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Martin continued to drive along the road until he reached the euro tunnel, he parked in the car park and leant back in his seat, looking lovingly over at Zoë who had barely stopped looking at him since he started driving.
"Wuzzup?" He asked, smirking at her.
She smiled back, her brows narrowing.
"You gonna help me get these train tickets?" He asked her, opening the glove compartment and lifting out his wallet, briefly glancing at the first aid kit with a drop of blood on one of the hinges before he closed the compartment and looked up at her again.
"I sure will." She replied, opening her door.
"We'll be five minutes." Explained Martin to the back seats.
"Alright." Ollie responded, half asleep.
The teachers climbed out of the van and walked together towards the large shopping area. Martin felt another jab of abdominal pain where Jemma had placed stitches last night. He breathed deeply and tried to stand up straight.
"Are you alright?" Asked Zoë, noticing his uncertain countenance.
"Yeah- stitches just hurt a bit." He replied, his hand pressed against his back as he attempted to stretch, but it only made his wound sting more.
"Those stitches should have healed by now." Said Zoe, "we need to get you to a hospital when we get home."
"Honestly, I think I probably just need to lie down more and take it easy." Martin replied, "I'll stop lifting Ryan everywhere."
"Yeah, stop showing off how strong you are, I already fancy you." Zoë said quietly as he laughed and put his hands on her hips, kissing her forehead before he decided to remain in the embrace, his face becoming sincere as he held her close, remembering what Jemma had said to him,
'If those stitches come loose again you're definitely gonna die.'
"You're my whole world, you know that?" He told her as she looked up at him.
"Are you okay?" She asked, looking up while they moved up in the queue.
Martin nodded indifferently in response, walking up to the man at the desk and speaking to him, receiving the tickets before returning to Zoë.
"Martin..." she urged, beginning to get more concerned, "what's up with your stitches?"
"Oh nothing, they just hurt a little. Nothing a few painkillers can't fix." Martin replied, feeling guilty for lying but equally not wanting to add unnecessary stress to her.
They walked back to the van, the blue sky fading as the clouds dispersed. Martin opened up Zoe's door for her before he climbed in the other side and sat in the driver's seat.
"You ready to go?" He asked, turning around and looking at the five students who sat in the back seats, sadly smiling at their teachers.
"You've all been amazing." Said Zoe, glancing sweetly at them all.
"So have you." Lucy replied, smiling at both of them.
"Thank you for coming." Martin said sincerely, taking a deep exhale before looking out the front of the van, "let's get this van home before it breaks down, shall we?" He laughed. Turning on the engine and driving into the tunnel.

No one was particularly happy about going home, but they knew their time together had to end eventually, and inevitably that day was today.

After half an hour they were back in England, Martin took a deep breath in, not sure if he was relieved or sad to be back. The weather was beautiful, it didn't feel much different to Italy or France, and Martin just kept on driving through the day, turning off the GPS as he knew the way by heart now.
Everyone recognised the roads now as he travelled into Wales nearing to Swansea. They wanted to speak but felt that they had nothing else to say, they just loved being around each other, and couldn't believe that those three weeks were over.
"God I'm gonna miss you guys." Sighed Ollie, breaking the silence as Martin drove down the ever familiar roads.
"Speak for yourself, I'll be happy to get a night's sleep!" Laughed Ryan sarcastically from the bed.
"You will?! You're the one who spends 50% of your time snoring." Chuckled Lucy,
"-says the one that voluntarily sleeps with me." Ryan Replied as Lucy laughed, rubbing his shoulder before leaning against him, her eyes watering.
"Seriously what am I gonna do without all you weirdos?" Asked Jemma, leaning her head against Ollie's and sadly smiling.
"I love you all so much." Cloda added, "honestly, I can't imagine what my life will be like without you guys in it."
Martin and Zoe looked over at each other briefly as they listened into the conversation,
"I'm just gonna put this out there... you five are awesome. And I hope that you never forget that or let anyone tell you otherwise. You're all insanely good musicians and also just great people and I feel so blessed to have met you all." Said Zoe, looking back at them all.
"Yeah, they're alright." Agreed Martin, causing a laugh from everyone as he continued to drive along the coast road, only minutes away from their homes.
"Right, Ryan, I think it's best if I drop you home, alright?" Suggested Martin.
"If you want rid of me that badly." Laughed Ryan, "Yep. You can plonk me on the sofa with a good book to do me till the end!"
Martin shook his head, sighing sadly, "jeez, Ryan. It better be The Lord Of The Rings."
"Extended version? And add all the prequels." Added Zoe.
"Oh you guys are funny.." Ryan laughed, wishing he was capable of moving, "oh crap, I can't even hold a book.. for God's sake.. it'll have to be an audiobook."
Martin was chewing the inside of his mouth, he hated being unable to fix Ryan's health. He hated not having control.
"Can't even hold a drum stick..." Ryan sighed, "god... I'm sorry guys.."
Martin leaned his hand over his mouth which was beginning to shiver.
"You have absolutely nothing to be sorry about." Said Martin, breathing deeply as his emotions began to break.
"I do, Mr McCafferson." Said Ryan, "I always will. But thanks for this trip.. thanks for these memories, no tumour can ever take them away from me."

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