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As Martin parked outside his house he felt a chill run through him.
He looked at the front door, the glass beside it had been fixed after the break in, but the memories hadn't.
Three months ago some bastard crashed through that window with a gun and shot his daughter.
Nothing had changed.
The killer was caught, thankfully. And the trial was today at 4pm, hence why Mr McCafferson had left school early to pick up his ex-wife to go to court.

Martin unlocked the door and closed it behind him.
The house felt cold, dark and gloomy. The ghost of a family home.
"Emma?" Called Martin, putting down his bag in the hall.
"Hey.." murmured Emma from another room.
Martin followed the voice into Martha's old bedroom.
"Em.." he began, neither of them had been in that room after the incident, they couldn't bear it.
Emma's dark brown hair trailed down her back as she sat on her dead daughter's bed, not focusing on anything as her eyes were fixed straight ahead.
Slowly, Martin sat down beside her.
"Hey Emma.." he began, rubbing her back with one hand as he looked around at the pink walls of Martha's old bedroom.
"We're never going to get our lives back after this are we?" She whispered, her eyes watering.
Martin shook his head, taking her hand.
"Come on let's go back into the living room." Martin suggested, putting an arm around her waist as a tear fell from Emma's eye.
Emma stood up, sniffing, she walked over beside Martin into the living room.
"When are you moving out?" Asked Emma, sitting down on the sofa beside Martin.
"Not yet. I'm waiting till you're better." He responded,
"Well then you'll be waiting the rest of my life." She snapped.
Martin sighed, standing up,
"Have you eaten?" He asked, changing the subject,
"Y-yeh I had a sandwich a couple hours ago." She replied, wiping her eyes.
"I do care about you, y'know." Said Martin, looking down at Emily.
"You divorced me."
"That's why I divorced you." Said Martin, "There's somebody out there that you're going to fall in love with without being forced."
Emily shook her head, "I don't know, Martin." She sighed, standing up and leaving, going into her bedroom to change her clothes.
Martin cautiously made his way back into Martha's bedroom.
He just looked down, feeling so horrible.
"Hey Martha.." sighed Martin, looking at the small pink bed in the corner, picturing her little head popping over the covers that were still crinkled from her last sleep.
He was surprised when a tear streamed from his eye, Martin hadn't expected to cry anymore.
Ready to go, he made his way back outside and into the car with Emily.
"You okay Emma?" He asked her, staring into her darkened eyes.
"Will he be there?" She asked,
"The man who shot her?"
Martin hesitated before nodding.
"Yeh I think so."
Emily bit her lip, her eyes turning red again.
"Hey.." Martin began, knowing that Emma was doubting herself again. He placed his hand on her chin, wiping the tears from her cheeks.
"We can do this." He said, glaring into her eyes.
"No I can't!" Cried Emily, but before she could turn away Martin  pulled her into a hug and pressed his lips against her's. He didn't love her anymore, he hadn't loved her in years. But he knew that there was no other way to relax her.

Meanwhile, driving through the city, Ryan and the rest of the band were going home.
Ryan was seventeen and had just got his drivers license.
"I can't wait for the band tour!" Exclaimed Jemma, sitting in the passenger seat.
"I know it's gonna be amazing." Said Lucy from the back.
When they eventually reached Lucy's house, they all hypothesised about the tour.
"Hey do you think Mr McCafferson and Miss Flynn will get along?" Asked Ollie.
Ryan started to laugh, "yeah she's about his age."
"Not like tha-"
Ollie was cut off when everyone noticed the same thing.
The car on the other side of the road where Martin and his wife were kissing.
"Oh lord." Said Cloda as their eyebrows raised in surprise.
"well there goes that idea." Added Ryan.
"No wait- she's crying- they're both crying." Noticed Jemma.
"I really don't want to look at my teacher snogging someone." Said Ryan, starting drive on.
"No wait!" Said Lucy.
Emma split apart from Martin, shaking her head.
"I can't go." She dictated,
"I cannot go!" She yelled, getting out of the car.
Martin followed her out, running back onto the pavement he took hold of her hands.
"Let go of me!" She yelled, walking back towards the house.
"Please! Emily please!" Cried Martin, a tear falling from his eye, "please don't let me go to this one alone. I can't do this without you."
"Martin.. I'm sorry.. I can't look at the person who killed my daughter. I can't do that." Said Emily.
"Just prove that you're stronger than him. Come on." Said Martin, "do it for Martha."
Hearing that name made Emma fall back against the wall in tears.

The band watched them intently from Ryan's car across the road,
"Oh my god what happened.." sighed Jemma, seeing her teacher hug this lady while his face went white with tears. No one had seen Mr McCafferson like this before.
"We should go." Said Ryan, looking back at everyone.
"Yeh.." agreed Ollie, nodding with shock.

Missing MarthaWhere stories live. Discover now