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By mid day everyone was ready to leave to go and see Natasha Devangie.
Martin was brushing product through his dark brown hair before he heard his phone ring.
He looked down to see who was calling before seeing George & Michelle flash upon the screen.. Emily's parents, he hadn't spoken to them since the funeral.
He didn't want to answer it, but he did anyway, just in case there was any news.
"H-hello.." Answered Martin, unsteadily.
"Where are you, Martin?" Asked George in a low menacing voice.
"I'm out. Why?" He asked.
"You've been out for over a week now." Deduced George.
"So? What's this got to do with you?" Asked Martin, clutching his mobile between his ear and his shoulder as he put on his shoes.
"Two weeks ago my daughter and your wife hung herself from the banisters." Said George, bluntly.
Martin went silent, walking out of the hotel door to see the others dressed casually but with class.
"I- I really can't speak right now." Said Martin, turning away.
"Yes you can." Insisted George,
"No I-"
"I sold the house." He told Martin.
Martin paused, making a soft questioning of disbelief, "w-what house?"
"Your house."
Martin's eyes widened and his stomach boiled with nausea.
"N-no you didn't. You couldn't."
Martin tried not to alert any of the band or Zoe, so he kept his voice low.
"Where are you, Martin?" Growled George.
"Piss off. I'm of no relation to you."
"You're my son in law."
Martin bit his lip so hard he almost tasted blood as George continued to taunt him.
"You had a family, and you just threw it away. All those little happy memories-"
"Are you done?!" Shouted Martin, breathing heavily.
"I sold your house for two hundred and fifty thousand. Michelle and I have bought ourselves a holiday home in Scotland."
"You can't do that!" Called Martin, looking back at Zoe who had grown concerned, "sorry.. two minutes.." he pardoned himself.
"Are you with a girl?" Asked George,
"That house belongs to me!" Yelled Martin.
"You were married to my daughter, now she's dead. I get the property."
"But I paid for the damn thing! I have the bills! I have the receipts!"
"Do you really think that you deserve all of that money to yourself? I know you aren't the best but I thought you had morals somewhere in there." Said George with a pitying tone.
"I don't believe you." Muttered Martin, "I know you've always hated me but this is too far."
"Martin; you killed my daughter and granddaughter, the least-"
Martin hung up on him. He leant up against the outside wall, looking up at the sky, feeling tortured and trapped. Some people, like Zoe, told him that he was in the right, but then George never ceased to convince him that he was wrong.

Zoe walked outside with the rest of the band behind her, she caught Martin's eye,
"What's up?" She asked him,
"Nothing, it's fine." He replied, faking a smile and walking up towards them.
"You sure?" Asked Zoë, patting his back as he walked towards the van with his black bomber jacket on over his white shirt.
"Yeah, Yeah." He responded indifferently, taking out his keys and unlocking the van. Attached to those keys was the house key.
Martin exhaled loudly with anger, telling himself that there was no way that George would have been able to sell his house.
Martin sat down on the driver's seat and scrolled through his emails to find any evidence of a change of his house insurance.
"I can drive if you want." Offered Zoë.
"No, no I'm good..." said Martin before he found an email from his lawyer.
"Oh god.." he breathed, "actually.."
Zoe took his place in the driver's seat while Martin sat down at the back of the bus and rang his lawyer. He hated doing this, he hated sorting out finances and personal issues. He had been in contact with his lawyer frequently because of the divorce and Martha.

Zoe heard the muffled voice of Martin who seemed concerned about something. He didn't know who he was talking to but she assumed that it was important and henceforth didn't disturb him till he put down his phone and leaned back against the window with his eyes wide in shock.
"You okay, Martin?" Asked Zoë, looking at him in the rear-view mirror and seeing some of the others turn to look.
Martin, knowing that the others knew he wasn't okay, simply raised his eyebrows and nodded, "Yeah I'm good." He replied, faking a smile and walking back up to the passenger seat.
"You look a little stressed." She said.
Martin shook his head, "it's fine. Do you know how to get to the auditorium?"
"Yeah, been there before."
"Really, when?" He asked, looking at her as she bit her bottom lip and smiled,
"Band tour." She said, smirking.
"Cool! Didn't know the college toured in Rome." Martin said, raising his eyebrows and looking to Zoe as she drove on.
"It was more for competitions. Cool though, Rome. Although my favourite city has to be Florence." Said Zoe.
"Really? Florence is my favourite city too." Martin added,
"There's something about that place that I just really love." Said Zoe,
"Good vibes." Martin replied,
"We should go there." Intruded Ollie, leaning his arm on Martin's headrest.
Martin scrunched his lips to one side, "mmm.."
"I don't see why not? It's on the way back, isn't it?" Said Ollie,
"I suppose it is." Replied Zoë, "What do you think?" She asked Martin.
Martin shrugged his shoulders, "I'm sure I could book a place just outside the city." He offered, "oh- Zoe, Germany or Switzerland?"
"Based on going home?" Asked Zoë, "Germany would be cheaper, I suppose."
"I've never been to Germany." Said Martin, "be nice to go."
"We could pop into Berlin." Added Zoë, "could be nice."
"Awesome, lets go to Germany then." Said Martin, taking out his notebook in which he planned everything before sighing and taking out his phone, with a sinking feeling in his gut as he decided to check his bank balance only to see £0.00 remaining.
Martin immediately pushed his hand up to his dropping mouth. He felt like he was going to be sick.
"Martin. Martin seriously tell me what's going on." Ordered Zoe, grabbing the phone out of Martin's shaking hand.
"Who did this to you?!" She gasped.
"What happened?" Asked Cloda from behind, briefly touching Ollie's shoulder before wincing away.
"When's the next payday?" Asked Zoë,
"Payday isn't gonna solve this there's nothing left!"
"It'll give you a grand more than you currently have!" Justified Zoë, "who stole it, have you contacted your bank?"
"My lawyer said..." Martin breathed deeply, "my lawyer said that my house has been sold.."
"You need to call the police." Said Zoe.
"Under circumstances.. the case is not in my favour."
"What circumstances? As if you weren't having a tough enough few months! When I leave, you can have my house." Said Zoe.
"No. You need to be able to afford a house in Philly."
"You could come with me." Said Zoe, looking over and catching him with her beautiful emerald eyes.
"I couldn't afford to." He replied,
"If money didn't exist, would you come with me?" Asked Zoë, gazing at him once again.
"Maybe I would." Martin replied, smiling back at her.

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