitcase before sitting down on the bed and catching her breath. Martin sat down beside her,
"We made a bit of a mess last night." She chuckled, looking up at Martin,
"How did that happen?" Asked Martin, putting his hands on her lower back and kissing her before the door jutted opened. Martin suddenly jolted backwards. It was Ollie.
"God's sake Ollie! Learn to knock!" Shouted Martin,
"Sorry!" Shrieked Ollie, "I didn't see anything!"
"What do you need?" Sighed Martin.
"Lucy.. what happened?" He asked, walking into the room.
"I told you what happened." Said Martin,
"Yeah but.. between yesterday and today.. she seems so much better? Did Ryan stay with her last night?" Asked Ollie.
"yeah he did." Replied Martin before catching Ollie's gaze. "Ollie... Get out before you make me think too much into this." Laughed Martin.
"Lock the bloody door before you snog each other." Said Ollie, pointing at him before leaving and closing the door.
Martin walked over to the door and locked it before Zoë walked up behind him and kissed him again, Martin leant her up against the wall lifting Zoe up as she wrapped her legs around Martin's waist. Martin proceeded to unbutton her shirt and lower his hands below her back.

In Ryan and Lucy's room, Lucy was packing up her bag again and brushing her hair. She was wearing a black crop top with black jeans.
Ryan saw her tying up her hair in the mirror and walked up to her.
"You look really pretty today." He told her, gently placing a kiss on her cheek. Lucy smiled at him and put down her hair brush before putting an arm around his neck and kissing him, "Do you think they'll find out about us?" Asked Lucy as Ryan pulled her in for a hug, "just have to wait and see." He replied, kissing her again on her cheek before there was a knock on the door. Ryan sat back down on the bed and Lucy resumed to brushing her hair, "Yeh?!" Called Ryan.
Ollie, Jemma and Cloda walked into the room,
"Hey guys." Said Ryan, standing up, "are we all leaving now?"
"Well, we're supposed to be.. but I think that our teachers are slightly occupied at the moment." Laughed Cloda, sitting down on the bed beside Ryan.
"Oh gosh. Does anyone have the keys?" Asked Lucy, putting her hair in a ponytail.
"Pretty sure that Miss Flynn has them." Replied Jemma, looking up to Ollie who was making eye contact with Ryan, neither of them seemed to understand what they were trying to tell each other.
"You guys okay?" Asked Jemma, laughing slightly.
"Yep." Replied Ryan as they both started laughing.
"Right, who's gonna knock on their door and tell them we're ready?" Asked Ollie,
"Not me!" Laughed Ryan,
"Not me!" Added Lucy,
"Are you guys almost ready?!" Called Martin's voice from outside the door, "we've been waiting for ages!"
Everybody laughed as they opened the door, "liars!" Chuckled Ollie, lifting up his bag.
Martin and Zoe were leaning against the wall with their bags on their backs, they smirked as everyone walked out of Lucy and Ryan's room with narrowed eyes.
"Come on we're gonna be late." Said Zoe, smiling at them.
The day was humid, there was a smell of freshly cut grass and hot tarmac creating this summer aroma.

They walked down towards the van and Martin sat in the driver's seat.
"Are you sure you're alright to drive?" Asked Zoë, sitting beside him.
"Yep. I'm good." He replied, looking over at her and smiling.
"Where are we off to today?" Asked Cloda, cheerfully,
"Lyon! My friend!" Replied Martin, typing in his next address on the satnav.
"I haven't booked a hotel for tonight so we're gonna be staying in the van again." He said, "and if you're all up for it, there's a bar that wants a band to play tonight."
"Sounds cool." Said Ollie, lying back on the seat beside Jemma and smiling at her.
Martin turned the key of the ignition, but it didn't start. He tried again but all he could hear was a rattle.
"Shit." He muttered, opening the door and opening up the hood of the van, before he heard faint giggles from Cloda and Jemma.
"What the hell?!" Laughed Martin, before they saw the hood close back down again with Martin holding up a guitar.
"Why is there a guitar in my bonnet?" Asked Martin.
Ollie's mouth dropped, "that's mine!"  He called.
Martin opened up his door again and passed it in, laughing, "well that's not a common problem."
"Who put my guitar in the bonnet?" Asked Ollie, looking around at everyone before he caught the eyes of Cloda and Jemma. "You two."
Martin and Zoe looked at each other laughing as the argument behind them progressed. Martin tried the keys again and thankfully it worked.
"How'd you even fit it in there?" Laughed Ryan, turning to see them,
"It just slotted in perfectly." Giggled Jemma, "he was going on about how much he loved his guitar and all.. so we figured this was a rightful place to put it."
Martin continued to laugh, "it's an expensive guitar, Gibson." He noted,
"Cost me two grand." Added Ollie,
"Cost you two grand?" Asked Zoë,
"It did indeed. That's two years of working in that shop." Said Ollie.
Martin and Zoe looked at each other and raised an eyebrow,
"Well nobody's made me feel good about my salary until now." Said Martin,
"Well to be fair it was only a Saturday job."
"You gave up your Saturdays for two years for a guitar?" Asked Cloda,
"It was worth it, just look at it." Ollie showed everyone the guitar, "it's just beautiful! I regret nothing!"
"Are you one of those people who fall in love with inanimate objects?" Asked Martin, sniggering,
"It's not inanimate!" Argued Ollie.
Everyone laughed at him,
"Jemma I think you need to take some drastic action." Said Martin, jokingly.
"I thought putting it in your engine was pretty drastic." Laughed Jemma.
"Stop bullying my Gibson." Ollie sulked,
"Well go on then, if it's really beautiful then play it." Said Martin,
"Well I haven't got the amp-"
"Then it's not the guitar it's the amp!" Laughed Martin.
"You guys are the worst. How much was your guitar?" Asked Ollie to Martin.
"I've got seven." He replied,
"Jesus why do you need seven?" Asked Ollie,
"I don't need seven I've just obtained seven and I don't want to sell any of them."
"See, you're attached too." Ollie laughed,
"No I'm not!" Defended Martin,
"Go on, how much was the most expensive one?" Asked Ollie, making Martin bite his lip trying not to smile as he refused to answer.
"Go on." Laughed Zoe, nudging his arm.
"I bought a Martin guitar." He said, blushing, "because I wanted a guitar with my name on it.."
Zoe put her hands over her eyes laughing, "oh my god how do I know you?!" She cried,
"I actually never want to speak to you ever again." Laughed Ollie before asking him again, "and how much did your Martin guitar cost?"
"Nine grand." He gulped.
"Jesus Christ!" Exclaimed Ollie,
"I take back everything I said earlier about Ollie." Said Cloda,
"How can you afford to buy anything else?!" Asked Zoë,
"Great difficulty." Laughed Martin, red in the face from embarrassment, "that guitar was more expensive than my car." He wiped his brow,
"How long ago did you buy it?" Asked Zoë,
"About two months ago!" Laughed Martin, brushing off a tear,
"And do you regret it?" Asked Ollie,
"Yes! I spent a third of my wages on a piece of wood with a couple strings with my name on it! What have I done! I'm so broke!" He replied, crying with laughter.

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