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Zoe was sitting on her bed, flicking brought Twitter when the door knocked.
"Come in." She called, still scrolling until the door opened and Ryan, Jemma and Lucy walked in.
"You guys okay?" She asked, concerned about their neutral expressions.
"Can you talk to Mr McCafferson?" Asked Jemma,
"Y-Yeah? Why? What about?" She asked, putting down her phone and facing them.
"Ollie came out of Mr McCafferson's room in tears, and I've never seen him like that." Said Ryan.
Lucy told Zoe about how Martin looked and reacted with Cloda.
"Is.. is Ollie okay?" Asked Zoë,
"I dunno he hasn't come out of the bathroom." Said Ryan, "he hasn't said a word. He's never like this."
"You guys stick together." Said Zoe, standing up and putting her phone in her back pocket.

Zoe knocked on Martin's door, opening it and closing it quietly behind her.
She took a couple steps, cautiously towards the balcony where she saw him sitting outside .
"Hey.." she began, opening the door and sitting outside beside him.
Martin smiled and looked up at her, but it was a sad smile, all emotion leaked out of it.
"What happened, Martin?" She asked, putting a hand on his knee. "Ryan said that Ollie ran into the bathroom in tears and hasn't come out. What did you say?" Asked Zoe, looking into his red eyes.
Martin looked back at Zoe's lips before moving in and grabbing her waist, but Zoe leaned back,
"No. No, Martin." She told him, sternly. "I had three students in there telling me to come in here and talk to you. I'm not doing this out of kindness or concern for you, I'm doing this for them. Now tell me whats going on."
Martin looked at her, "I'm done, Zoë." He said,
"Why?" She asked,
"I slipped up. I told Ollie about Martha."
"W-what why?" Asked Zoë,
"I-I didn't mean to say it out loud and- and then Ollie.. he lost his little sister, Ellie. I remember her.. she was in Martha's class at school.. must have died just a couple days after Martha."
Zoe looked down, exhaling, "some things we just have to get on with."
Martin nodded, "Cloda went out with that guy last night."
Zoe sighed, "there's nothing more we can do." She said,
"I wish there was.. That band is the only thing I have left and I don't want anything to happen to them."
Zoe put her arms around Martin, "nothings gonna happen to them, you've been through enough. Calm down."
"I know nothing about you, Zoë." Whispered Martin, "nothing."
Zoe broke up the hug and looked into his eyes, "look at me Martin." She ordered, putting her hands on his face and staring into his eyes. "Speak to Ollie and get this right."
Martin nodded, putting a hand on Zoe's shoulder before walking back into his hotel room.
He walked out into the corridor and into Ollie and Ryan's room to see Cloda, Ryan, Jemma and Lucy sitting on one of the beds.
They all looked up at Martin's face in anticipation,
"Is Ollie in there?" He asked, pointing to the bathroom door.
They nodded.
"Guys.. I'm sorry." He sighed, sitting down on a chair opposite. "I triggered something I shouldn't have." He admitted, "but I'll fix this."
"You better." Said Ryan, giving him a smile, "we miss our Ollie."
Martin leaned back against the wall, "how long's he been in there for?"
"About an hour." Said Ryan,
"Have you heard any noise?" Asked Martin, worried in case something awful had happened.
"He turned the shower on a while ago. Nothing since it turned off." Said Ryan before Zoë walked in,
Martin gave a blank smile at her before turning to Jemma.
"Well one of us has to go in." Said Martin, "and it's got to be one of you four."
Everyone looked over to Jemma, who blushed before nodding. "Okay."

Jemma sat down beside Ollie against the bathroom wall. His hair was wet and he wrapped his lower body in a towel.
"Hey.." began Jemma, sitting down beside him against the wall and putting her hands on her knees, looking into Ollie's red dampened eyes.
"What's he done?" Asked Jemma, referring to Martin,
"Nothing.. nothing, it's alright Jem." He Sighed,
"Ollie." She said, taking his hand.
"He- he reminded me of Ellie.." Whispered Ollie,
"Y-your little sister?" Asked Jemma.
"Not anymore, Jemma." Said Ollie as a tear slipped down his face. "I wasn't in hospital two months ago Jemma, I wasn't sick.."
Jemma put a hand over her mouth,
"She died Jem.. she was hit by a car.. I lied to you.." Ollie shivered as Jemma wrapped her arms around him, her eyes watering as she pictured Ollie's little sister; her hair was a light blonde colour with a beautiful fringe. Jemma visioned her in a white dress with a blue cardigan and little navy shoes. She couldnt believe what he had told her.
"And t-the worst part is that.. s-she used to talk about her best friend.. Martha.." Whispered Ollie.
Jemma hugged him hard, pressing her face against his neck as tears fell from her eyes.
"There's nothing I can say to you that you don't already know.." she whispered, rubbing her hands down his bare back.
"I know.." Replied Ollie, pulling apart the hug and staring Jemma in the eyes as he dried his face.
"Jeez now we're both crying." He sniffed, mustering a mere laugh before catching one of Jemma's tears with his thumb. "Is everyone else out there?" He asked,
"Yeah." She replied, smiling at him, and looking down to his lips.
"Then we better make this quick.."
Ollie put one hand on her waist as he leaned in and pressed his lips against hers, gradually letting his towel slip off as he leant over Jemma.

Martin leaned against one wall opposite Zoe who leaned against the wall beside the bathroom door.
"They've stopped speaking." Said Zoe,
"Are you ease-dropping?" Asked Martin, giving a laugh.
"Well I mean I can't hear what they're saying, I just hear nois- we should go."
Martin raised an eyebrow, watching Zoe walk over to Martin and lean beside him.
"W-what?" He asked, chuckling.
"Everyone let's get out!" Called Zoe,
"W-why they can stay?" Questioned Martin,
"I heard kissing!" Whispered Zoe, making Martin's eyes widen,
"OKAY! Everyone out!" Ordered Martin, standing upright.
Laughing, Ryan, Cloda and Lucy walked out of the room followed by Zoe.
Martin knocked on the bathroom door, "you two! Out in five minutes! Fully dressed! Both of you!"
"Don't come in!" Called Ollie,
"I'm not coming in! I've got a clear idea of what's going on now get yourselves out and in the van now! We're going to Disneyland."
"You what?!" Called Ollie,
"Just get out here!"
"Okay give me a moment let me find my towel.."
"Oh sweet god why did we send in Jemma?!" Replied Martin, walking out of the hotel room and closing the door behind him.

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