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After they calmed down slightly, all seven of them looked at each other.
"Should I call the number?" Asked Martin.
"Yes!" Squeaked Zoë,
Martin took a deep breath, copying the number from Cloda's phone and grinning at the buzzing students.
"You guys.." he laughed before ringing the number, feeling his chest rise and fall as he listened to the ringing of the phone.
"Hello?" Answered an American lady voice, Martin's mouth dropped, is that Natasha?!
"H-hi I'm the Martin McCafferson- I'm the manager for the Missing Martha band-"
"Oh my gosh- hi! I'm Natasha! Can I just say what a great job you've done with that band! They're amazing?! How old are they all?"
Martin's eyes and mouth widened as he mimed enthusiastically "ITS HER!"
"T-thank you so much- they're sixteen and seventeen- just out of school and they're huge fans of you." He replied, incredibly nervous and fanning himself with the shock.
"Oh my gosh they're so cute! Listen I'd love to meet up? I'm in Italy at the moment on tour- I could pay for your flights over, I'd love them to play with me in Rome."
"W-we're all actually in the south of France on a mini tour at the moment- we can drive over? W-when would be most convenient?" He asked, blushing highly as the kids chewed their fingers in anticipation.
"Well the gig is on saturday- could we meet up on Friday?" She Asked,
"Y-Yeah of course!"
"I'll text you the deets on this number right?"
Martin nodded, "Yeah- Yeah that would be amazing."
"Alright well- see you in Rome on Friday?" Asked Natasha.
Martin nodded, "thank you so much, yes we'll definitely be there."
After Natasha hung up Martin dropped his phone and his mouth jutted open.
"D-did I just speak to a pop star?!" He breathed,
"What did she say?!" Shouted Jemma in excitement.
"You've got a gig in Rome on Saturday night... w-with Natasha Devangie! You're meeting her on Friday for practice and stuff.. I'm sorry I need to breathe." He laughed, rubbing his hands down his face.
"Oh my god!!" Screamed Zoë, "you guys!"
Cloda had tears streaming down her eyes as she leaned back against Lucy whose mouth was wide open and her eyes were watering. Jemma had her arms around Ollie and Ryan was reaching around reading Natasha's message over and over again.

After a long period of recalibration, Martin took a deep breath and turned on the engine. "Well then a gig tonight is in order to practice!" He burst out.
"I've never seen him look so shocked!" Laughed Zoe,
"It's not that I thought you weren't capable- it's just that.. oh my god it actually happened!" He said, indicating back onto the road. "Like.. you're sixteen! And Natasha! Natasha Devangie!"
"Martin." Interjected Zoë,
Martin looked over at her and she put her hand on his face, swiping her thumb across his cheeks.
"Oh my god I didn't even realise." He laughed, wiping his tears with the back of his wrist.
"You've made your teacher very proud." Giggled Zoe, rubbing Martin's shoulder.
"I'm gonna show her you guys playing Yellow Submarine." Said Martin,
"No! No no no no!" Laughed Ollie, reaching into the glove compartment and grabbing Martin's laptop.
"Personal property! You can't touch that!" Called Martin, laughing and feeling helpless as he continued driving.
"I need to eliminate all evidence of Beatles being associated with us from this laptop!" Chuckled Ollie, opening it up and being greeted with a lock screen. "Shit, password.." Muttered Ollie,
"Ha Ha!" Laughed Martin.
Ollie narrowed his eyes and typed in martha. It was incorrect. He then tried martha120513 using Martha's birthdate and it unlocked.
"Yes!" He yelled, immediately clicking on videos.
"W-what?!" Called Martin, looking in the rear-view mirror. "No you didn't!"
Ollie scrolled through his hundreds of videos trying to find the old recordings of the band.
"Will I find it quicker if I go back to the start?" Asked Ollie to Ryan who sat beside him.
"No!" Yelled Martin. "Don't look through my stuff!"
"Oh my god can we look at your first dance?" Called Ollie.
"No!" Shouted Martin again, but Ollie played it anyway.

The room was dimly lit, Emily's hair was down and curled, her long white dress reached the floor and trailed slightly. There was a mesh lining on top of it, her shoulders were exposed as she stood in front of Martin who was wearing a white shirt tucked into his back trousers, the first buttons were undone and a black tie was becoming loose. When the music started both of them looked at each other and started laughing before Martin gently placed his hand on Emily's waist and she reached for his shoulder. Their other hands were connected as they slowly began to take their first dance.
"This is so bloody romantic I can't take it." Laughed Ryan.
Martin had twirled Emily, making her giggle as she reverted back to him and put her arms around his neck, looking up at him before kissing him which was followed by hooting from the crowd.
"Ollie! Turn that bloody thing off!" Yelled Martin from the driver's seat.
"She was so pretty!" Complimented Lucy.
Ollie watched them dance and kiss on the video, "I don't mean to trigger anything but that doesn't look like an arranged marriage." He said.
"We were very drunk, and it was our wedding day." Justified Martin, "please, Ollie turn the damn thing off."
Zoe stood up and walked down the van to Ollie, lifting up the laptop before the car in front made a sudden break and Martin had to immediately do the same. Zoe was thrown to the front of the van, but Martin reached out to catch her, bringing her into his arms before there was a huge crash from behind making him smash his head against the window and black out.

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