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The whole world was still.
Martin's stomach dropped, and his heart felt like it was cramping.

After George shot her, she fell straight to the ground, screaming. George was immediately shot dead by the police, and Martin ran straight to Zoe, yelling and cursing, his heart beginning to shatter and his eyes breaking with tears.
"Zoe!" He cried, kneeling down beside her, his hands meeting her face immediately to find her still breathing and crying,
"He missed.." She cried, "he missed he didn't hit me.."
Martin's jaw dropped with relief, and his tears began to stream down his face as he stroked her wet cheeks and pressed his head against hers, before the police dragged him away,
"No! No! I'm staying with her!" He cried, trying to get back to her, stretching his hands out to her before catching a glimpse of the blood on the pavement beside George's body, and covering his mouth with his hands as he was dragged by the arms into the back seat of a police car.
"Zoe will be right behind you; we just need to ask you some questions. This will be recorded as evidence." Said the officer, who spoke fluent English. "is this okay?"
Martin nodded, "Yeah." Covering his eyes and wiping the tears as he looked out the window to Zoë who was helped up.

After about fifteen minutes in the car without her, Martin was desperate to see Zoë. But he was told to wait inside the apartment and try to get some sleep, and that Zoe would be there in a few minutes.
Martin did as he was asked, walking up the stairs and knocking on the door of the apartment.
Ollie opened the door, seeing Martin on his own, with his green eyes illuminated by the redness of his tear duct.
"Oh god.." Ollie breathed, his mouth dropping.
"It's okay.. she's okay.." Martin breathed, covering his mouth with his hand and walking into the main room where everyone had stood for his arrival.
"Where is she?" Asked Jemma,
"She's coming separately." He told her, "guys get some sleep."
They looked around at each other,
"Please." He said, his eyes begging.
The band did as he asked reluctantly, as Martin leaned against the wall, his eyes breaking into a passion of tears.

After what felt like hours, but was only about five minutes, the main door knocked. Martin ran to the door and unlocked it immediately, seeing Zoë at the threshold, barely standing. She passionately brought her arms around his neck as he lifted her up, smashing his lips against hers as he closed the front door and carried her into his bedroom, pressing her up against the wall, continuously kissing her and running his hands up to her thighs which clung around Martin's hips as he brought her down onto the bed, unzipping her dress and letting it drop onto the floor beside his shirt and trousers.

When eventually, they had tired, Zoe and Martin lay facing each other, looking into each other's eyes.
Martin stroked her cheek, his heart beat only now beginning to slow, "I thought I'd lost you." He whispered in a broken voice.
Zoe's eyes watered as she placed her hand on his neck, "I thought I'd lost you too."
Martin bit his lip, "I love you too much."
Zoe kissed him gently on the lips, closing her eyes as he wrapped his arms around her waist.
"I'm sorry about Alex." Said Martin, feeling sick even saying that he pitied the man who killed his daughter.
Zoe shook her head, pulling the covers over her, "lets put the past behind us. Start over." She said, her head resting on the pillow opposite Martin.
"Yeah." He sighed, taking her hand. "I love you."
"I love you too." She replied, smiling at him, making him smile back before they both fell asleep.

In the morning Ollie woke up first; it was 10am. He removed his arm from around Jemma's waist, feeling cautious about entering the main room, hoping that Zoe and Martin were better this morning.
He opened the door to see Martin opening up some of the cupboards in the kitchen area.
"Hey." Greeted Ollie, shocked to see him up already. Martin turned around,
"Hey." He replied, placing two mugs on the counter, "I'm making coffee- you want a cup?"
"No thanks I'm good." Ollie responded, "h-how are you?"
Martin nodded as he looked down, biting his lip, "Yeah.. okay."
"And how is Miss?" He added,
"Getting there." Martin replied,
"Is she hurt?"
"Just a couple cuts and bruises.." he told him, recalling those ten seconds where he thought she was dead.
"Who.. if you don't mind me asking.. who was he?" Asked Ollie, sitting down on one of the bar stools,
"I- he.. it doesn't matter, he's dead now." Muttered Martin,
"Dead?" Gasped Ollie, "Jesus Sir, he knew you- did you know him?"
Martin nodded, "a little bit, Yeah."  He picked up the two coffee's and began to walk towards his room.
"I'm really sorry, sir." Said Ollie,
"Don't be." Martin replied, opening the door, "you did us proud last night on stage."
"I lied last night." Interjected Ollie, making Martin look back at him.
"What?" Asked Martin, trying to recall any conversations he had had with him.
"You're a pretty good teacher, Mr Martini."
Martin laughed as a response, and Ollie smiled at him as he walked into his bedroom and closed the door behind him.

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