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It was weird without Ryan. Jemma played the piano, Ollie played the guitar, Cloda sang and Lucy played the bass.. but there was no beat, no rhythm.
The teachers hadn't appeared either.
After running through one of their songs, Ollie put his guitar down, sighing.
"I'm not feeling it guys.. it's not the same without Ryan." He said,
"Are Mr McCafferson and Miss Flynn coming in?" Asked Cloda, taking a seat.
"Don't know- she went to the funeral, right?" Jemma interjected,
"Yeah- and she went to Mr McCafferson's house afterwards- I saw her knock on the door, she was soaked." Said Lucy, who lived across the road from Mr McCafferson's house.
"Did she go home?" Asked Ollie, sniggering slightly.
"I... don't know.." giggled Lucy, "if she did it was very late."
Jemma raised her eyebrows at Ollie as they broke into a laugh.

Then, at last, the door clumped open and Zoe and Martin scrambled in.
"Morning!" Laughed Ollie, with a hint of surprise.
" 'Ello.." moaned Martin, flopping onto his chair. Zoe sat beside him in another black leather office chair as they gave a huge exhale.
"You two okay?" Asked Cloda, chuckling.
"Yep.." said Martin, putting his hands on his hungover head.
"Oh bugger I forgot to get coffee.." he moaned, "I need coffee.."
"I'm not getting one for you." Groaned Zoë, her head leaning against Martin's as she began to fall asleep again.
"You guys have a rough night?" Laughed Ollie, Zoe was almost completely asleep.
"Oh god..." said Martin, "don't even talk about last night."
Jemma turned off the keyboard and covered her eyes sniggering.
"They're wearing the same clothes as they wore yesterday." Chuckled Lucy quietly to Ollie,
"Didn't think they'd get off with each other that soon." Ollie laughed, looking over at the two teachers who were now both fast asleep, head to shoulder.
"I think we better make them both a coffee before they get sacked." Said Cloda, smirking.

After about five minutes, Ollie, Cloda, Lucy and Jemma walked back into the classroom with four cups of coffee.
Both teachers were fast asleep, Zoe's head leaning on Martin's shoulder.
"What do we do?" Whispered Jemma to Ollie.
"Put it under their noses and maybe they'll wake up." Replied Ollie, taking a step forward towards the teachers and putting one of the mugs of coffee under Mr McCafferson's nose before jumping back with laughter.
Still, the teachers lay asleep.
"They totally banged last night." Laughed Ollie.
"No we didn't." Everyone turned around, it was Martin that spoke, "we just got really drunk and fell asleep." His eyes were still closed,
"Are you awake, sir?" Laughed Ollie,
"N..no." He responded.
"We've got coffee." Said Cloda,
"Thanks.." moaned Martin, his eyes slowly opening. He put his arm around Zoe, nudging her back,
"Zoë. Zoe get up we've got coffee." He muttered as Miss Flynn gradually opened her eyes.
"W-where?" She asked, adjusting.
"eleven o'clock." Said Martin.
"It's on the table you numpty." Laughed Ollie, handing Martin a mug. "Woah I've never seen people this hungover."
"We're running on about half an hour of sleep..." said Martin, taking a sip of the coffee. "I think I'm still drunk."
"You two are gonna have to sober up before the junior classes." Said Cloda.
"Shit.." groaned Martin, gulping the coffee.
"-you just swore, Martin." Said Zoe, who had already downed one of the mugs.
"Sorry.." Added Martin before looking at Zoe's empty mug. "Oh my god! How did you do that?!"
"I can do it with shots, I can do it with coffee." She said, winking to Martin.
"You were crazy last night my lady!" He acknowledged, putting his arm around her shoulder,
"Takes a lotta booz to get you to spill out the truth." Laughed Zoe, turning to Martin and putting a hand on his chest and looking into his eyes, "I know all your deepest, darkest secrets." She giggled, "-trouble is I was so drunk I don't even remember them."
"Do you two need your own space..?" Asked Ollie, nervously laughing as he packed away his guitar.
"Nah. I've got to book this bloody bus for the trip." Groaned Martin, swinging over to the computer with one arm still around Zoe's neck, holding her close.
Ollie gave a smile, "Hey, have you two kissed yet?" He asked,
"Nah. I was sad and we just ranted to each other about life and stuff." Responded Martin, still not fully awake. Zoe leaned her head against Martin's arm, grinning.
"Are you happy now?" Asked Ollie, helping Jemma pack away her keyboard,
"I'm alright." He said, exhaling. He smiled but that was the mask of alcohol. He, himself, didn't even know that he was sad.
"Well come on then, fix your tie, sir. You may as well look presentable if you're not gonna act it." Said Ollie, walking over to Martin. "Come on, stand up." He ordered,
"What are you on about, Ollie?" Laughed Martin, refusing to stand up.
"You too Miss." said Cloda, pulling out a small make-up bag.
"Seriously..?" Moaned Zoë, pulling herself out of Martin's grasp and standing up.
Cloda took out a small Clarins moisturiser and handed it to Zoe along with a small mirror.
"Clarins.." observed Martin, "Emily has that." He said as Ollie re-tied his tie.
Zoe's smile faded immediately with the mention of Emily. She didn't want to correct him and say 'Emily had that' so she just looked down, rubbing in some concealer under her eyes and looking blankly at the wall.
Ollie was doing Mr McCafferson's tie when the penny dropped. Martin realised what he had said before nudging Ollie out of the way and walking out of the classroom and into the bathroom where he was sick.
"I'm sorry.." said Ollie, from behind Zoe.
"It's okay." She said, looking down.
"Should I go and see if he's-"
"Leave him be." Said Zoe, "he needs to be alone."

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