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"What's up?" Asked Ollie, facing Martin on the seat adjacent to him, who's eyes had flushed from their tension.
Martin shook his head, sniffing, "it's alright." He lied.
"It's obviously not- was it something about your house?" Asked Ollie, which was information he gathered from eavesdropping on his phone call with Zoe.
"Yeah.. George.. he obviously took possession over it and got it demolished." Martin admitted, sitting up slightly.
"God.. sir I'm so sorry. It's all gone?" Asked Ollie, with sincere sympathy.
"Just rubble now." He sighed in response, "Y'know what, it might be for the best. Lucy'll have a clear view of the sea without my house in the way."
Lucy looked back from the seat in front of them before she stood up and sat beside Martin, quite suddenly pulling him into a comforting embrace, because he had always been there for her when she needed someone.
Martin felt himself relax a little, but at the same time he felt himself breaking.
Just a couple hours till Zoë comes back..
Martin felt Lucy's warm cheek press against his, which were still wet with tears.
He closed his eyes and exhaled, surprised by Lucy's soothingness.
"Are you cheating on me with my teacher?" Called Ryan from the front, giving a slight smile.
"I'm just giving him a hug, Ryan!" Lucy replied, giving a sympathetic grin as she rubbed his back and broke away the hug.
"Lucy's a massive cheater- you'd better be warned." Jemma laughed, they all were unconsciously cooperating to cheer their teacher up.
"I am not!" Lucy defended,
"Who was that guy you used to go out with? Danny what's-his-face?" Asked Cloda,
"-I hated that prick." Intruded Ryan, causing a few laughs.
"We never went out." Dismissed Lucy,
"You said you'd go with Danny to the end of year club and then you were caught snogging some other guy the next day in the courtyard." Reminded Ollie,
"Hey you were almost caught snogging in the courtyard too." Lucy replied,
"Good one." Chuckled Martin, amused by his students.
"Don't you get us started with the amount of times you've been caught snogging- you're supposed to be the teacher!" Exclaimed Ryan from the driver's seat.
Martin gave a laugh, even though he still had tears in his eyes, "I don't reckon I've been caught snogging anyone."
"No he's been caught literally every time he goes to kiss Miss Flynn by me, completely by accident." Chuckled Ollie.
"That's just you being a pervert, Ollie." Added Cloda, smirking at him.
"Thanks love!" Ollie replied with a surprised gaze.
Jemma looked around, "seriously though, you and Miss Flynn are the funniest couple, you persevered for so long it was actually painful."
Martin laughed, not realising how noticeable his endurance had been.
"When is she coming back?" Asked Lucy, knowing he liked thinking of her.
"In about four, five hours or so." He replied.
"Woah- I thought she was coming back tomorrow!" Exclaimed Cloda.
"So did I. She just couldn't keep away from us." Martin told them, still feeling numb, but the ice was slowly melting.
"Didn't give you enough time to buy a ring!" Exclaimed Ollie,
Martin laughed, shaking his head as another tear leaked from his eye, he couldn't help thinking of the memories from that house.
"Is there anything that could be done to fix this?" Asked Cloda, sitting close to him.
"Nope." Martin sighed, sniffing, "I've just gotta get on with it." He tried to regain control over himself. "House shopping should be fun- I've never been house shopping before.."
"You'll never have to." Responded a voice that sounded almost exactly like Zoe's.
Martin sat up like a dog with pricked ears, as did the others, except Ollie and Cloda, who found themselves sitting beside each other and laughing continuously.
"God's sake it's just Cloda and her impressions!" Chuckled Jemma,
"Impressions?" Questioned Martin, his jaw opening slightly in surprise,
"Oh she's not back at it again, is she?!" Laughed Ryan from the front seats, "Cloda can do a cracking Miss Flynn impression."
"Really- go on do another one!" Encouraged Martin, genuinely intrigued.
"I-I don't know what to say." Giggled Cloda,
"Don't try too hard or you'll get him aroused." Whispered Ollie,
"I bloody heard that!" Martin repelled his eyes wide in surprise.
"Ollie!" Exclaimed Cloda in Zoe's voice.
Martin's mouth opened again, "bloody hell you're amazing at this!"
Cloda found herself standing up and walking up behind Martin's seat,
"Martin?" She mimicked.
"Yes Zoe?" He chuckled, forcing himself not to look behind as it would ruin the effect.
"When are you gonna put the ring on me?" She whispered into his ear, strangely luring him in as he began to close his eyes.
"Just you wait." He whispered back, trying to stop himself from getting too enthralled.
"I'll never stop waiting." She replied, utterly capturing Martin.
"Jesus stop it or you'll get me arrested!" Laughed Martin, forcing himself out of his trance.
"Don't worry sir; I'd have stopped you if you tried to snog her!" Laughed Lucy,
"She doesn't kiss the same as Miss Flynn." Informed Ryan,
"-and you'd know that how?" Asked Martin,
"Oh yes that's right- him and Cloda has a little fling a couple years ago." Said Jemma, "forgot about that!"
"Really? I never saw you two as any more than friends." Responded Martin before the penny dropped, "and how would you know how Miss Flynn kisses?"
Ryan began laughing as his face flushed, "Well I mean- I'd imagine Zoe'd be a bit more.. subtle."
Martin's mouth dropped as he burst out laughing, "Okay! TMI!" He insisted, finding in a masochistic kind of craving for his girlfriend. "You don't say these sort of things to your teacher!"
"-you would've!" Was Ollie's comeback.
"What? -oh Christ I told you about her didn't I?!" Cursed Martin, laughing at himself for being so drunk and revealing his first crush, "I'm so sorry- forget about her."
"You've got a better girlfriend now, you're not quite as slutty." Ollie noted,
"Yeah so do you." Martin responded.
Ollie awkwardly smiled, "ehh... yeah whatever floats your boat."
Martin raised an eyebrow, "Okay, not a girlfriend, but a friend-with-benefits-who-you-fancy-a-lot-but-are-too-scared-to-make-a-move-on?"
Ollie began laughing again, so did Jemma in the seat in front,
"Nailed it!" Commented Ryan, sending back a thumbs up from the driver's seat.

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